Chapter 45

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As it turned out, Raizel wasn't happy to see anyone, especially me. He glowered at the door as I walked in. It seemed in his time alone, he had time to dwell on the fact I nearly died, and the fresh blood on my clothes didn't help. He took one look at me and told everyone else to leave.

I grabbed Lazark's hand, keeping him from going anywhere. "No," I said. "They shouldn't have to leave because you are angry. So, what? I nearly died, and it wasn't the first time."

"But this time, it would have been your own fault. You were going to let Rael Kertia kill you. You were ready to leave me!" Raizel yelled. I drew back in shock. It was the first time I had ever heard him raise is voice, and it was at me. Even Frankie, who was standing behind him, flinched.

"I will never be ready to leave you," I said softly. I reached out to touch his face. He pulled away.

"But you were going to anyway," Raizel was back to his quiet self.

"What did you expect me to do? Break my oath and harm Rael? I could never do that, not when they and Frankie were the only things I had in this world for so long." I felt my powers begin to swirl around me. I struggled to control them. To use them now could easily spell out my death from using too much energy. To keep this from happening, I gritted my teeth and stalked out the door, calling for Lazark to join me.

Lazark leaned against the side of the mansion, watching as I paced. "What did he mean that you were going to let Rael kill you?" Lazark's voice was soft.

I paused in my pacing. "You don't want to know." I resumed.

He grabbed my arm and turned me to face him. "I may not want to, but I need to."

Crossing my arms, I sighed. "I wouldn't fight Rael, not really. I defended but never attacked. He exploited this, but my little brothers intervened. I told them to leave. When I was sure they were safe, I told Rael I wouldn't fight him anymore. I was going to let him kill me. Rael was about to kill me when Frankie and Raziel appeared. I can only assume my little brothers went looking for them."

Lazark's eyes widened before narrowing in rage. He bowed to me. "I will track him down at once. He needs to be punished for his actions."

"No," I said sharply. I turned away. "Rael needs time to figure things out. Let him. He will come back when he is ready."

"Are you sure, Aunt? Rael is misguided. I do not know what he is capable of anymore," Lazark whispered the next part, lowering his head. "I have failed him."

I turned back to him and lifted his chin. "You did not fail him. Most children go through a troubled phase, which is what Rael is going through right now. He will come around."

Lazark's eyes were downcast. "I was never like that."

"That's because you became family leader so early," I said.

Lazark looked at me then with vulnerability on his face. "I wish my father were still here. He would know how to deal with Rael better than I would," The barest hint of tears coated his eyes. "I miss my father."

I immediately engulfed Lazark in a hug. "I miss him, too."


Lazark left not long after that due to an explosion rocking the land. I headed back inside to face whatever anger Raizel still had left. Normally, I wouldn't be too worried, but he had yelled at me, something that had never happened before. I was a little scared of what I had pushed him to.

Dinner preparations were underway. Takio and M were doing dishes, Seira and Regis were cooking, and Raizel was sipping his tea. Tired and in pain, I stumbled into the same area as Raizel and collapsed in the chair opposite him. I didn't look at him, didn't acknowledge him, just laid my head back and closed my eyes.

I felt Frankie come up behind me. "Rai-Lin, are you all right?" he asked.

I waved a hand without opening my eyes. "I will be fine. I'm just tired. I've used a lot of power today."

He shifted uncomfortably. "Did you bring out Dark Weapon?"

"Of course, How else was I supposed to fight Rael?" I peeked at Frankie with one eye.

He had a disapproving look on his face, one that said he agreed with Raizel. "But you didn't fight him. You were going to let him kill you."

I sighed, sinking farther in my chair. "I have been sliced open. I have been stabbed. I have used a lot of energy. I am tired and in pain, so leave me alone. I did what I thought was right at the time."

"What you thought was right?" Frankie scoffed. "You didn't have to die to do what you thought was right. I'm not saying you had to kill him. You could have hurt him instead of giving up. He would have survived. You always were an emotional fighter."

I rubbed my temples and didn't answer. I didn't have the strength to. Instead, I focused on trying to will away the headache that was starting to form. Raizel must have sensed this because he said, "Frankenstein," in a severe voice. Perhaps, he had cooled off a little.

"Yes, master." I could hear the sound of retreating footsteps.

I stood up, wincing as my wounds pulled. "I'm going to bed. I will see you all in the morning." I walked away as intruders burst into the mansion, not even caring that they were there. My little brothers would take care of them.

A/N: This has been up for less than an hour at the time of me writing this, and I've already gotten some comments about how Rai-Lin deserved the anger and doesn't care about how others feel. There is a short explanation about this is the comments, but at its core, it shows that Rai-Lin is still human. She has flaws. She is emotional. I never intended for her to be perfect. If you'd like to discuss more, feel free to leave a comment. But know that some of this will be addressed later in the story. As always, thank you for your love and support on this story. Your votes and comments make my day. 

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