Chapter 48

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The entire family was gathered in the living room for the first time since Lukedonia. Frankie stood in front of Raizel and I, while the others sat on the couches. Raizel's hand was intertwined with mine. My head laid on his shoulder. My short and terror filled nap had not been enough to restore me to full strength. Frankie, being the big brother that he was, picked up on this. He looked down at me, his brow slightly puckered.

I raised an eyebrow. "Can I help you, Frankie?"

"How much power did you really use in Lukedonia?" he asked. M flinched.

I frowned before pulling myself up into a full sitting position. Despite wanting to protect everyone from knowing how drained I really was, I knew Frankie would know I was lying and press me. "More than I thought. It had been so long since I used Dark Weapon that it took more out of me than it normally does. I haven't been this tired since the first time I used it. Next time it shouldn't be as bad."

Frankie's eyes darkened. "Hopefully, there won't be a next time."

I shook my head. "We all know that there will be a next time. This fight with the Union isn't over yet. They invaded Lukedonia, meaning they are serious." Raizel's hand tightened on mine.

"Perhaps, you should stay back and not fight. It would put both Master's and my mind at ease," Frankie suggested halfheartedly.

"You know as well as I that I can't do that. I am a protector just as you are," I paused. "But I will try my best to fight with better judgement."

"I suppose I can ask no more than that. I will still worry, though, because you are my little sister."

I grinned up at him devilishly. ""You keep worrying like this and you'll have grey hairs soon."

He pointed his finger at me, but before he could say anything, the little brothers stood up and walked out of the room.

Seira and Regis looked at each other in confusion. I only sighed. They had been projecting their thoughts loud enough that both Raizel and I could hear them. Raizel stood up, pulling me up with him. "We shall return," he said. We walked, hand in hand, after the little brothers.

They were out on the balcony, looking miserable. Tao was fiddling with his hands with tears in his eyes. Takio had taken out of his guns and was cleaning it with a vengeance. M just stared up at the sky with a look of self-loathing on his face.

Raizel's and I's footsteps were silent as we approached. They didn't notice us until I spoke, "You should not blame yourselves."

Tao jumped without a scream for once. Takio paused in his cleaning. M didn't move as he responded, "How can we not? If we hadn't left, then you would have kept fighting, if only to keep us safe. You and Raizel would not have fought, and the whole house wouldn't have been on edge. All of this is because we left your side."

"You're wrong," Raizel said quietly. "Rai-Lin makes her own decisions, even if they aren't always the right ones. If you had stayed, she would have been distracted with trying to keep all three of you safe at once. This would have increased her chances of getting killed. She was tired as it was with just protecting herself. No, you all did the right thing in coming to find us. As for the house being on edge, well, that was our fault. We always have been stubborn."

"Raizel speaks the truth. We both knew we needed to talk to each other, but we were too stubborn to do so. We may be very old, but we don't always know how to proceed. But, please, don't blame yourselves for my shortcomings." I let go of Raizel's hand and took a step forward, arms out. In an instant, all three of them had engulfed me in a hug. I looked at Raizel from where I was buried between the little brothers. He shook his head. "Come on, my love. Join our hug. It's good for the soul."

He sighed, and to my immense surprise, agreed. "Very well. But only if I get to hug some part of you as well. It seems like the little brothers have taken up the majority of your body in said hug." A small smirk pulled at his lips.

They immediately made room for Raizel. He walked over and wrapped an arm around my waist. His other arm went around M's shoulders. My heart nearly burst with happiness. "You all should feel very lucky. The only people I've seen Raizel hug are Lazark, Rael, and Frankie, and he only hugged Frankie as a wedding gift to me because I thought it would be funny."

Raizel shushed me. "Don't ruin the moment."


Raizel and I laid in bed in silence. He was waiting for me to go to sleep, but every time I closed my eyes, I saw the scenes that had plagued my dreams for the past few days. With a frustrated cry, I sat up, rubbing my eyes. "These stupid dreams. I hate them."

He looked at me with sad puppy eyes. "I'm sorry, my love. I should have come to you as soon as you had the first nightmare."

"No. It's not your fault. I should be stronger than this."

Brushing some hair out of my face, Raizel laid his forehead against mine. "The trauma you have been through in your life has left marks, but that doesn't not mean you are weak. You are far stronger than you give yourself credit for. You have lived with trauma for most of your life, yet you continue to not let it defeat you. You have lows. That is normal. But the lows are only temporary. It may not always seem that way, but they are. The nightmares will go away, but it will take time unless you want me to use my powers on you."

I nuzzled his nose with my own. "No, this is something I must face on my own. As much I hope this never happens, there might be a time when we are separated again. I cannot rely on you for everything."

"You've never relied on me for everything; however, I agree. You need to learn to control the nightmares on your own in case something was to happen."

I shuddered and pressed a gentle kiss to his lips. "I don't want to ever lose you again. I love you."

"And I you. Now sleep." He laid down, and I followed suit, cuddling into his side. I soon fell into a slightly less nightmare-filled sleep.

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