Chapter 5

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Italics: Thoughts

An unpleasant surprise awaited us when we arrived at school the next day. We were bent over it now. I was glaring at it as if I were poison. Shinwu’s bag, the one Raziel told me Shinwu had lost when fighting the vampire being.

“Wait,” Ikhan said, pushing up his glasses. “So, did you find this in front of your house?”

“Yup, when I was leaving for school.” Shinwu told us the story of how he found it, and I struggled to keep my face neutral. This was bad, very bad.

Ikhan thought for a moment. “It does look like your bad, but are you sure this is the one? It could just be the same brand.”

“No way,” Shinwu started to dig through his bag. “The scratch marks are the same, and even the things inside are the same. It definitely has to be mine.”

“Is that so?”

“I’m sure. But there’s one thing missing.”

I glanced at Raziel. This isn’t good. They know where he lives. He’ll need to be protected.

And we will protect him. Do not worry.

“Something is not right,” Ikhan said. Finally, someone with some sense. “Shinwu, you lost that bag when Yuna was attacked by that guy.”

“That’s right.”

“When you heard Yuna screaming, you just threw your bag and ran away. I was unable to take your bag because I was busy taking care of Yuna, who was stranded on the floor. But after a few days, your bag was placed in front of your house. That means someone brought it over…How would they know it’s your bag and where you live? I think we should tell the chairman about this.”

I stepped forward. “I agree with Ikhan. This is a dangerous situation. My brother needs to know.”


My brother sat with his chin on his steepled hands, deep in thought. He had been that way for several minutes. At last, he lowered his hands. “Shinwu, do you live alone since your father went abroad?”

“Yes.” That wasn’t good at all. A lone target was an easy target. I should know. I had hunted people down myself. Well, not people but modified humans.

“I think it would be better for you not to go home for the time being,” Frankie said.

To my relief, Shinwu easily complied. “Okay. I will stay at Ikhan’s house.”

“Sir,” Ikhan said. “Shouldn’t we report this incident to the police?” Like the police would be able to stand against this being.

Frankie was calm as he answered, though I was sure he was thinking the same thing. I could have checked, but I respected his privacy. “Even if we do, they will not take any of the precautions we need. Giving a statement about the assumed suspect won’t be an issue. But there won’t be much to it. Reporting that a lost bag appeared in front of your door won’t do any good.”

“Well, you’re right.”

“I will still inform the police about the past incident, so don’t worry too much.” That was my Frankie, always caring about others, especially children. I knew he was thinking about how he couldn’t sit back and watch the students be the target.  I didn’t need my telepathy to tell me that.
That evening, I rose earlier than usual from a nap due to the fact, Raziel was no longer in bed. I panicked for a second before I realized I could still feel his presence. Sighing, I got out of bed before heading to the living room where I found Raziel with papers in his hand and a cup of tea in front of him.

Satisfied that he was alright, I moved into the kitchen. I made some cereal, something my brother always kept stocked for me, and went out to sit with Raziel. As I settled next to him, I gave him a kiss on the cheek, careful not to spill my milk. “Hello, my love.”

A small smile, the first one he had shown since I had returned, pulled at his lips. “Did you sleep well?”

“Yes.” While my brother didn’t sleep much, I slept as much as I could as it made it easier to control my powers. If I wasn’t careful, my powers could run rampant and harm not only me but those around me as well.

“I am glad.” I smiled at his response before laying my head on his shoulder, shoveling food in my mouth all the while because I was talented.

We sat like that for a while until Frankie came in, looking solemn. I immediately straightened up. “Master, a guard at Shinwu’s apartment went missing last night,” Frankie said. My hands tightened into fists. “The body hasn’t been found yet, but judging from the blood, it looks like he’s been murdered. The vampire seems to have gone there to find Shinwu but killed the guard when he was spotted. It’s made certain the students are the target, and they have no intention to stop hunting.”

I stood up. “Then, I think it is time for me to start hunting them.”

“No.” It was a firm command.

I whirled on Raziel. “Why not? The students are in danger. I will not stand by and let them be killed.”

“You do not need to go out on your own.”

“I am not a child, Raziel.” My voice was cold and deadly. I never used this tone with him.

“I said no.”

I let out a growl. Before I could say anything else, Frankie cut in. He shot me a look as he began speaking. “I made no moves to hide my presence, Master. Though you are back now, no one should know find out about our existence. We don’t know what happened to you yet, so we have to be extra careful.”

“But still,” Raziel looked at me as he talked. “We can’t just sit here and stay still when the students are the target. We will take care of them…together.” He laid his papers down.

It was my turn to disagree. “No. Frankie and I will take care of them. I do not want you wasting your strength on things that we can easily handle.”

Raziel looked up at me. “Rai-Lin, please. I am not going to let you face whatever is out there without me.”

“But I have been, without even Frankie at my side. I can take care of myself. Besides, knowing Frankie he’ll coddle me as much as you.” I crossed my arms, glancing between Frankie, who seemed quite put out, and Raziel, who was staring at me with determination in his eyes. Seeing that determination, I knew this was a fight I would not win.

“While I trust Frankenstein a great deal, I do not trust trouble not to find you; therefore, I will join the both of you to protect the students,” His gaze softened. “Please, do not fight me on this.”

Huffing, I said, “Fine, but don’t expect me to like it.”

His face was grave as he said, “Of course not.”

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