Chapter 36

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Being down in the lab while running tests was not comfortable for me still, despite having done this many times recently. At least, I wasn't having flashbacks anymore. I'd still get an occasional memory, but for the most part, it was under control.

Frankie was going over the condition of M's, Takio's, and Tao's bodies with them. I hovered by his side, feeling relieved. They were all stabilizing. I had honestly been quite worried for them, especially after learning that the D had been shortening Takio's and Tao's lives. And then there was the problem of M having a werewolf's heart. I worried his body might have rejected it, but even that problem was being resolved.

I wandered away from the four of them, lost in thought. I hadn't been part of experiments and checkups before my little brothers came into the picture. The thought of doing what had been done to me to another being was impossible for me to comprehend. I could never do it, not like Frankie.

Experiments used to be the one thing Frankie and I couldn't see eye to eye on. When I had first heard of him doing them on himself, I didn't talk to him for nearly a year. It had taken pleading from both Frankie himself and Rayga, who had been beat up by Frankie during their sparring matches, to finally get me to talk out our differences. I still didn't approve of Frankie's pastime, but I understood why he had done it. He had wanted the strength to save me from the tortures I had had to endure.

But now the lab wasn't associated as much with bad memories because I had made new ones. Ones with cookies and little brothers. Happy memories.

"Hey," a voice said. I whirled around to see my little brothers approaching me.

I put my hands in my pockets. "Hey, guys."

"Are you okay?" M asked. "We noticed you wandered off."

"Yeah, I'm fine. It's just this," I waved my hand at the lab. "Reminds me of a much less happy time; however, being here with you all, it makes this place more bearable. It might even become a place where I can be happy someday."

"Well," Takio said. "I speak for all of us when we say that we want for you to be happy. If anyone deserves it, it's you."

Pulling my hands out of my pockets, I clasped them in front of me. "Thank you, but don't you ever think that you all don't deserve to be happy, too."

"We are happy," Tao said, slinging his arm around my shoulders. "Especially because we have an awesome big sister." With grins on their faces, M and Takio nodded. Together, the four of us walked up to the main floor.


Later, Raizel was drinking tea as always, I was munching on some cereal, and Frankie was standing nearby. "Gechutel should have arrived by now," Frankie said. "But knowing Gechutel...he won't say that he met you. Since he knows that you don't want to return now, he will try to keep it low."

Raizel lowered his teacup. "I may have to return sooner than I thought." His expression was grim.

I swallowed my bite of cereal. "At least I'll get to see the boys again. I'll be able to give them back their memories. They may hate me, but at least they'll know who I am."

"They won't hate you." He laid a hand on my leg.

"Will you agree to meet them again?" I asked with puppy dog eyes.

His eyes softened. "For you, anything; however, I, too, wish to restore my relationship with the Ragya's sons."

Squealing, I set my cereal bowl aside and flung myself at Raizel. He caught me easily. I buried my face in his shoulder. "I love you so much."

"I love you more." It was barely more than a whisper, but it had my eyes going wide. Raizel didn't tell me he loved me often, not because he didn't, but because he believed in showing me rather than telling me.

I squeezed him tighter.


Takio and M were doing the dishes again, while Tao, Raizel, and I sat with the kids. The kids were egging Tao on to throw a plate at M's head. Tao vehemently refused for fear of incurring either M's or Frankie's wrath. Sighing, I picked up the plate and sent it whizzing at M's head. "Mister!" the kids cried.

M caught it with ease, though he didn't look very happy. "Tao..."

Tao put his hands up. "It wasn't me."

I folded my hands behind my head and pretended to lean back despite the fact there wasn't a back to this couch. M glared at me. I just winked.

The kids filed out not long after, much to Frankie's relief. Unfortunately, as soon as they left M and Regis got into it about Regis accompanying Seira to get groceries instead of cleaning up. I facepalmed at the fight M was picking. I growled. "Both of you stop it!" I yelled. "You're giving me a headache." I rubbed my temples. Raizel rubbed my back soothingly. I swear, this family was going to be the death of me.

M and Regis both muttered apologies. "Regis," I said. "I'll clean up today. Go with Seira. No buts."

Regis bowed his head. "Thank you. I am indebted to you."

"No, you're not, you silly noble. Now, go." I shooed him away with my hands.

Once they were gone, I whirled on M, my hands on my hips. "Did you have to pick a fight?"

He shrugged. "What? It's fun to watch him get all riled up."

"It may be fun for you, but what about me? I'm the one who has to deal with the two of you. I keep getting headaches." I was having none of his crap.

M lowered his head. "I'm sorry, Rai-Lin. I didn't think about how this was affecting you. I would never cause you pain intentionally."

My gaze softened. "I know. That's why I'm not having you clean this stuff up," I turned around and began cleaning up the table. After a second, I noticed that Raizel had joined me. "Raizel, you don't have to help."

"I know," he said. "But I want to."

My cheeks burned as my heart swelled.

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