Chapter 42

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How I was dragged into trying to save Gechutel with my little brothers and Regus, I didn't know. I had just followed them to make sure they didn't get into any trouble, and what exactly did they do? They got into trouble.

Which led me to where I currently was, fighting more of the Central Knights. I was holding them off while M took Regis out of there. When I was sure there was going to be enough space for them to run, I took off after them.

I caught up with them quickly and actually overtook them. I bowled into the Knights ahead of us and cleared a path. Regis looked at me with wide eyes, slowing down. I grabbed his arm. "No time to be in awe, Regis. We got work to do."

We were still running when I noticed a familiar presence. I immediately pushed M and Regis behind me. "Stay back," I ordered. "I'll deal with him."

"Deal with who?" Tao asked, but I had already blocked the incoming attack.

Rael stood before us, smirking. "Interesting scene. Regis, these guys were the one that broke into the forbidden area?" Rael continued to talk until he revealed that Gechutel was going to be forced into eternal sleep. That's when I stepped in.

I moved in front of Regis. "Hey, Rael Kertia, what would your father say about such behavior that you've been displaying lately? I know this isn't what he wanted for you."

Rael's expression turned sour. "What would you know about my father?"

"A great deal. We were quite close before he went into eternal sleep," I said, feeling Regis begin to run away behind me. Rael went to attack Regis, but I again blocked. "Sorry, baby Rael, I can't let you do that." I used the old nickname I used to call him, hoping that I could get him to remember something before this turned into a war. I couldn't break the block on his mind right now because there was too much of a risk of him attacking my little brothers while I did it.

Rael blinked for a moment. I attempted to remove the block, but he was already moving. I drug M out of the way as I dodged. As I did, I said, "M, fall back. I can't focus on this battle if you are in the danger zone."

I stared at Rael. "Bring out your soul weapon."

"How do you know about that?" He peered closely at me. "You look like the other guy I fought. You must be siblings. He told you about them."

I shook my head. "I helped your father split his soul to give you that weapon. I knew about it long before anyone else." I was slowly working my way towards his mind.

"Stop lying." He pulled out his soul weapon and lunged.

I rolled out of the way, summoning my own weapon. "Dark Weapon, answer to my call." My blue power began to take shape into two dual daggers of my own. I looked down at them sadly. "Rayga taught me a lot about how to use these. I bet he never thought I'd have to use them on his son," I looked up at the sky. "I'm sorry Rayga."

"How dare you let my father's name come out of your filthy mouth?" Rael's eye twitched in anger before he pounced again.

We locked into battle, and though I held my own, I never once went for a blow that would actually hurt Rael. Over the transmitter in my pocket, I heard Tao ask, "Why won't she hurt him?"

"Because she can't," was M's answer. "Not after raising him."

Rael chuckled maniacally. "So, you can't hurt me? I wondered why you weren't attacking. I guess this will be easier than I thought." He sent a blast of power at me. I cut through it. His attacks became more and more brutal until I was having a hard time just avoiding them and not doing some offense.

Right when I couldn't dodge in time, a bullet flew through the air and through Rael's shoulder. "NO!" I screamed. Everyone stopped. "No, RK-5 get out of here. I don't want you hurting him."

"What?" It was Takio's voice. "If we leave, you die."

"I would rather die than see Rael harmed as terrible as he might be. I will buy you time. Run." I got back to my feet and tackled Rael to the ground. I struggled to hold him there, my hands pinning his wrists. He was stronger than me and threw me off.

Rael looked down on me. "How dare you, a filthy human, lay a hand on me?"

I grinned at him, though I felt like I was dying on the inside. I had to keep him mad to even stand a chance of surviving this. "Can't you come up with anything more original?" He roared and slashed out with Grandia. I rolled out of the way, coming up in a defensive position.

Rael and I fought, and the little brothers didn't interfere. I had sensed their energies moving away from me. Knowing that they were safe, I stopped trying. I backed away, exhausted. "I'm not going to fight you any longer, baby Rael."

"Then, I'll kill you," he said.

I smiled. It was a sad but understanding smile. "I know." In my mind, I called out to Raizel. I am sorry, my love. I just couldn't fight him.

Rai-Lin. I cut the connection just in time for Grandia to slice into my skin. It wasn't a killing blow, just a slice to see what I would do.

Rael laughed. "You really are insane, thinking you knew my father, knew me. You're so insane, you are willing to die rather than hurt me. Easier for me I guess." He went to slit my throat when a dark energy pushed him back.

Frankie appeared by my side, along with the little brothers at my back. There was a coldness in Frankie's eyes. I grabbed at his sleeve. "Don't hurt him."

Frankie looked down at me. "I can't promise that, but I won't kill him." Frankie walked towards him.

The next energy I felt was Raizel's. He knelt in front of me and kissed me passionately. "Never do something like that again. I thought I'd lost you."

I lowered my eyes. "I'm sorry, but you should go. There isn't much time. I'll leave the fighting to Frankie."

He pressed a kiss to my forehead. "I love you, but we are talking about this later." And he was gone.

Not long after Raizel left, I felt another energy I knew well. Lazark, He appeared in front of Rael, blocking a blow. Lazark pushed Frankie back.

I stared at Lazark. He had grown so much. Rayga would be proud. "Lazark," I breathed.

Lazark's gaze turned to me. "I don't believe we have met."

"We have," I said softly, getting to my feet. "You just don't remember it, Laz."

Lazark blinked. "I...remember that name, but not who gave it to me."

I looked at him, locked eyes with him, and swept my block away. "You will now," I whispered.

Lazark's eyes widened. "Aunt," he said. A smile stretched across my lips only to fall as Rael buried one of his daggers up to the hilt into my stomach. "NO!" Lazark yelled. He rushed forward to yank Rael away from me.

Rael whirled on his older brother. "Why did you stop me? I could have killed her."

"That's our Aunt," Lazark shook his younger brother. "Don't you remember?"

"No, he doesn't" I called from the where I was swaying in place. Frankie had a hand on my shoulder. "He hasn't held still long enough for me to remove the block in his mind."

Lazark grabbed his brother, pinning his arms to his side, and forced him to kneel in front of me. Rael thrashed. "Make him remember. Please." Lazark's voice broke.

"Of course," I looked into Rael's eyes and took his block away as well.

Rael looked up at me with clearing eyes before looking at my wound. "What have I done?"

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