Chapter 52

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Frankie was thrilled with the way things worked out since he now had an excuse to kick the KSA agents out of the school; however, he was not thrilled that I had gotten involved. As soon as my name left Tao's mouth, Frankie swooped down upon me. "Rai-Lin, what did you do?"

I smirked. "I just gave Yeonsu some advice. She's the one who swung first."

Frankie sighed through his nose. "Did you give her any reason to suspect you of being more than human?"

"Of course not. She didn't use her powers, so I didn't use mine. She should have no reason to suspect that I have anything other than expert martial arts skills," I crossed my arms. "Do you think I'm really that reckless?"

"I think your temper can sometimes make you do things you wouldn't otherwise do," A wave of Frankie's hand cut me off. "It is of no matter. You all did a good job. I can use this as an excuse not to cooperate with them." Frankie then started to laugh, letting a bit of his power out as he did so.

A drop of sweat rolled down Tao's face. "What's this strange vibe?"

I giggled. "That's Frankie celebrating."

Tao paled. "I'd hate to see him when he's really mad."

My giggling stopped as I thought of an angry Frankie. "Yes, you would."


I was in the room when the KSA agents entered. Yeonsu's eyes immediately went to me. "What are you doing here?" she snarled.

I smiled pleasantly. "I could ask you the same thing as you were the one who attacked me. You aren't stupid enough to think you are still welcomed here, are you?"

She let out a growl and stepped forward only for her arm to be caught in a tight grip by Sangin. I noticed Frankie move out from his desk to stand behind me. He put a hand on my shoulder before speaking.

Sangin and Frankie went back and forth until I let out a loud yawn. All eyes turned to me. "This is going nowhere. You all are no longer welcome here, and no amount of persuasion will change my brother's mind. I suggest you leave before I am force to call the security," I said, examining my nails. I really had no use for these two.

"Yes, ma'am," Sangin bowed his head stiffly before firmly leading Yeonsu out of the office.

Frankie and I watched them go before we both cracked smiles. Frankie started to laugh evilly. He laughed hard enough he had to sit down in his chair and allow some of his power to come out. I watched him with a huge grin.

Frankie was still laughing when the little brothers entered. They looked at me in concern, but I only shrugged and motioned for them to go ahead. "Um...boss?" Tao asked.

Frankie spun his chair around to face them, his own smile stretched across his face. "Hello," he said cheerily.

The little brothers exchanged worried glances, sweat rolling down their faces. "Yes..."

"You must have run into those two." Frankie lounged in his chair, looking more relaxed than I had seen him in a long time.

"We met them in the hallway, and they didn't seem happy," Tao said.

"As I said yesterday, I strongly refused. As you know, I love my students. They'll call me trying to persuade me again, and it'll be bothersome, but we have the justification. So, they won't be able to push any farther." Frankie giggled a little bit more.

"I...I see."

Frankie stood up. "Right. Have some tea."

The little brothers quickly agreed. I stepped up. "Wait, I'll text Raizel. I'm sure he'd like some tea. I don't think I've ever known him to turn it down," I said. Frankie gave me a quick nod.

I slipped my phone into my pocket after sending the text. As I looked up, I noticed M approaching me. "Did the woman give you any trouble?"

I smirked. "Don't worry, little brother. I gave worse than I got," The smirk got bigger. "I might have threatened to set you all on her."

"I would have torn her apart if she had touched you," M growled.

"I'm sure you would have. That's why I threatened her with you."

Frankie crossed his arms and looked at us with a playful frown. "Rai-Lin, you shouldn't encourage him."

"Why? You encouraged me." Arching an eyebrow, I turned to look at my brother.

"And see how that turned out?"

I gathered myself up to my full height. "What is that supposed to mean?" I felt M tense beside me and Takio move closer to my side.

It was Frankie's turn to smirk. "I think you know exactly what that means."

I launched myself over the desk at Frankie only to be caught in midair by Takio. Takio pulled me back down to earth, while I struggled against him. I was so caught up in trying to get to Frankie that I failed to notice the door open. It wasn't until a quiet "Rai-Lin" reached my ears that I froze.

Raizel, Regis, and Seira were standing in the doorway, Regis's mouth open. "What is going on here? This is so unclassy," Regis said.

I pulled away from Takio, who seemed to deem it safe for me to be let loose, and smoothed down my uniform. "Nothing, Regis. Just from friendly banter between siblings."

"Friendly?" Tao echoed.

"Come now, Tao," I said, glancing back at him. "You've seen Frankie and I get really angry before. You know how violent it can get. If you don't, you could ask M. He's seen us put on a marvelous display."

"That's not what I would call it," M muttered.

Raizel broke in with an amused look. "What did you and Frankenstein argue about this time?"

"Frankie was just saying he encouraged me too much and that I turned out a little crazy because of it. Nothing much. Though," I sauntered over to Raizel and looked up into his eyes. "you could control him. He is your servant after all."

His lips twitched. "I don't think anyone controls Frankenstein."

I backed away from him with a pout on my lips. "You could, but you won't, not even for me. I guess I'll just go back to those who truly love me." I turned to go back to my little brothers.

I hadn't made it more than a step before arms wrapped around my waist from behind. I could feel Raizel's breath on my ear. "You are my love, and no one loves you more truly than me."

"And you are my one and only true love." I rotated in his arms, so I was facing him and kissed him on the lips.

Before we could get deep into the kiss, the sound of Tao coughing awkwardly broke through our haze. I whirled towards him as both M and Takio hit him in the back of his head. A growl tore free of my throat as my eyes flashed blue. Tao cowered back. "Tao," I thundered. "While I love you very much, should you ever interrupt me kissing my love again, I will personally make you wish you had never been born."

Tao gulped loudly. "I...I will never interrupt you two again."


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