Chapter 27

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I liked Tao, I really did, but he was such a talker. It seemed to be all he did. Currently, he was babbling about the food we were eating. Without considering what I was doing, I spoke in Takio's mind. Is Tao always this talkative?

Takio jumped, hitting the table hard enough to spill his food in his lap. I covered my mouth. "Takio, I am sorry. I'm so used to communicating with everyone through my mind that I didn't even think to warn you or ask for permission." I got up to help him clean the mess. I allowed him to get the food out of his lap while I cleared up the floor. I did it as quickly as possible as Frankie was twitching nearby.

Takio didn't say a word until the mess was cleaned up. I kept my gaze on the ground. I knew I had really screwed up this time. With his past, Takio would never forgive me for intruding on his privacy like that. I was about to stand when his hand came down on my shoulder "Don't beat yourself up. You did it on accident. I can understand that," He cracked a smile. "And yes, Tao is always that annoyingly talkative."

"Hey," Tao said indignantly.

Takio ignored him. "You should go finish eating. You need to rebuild your strength." I bowed my head and did as he said.

When lunch was cleared away, Takio stood up. "I think it's time we head back to the Union."

"It's because of your sister, isn't it?" I saw the look on his face. "I went into your mind when we first met because I didn't know if you were a threat. I could tell they were holding something over you, and when you mentioned your sister, I knew it was her. But think about this. Three members of your team are dead, including the one it was created for. If you go back, they may torture her and make you watch as your punishment." He flinched.

Tao stood up as well. "I agree with Rai-Lin. I think it may be better to fake our own deaths. I, for one, am not going back," Tao tapped his finger on his leg. "Takio, I will find your sister no matter what."

"What?" Takio took a step back from shock.

"It will be much easier to find your sister if they don't search for us."

"Tao," Takio's voice was quiet. "Why would you..."

"I never liked the other agents, unlike you. I was glad to hear that you were alive." Tao smiled.

Takio lowered his head. "Okay. Let's just hide somewhere far from here. We can't get the others involved in this."

"I'm already involved," I said, standing. "I would like to offer you my services. When Tao finds your sister, I will gladly go and retrieve her. I'm a great fighter and can teleport."

Takio looked sad. "I can't ask you to do that."

"You aren't asking," I walked over to him. "I'm telling you I am going to help you retrieve your sister. And you will remain here, so I may do so."

"What?" Tao's and Takio's mouths hung open.

"If you go out into the world on your own, you will be hunted down and killed. It's only a matter of time. I'm giving you a way to live, a way for Takio's sister to live. Take it." I reached my hands out to them.

Tao and Takio looked at each other before taking my hands. I pulled them to me in a hug. "Welcome to our family."


Tao might have thought he was sneaky about hacking into the house's security system, but he really wasn't. I stood in the shadows, watching him as he finally managed to access the cameras. He had no idea I was there. I decided to take this opportunity to scare the shit of him.

Creeping forward silently, I put a finger to my lips so Raziel, Regis, and Seira wouldn't tell on me. I got right next to Tao's ear and started talking. "I see you finally hacked the security system and found the lab."

Tao screamed and fell off the couch. I started laughing as Takio rushed into the room. Takio took one look at me and Tao before huffing. "Tao, why did you scream like a little girl?"

Tao had his hand over his heart. "This she-devil scared the crap out of me."

I stuck my tongue out at him. "That's what you get for hacking our security system."

Crossing his arms, Takio sighed. "Really, Tao? They've allowed us into their house, and you've decided to hack their system."

Tao blushed and started to stammer. I placed on hand on his shoulder. "Relax, Tao. We expected you to hack it eventually. We have nothing to hide."

"Does that mean we can go down to the lab?" Tao asked.

"I don't see why not," I hopped over the seat Tao was sitting in, landing on my feet before Raziel. "Raziel, would you like to come with us?" He nodded and stood up. He reached out his hand to me. I took it without hesitation. Hand in hand we led the way.

The doors to the lab opened automatically. "This place," Tao looked around in surprise. "I thought it was just an ordinary house."

"It's my personal space," Frankie had his arms crossed before he loosened them and smiled. "I've never had so many visitors."

Raziel strode around the room as if he owned the place. Frankie got him a chair. "Have a seat, Master."

I moved away from Tao and Takio to push a button on Frankie's console. While I had kept away from experiments since I had a bad experience with them, I knew my way around Frankie's lab well. I knew what almost everything did.

Giggling, I watched as Tao and Takio sweated at the machines roaring to life. When they finished, Frankie walked over to the machine and pulled out a tray of cookies. He offered some to Raziel. M and I walked over and grabbed one for ourselves. I grabbed two more and gave them to Tao and Takio. "You should try them. Frankie is very proud," I said. They looked at each other before taking a bite.

"M-21, how do you feel?" Tao asked after he got done with his cookie.

"Fine. The wounds are completely healed." M was still munching on a cookie.

"Rai-Lin's powers truly incredible. But I think you would have survived anyway. What's known about you is different from who you really are," Tao said.

M smiled grimly. "I guess so. I'm known as a disposal."

"Not anymore. You're our family." I placed my hand on M's arm.

"I searched for your file because I was so curious about you, but Crombell left no trace. Only way to find out is to ask him in person," Tao looked down.

M's eyes turned to slits. "Is that right?"

"Tao, have you heard about my sister?" Takio asked.

Tao turned his head ever so slightly. "There are some strange things, but I'm looking into it. I narrowed it down to where she might be."

"Okay." Takio seemed downcast.

My heart hurt to see him so down, so I made an offer that I normally wouldn't make. "Takio, if you want, I will attempt to infiltrate the Union." Everyone's eyes widened, especially Raziel's.

Takio shook his head. "No, I won't let you put yourself in danger like that. The Union would not hesitate to kill you."

"I'd be willing to die if it meant you were reunited with your sister." And I meant it. I knew I would do anything to get back to Frankie if we were separated.

A single tear fell down Takio's face. "As much as it pains me, I refuse your offer."

I reached over to wipe the tear away. "I am here for you, Takio. If you need me, just let me know."

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