Chapter 9

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I strutted beside my brother as we went off to hunt. I was thrilled to be out of the house and actually doing something, though I hated the thought of being Raziel being there alone. Still, this needed to be done, and I needed to be the one to do it.

We emerged from the shadows to see the vampire from before standing by two new people, a male and a female. The male grinned when he saw us. “What’s that?” He laughed. “No point in trying to keep this quiet. Some new people just showed up. What’s worse, the police are lying on the ground.”

My eyes flicked over to the police. They were alive, just knocked out. The vampire from before snapped its fangs at me. I waved at him. “Aw, are you still sore from the beating I gave you? Surely, your pride is ruined.” It made to lunge only to be held back by the male.
“Enough,” The male looked at me. “Who are you?”

Frankie chuckled. “Well, this feels a bit awkward.”

"I wasn’t talking to you. I was talking to sweetcheeks over there.”

I crossed my arms, unimpressed. “Why do people keep hitting on me? I can’t even walk the street. It gets quite annoying.”

“Well, sweetcheeks, it’s because of your delicate features, long blonde hair, full lips, and gorgeous blue eyes. If you want, you could come with me. You could have all the power you ever wanted.” The male grinned at me as Frankie shifted closer to my side.

I projected my voice into his mind. ‘I already do.’

He stiffened before roaring at the vampire to attack. The vampire rushed me first, but I ducked out of the way. Frankie could take care of it. I turned to the other two, raising an eyebrow. A small smirk played at my lips as I glanced at where Frankie had the vampire by the throat. “I prefer no saliva on my suit.”
My eyes scanned the vampire’s clothing. There was fresh blood on it. “Did he attack someone?” I asked lazily. Inside, my heart was pounding.

“I made a mistake. I assumed you all were just showoffs. Are you the one who took that thing?” the male asked. Frankie let go of the vampire’s throat. “Good, you came right on time. I was looking for you all anyway.”

“Aw, that’s sweet,” I drawled.

“You guys are so annoying. Why are you chasing us?” Frankie asked, sending me a look.

“Don’t pretend you don’t know. You think we’ll just let it go? Where is the coffin?” the male snarled.

My heart dropped. They knew about Raziel’s coffin. I managed to keep my expression neutral. “Now, now, that tone isn’t going to get you anywhere.”

The male took the cigarette he had been smoking out of his mouth. “Fine, you didn’t come here to kindly tell us where the coffin is. But that’s funny. You have some nerve to come here. I hope it’s not your power that you are trusting. If so, it would really hilarious. Right, Marie?”

“For who?” I asked. “It certainly wouldn’t be hilarious for you.”

“You little-”

“Let’s go somewhere else,” Frankie suggested. He wanted to get away from the civilians.

“What? Go somewhere else?” The male threw his head back and laughed. “Oh, my gosh. Worried it might get messy? Ha ha. It’s an interesting offer, but there’s no need for that. I won’t get messy fighting you.”

“Jake,” Marie called. So, that was his name. “We need to get information from them.”

“Marie, even if we have to keep them alive, it won’t get messy or noisy around here.”

“You keep saying that, but I think you are underestimating us. I don’t like being underestimated.” My eyes flashed blue.

“Fine,” Jake spat. “We will change location.”

Standing at an abandoned construction site in the dead of night would be enough to give most people the creeps. Not me. The night was when I was in my element. I had learned how to become one with the shadows long ago.

“This place good enough?”

“Let me make a suggestion.” Frankie’s voice was quiet. Yep. Shit was about to go down.


“If she overpowers you,” Frankie jerked his head towards me. I struggled to keep my surprise from showing. I didn’t think Frankie was going to let me fight. “I’d like it if you answered my question without doing anything else. Of course, if it’s the other way around, we’ll answer your questions.” There was silence from Jake and Marie. “Well, we both don’t want to waste time, so your answer?”

Jake laughed again. “You want me to fight the girl? What are you scared to fight me yourself?”

Frankie smirked. “No, I just think it will be funnier to watch you be put on your ass by her than by me.”

“This is not funny anymore. This is so frustrating.” Jake seemed about to combust.

“Jake,” Marie said. “All we need is to get some answers from her. She only needs to talk, so do whatever you like to her.”

Another grating laugh. “She can talk without her arms and legs,” He locked eyes with me. “I’ll make you beg for your life.”

I arched an eyebrow. “Somehow, I doubt that.”

He let out a roar and rushed me. claws coming out of his fingertips. “Go to hell!” he yelled. I stood there until the last moment before moving out of the way.  “Oh, you avoided my attack. So, you did have some skills after all. How about this one?” Again, I stood still until he was almost upon me.

Blue energy surrounded my hand before I sent it right at Jake. He stopped and stood there in shock as he stared at the gashes on his chest. It was my turn to laugh. “What? Are you really that shocked that I managed to hurt you? I told you I don’t like being underestimated.”

“This is awkward,” Frankie chuckled. “I didn’t get my answers yet.”

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