Chapter 4

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A/N: Author person here. I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has given this story a chance. It means the world to me. To have something I've poured a lot into be appreciated is the most amazing feeling. I love you all.

Italics: thoughts

Walking home from the PC room, I felt the hairs on the back of my neck rise. Someone was watching us. My hand tightened on Raziel’s arm. His eyes slid over to me as I scanned high and low. My eyes fell on two figures on top of a building, too far away for an ordinary human’s eyes to see. I quickly looked away after taking them in so as not to arouse suspicion.

There are two men up there. Their eyes are following us. I suggest you get the children to safety while I engage, I mentally said to Raziel.

No. There are too many people here. They might get hurt. If they want us, we will see them again.

Are you sure? I hated the thought of leaving any threat alive. But Raziel nodded, meaning I was to drop it.

Shortly after this, I noticed the two men again. This time, though, they were standing in front of us. Even the students were on edge. “Those men ahead have a really strange vibe.”

Shinwu and Raziel walked in front on Yuna and Ikhan while I walked behind them. My eyes remained locked on the grey-haired man with a scar on his lips. He flashed a grin at me and winked. I resisted the urge to beat him where he stood, instead giggling and looking down. I hid behind my hair as we passed, though I looked through it to make sure they didn’t try to grab one of us.

I didn’t move up to Raziel’s side once we passed them. Instead, I lingered behind. My heart dropped when Shinwu said, “Yes, they do look familiar,” Damn, these people had already infiltrated the children’s lives. “That big guy looks like our homeroom teacher, doesn’t he?”

I let out a silent sigh of relief as Shinwu continued to babble. We were safe. For now.
Frankie was already at the house when Raziel and I arrived. I was tense, eyes darting everywhere. Frankie recognized this immediately and put his hand on my shoulders. “Rai-Lin, what is wrong?”

“There were two guys following us today,” I said. Frankie’s eyes widened. “I wanted to attack but there were too many civilians. Now, who knows where they are? I bet they were from an organization I’ve been running into. If they find out about Raziel, there could be serious trouble.”

Raziel watched as Frankie started to pace. “What do you know about them?”

“Not much,” I admitted. “Only that they’ve been creating modified humans. I’ve been killing them for months in the United States. I’ve been wearing a mask, so they don’t know who I am. I wouldn’t put Raziel in danger by allowing my face to be seen.”

“So, there’s no chance they recognized you?”


Raziel spoke then. “I’d like some tea.”

I huffed. I loved Raziel, I really did, but sometimes I wanted to throttle him. Now was one of those times.

As Frankie hurried off to make some tea, Raziel turned to me and said quietly, “I know that look.”

“This is a big deal, Raziel. Someone is either hunting you or the kids. We need to keep our guards up,” My hands flew around as I talked. “I can’t lose anymore.”

Raziel took my hands and gently kissed them. “You won’t have to.”

“You can’t promise that.”

Once Frankie came back with Raziel’s tea, Raziel and I sat on the couch. Frankie stood over us. “The suspect of this crime seems to be the guy you’ve met. My source tells me that there was almost no blood left when they examined the body,” he said. I groaned. A vampire like being. Great. “The crime scene is not far from where you met him. We looked closely into the body, but there no apparent change.”

Raziel looked at the paper in his hands. “Frankenstein,” he said. “I had a death defining experience today.”

My brother gasped and began to panic. I held back a laugh. “M-Master…What do you mean?”

“They took me to a dark place,” Raziel continued. At this point, I was turning red. “It was called a PC Room.”

“Pardon? Are you talking about PC games?” Frankie looked so lost that I couldn’t help it. I burst out laughing. My hands clutched my sides.

Raziel ignored me. “It was the first time getting the feeling of wimpishness. I felt overwhelmed.”

A surge of protectiveness rushed through me that had me stop laughing. “It didn’t help that Shinwu has no bounds. He’s lucky I didn’t do worse. I wanted to beat him where he stood.”

Raziel put a hand on my knee. “While you know I adore your protectiveness, you must remember he is just a child.”

“Rai-Lin, what did you do to him?” Frankie asked with a warning in his voice.

I smirked. “Relax, big brother. All I did was kill him as ruthlessly as he killed Raziel. I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone so embarrassed.”

Frankie bowed his head. “You’re supposed to be making friends, not enemies.”

“Don’t worry. We made up. Besides, he deserved it.”

Frankie sighed.

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