Chapter 12

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A/N: Thank you all so much for 1k reads. It means the world. Also, thank you for your votes and comments. Love you all!



I watched from the shadows as my brother and my love walked up to the two strangers. "The same goes here. That we don't know about you. I warned you, but you called the kids again." Frankie's voice was low and threatening.

"I made clear on the phone," the grey-haired one said. "That I called to meet you guys. There was no other way to reach you two, and we may help you."

"Help?" Frankie scoffed. I shifted in the shadows.

"You may well know that those kids are in danger. Although, we attacked those kids, we knew they didn't witness anything. We just messed with them. If we meant to kill them, we didn't need to stall. We had our chances. We didn't even think of them after we met you two. We had no reason to risk fighting you again. And it had nothing to do with our mission anyway." The grey-haired man stared straight ahead.

"They?" Frankie asked.

"I believe you met them."

"They are responsible for the hospital incident?" Frankie's brow furrowed.

"Yes, the man wounded by the female with you is well known to be violent within the organization. Since he got hurt, he will be even more violent from now on. The kids won't get away from him."

I snickered to myself before jumping out of the shadows. My footfalls were silent as I walked up behind the strangers. I took off my half mask. Frankie sighed. "I'd like to see them try to kill the kids. It was so much fun to watch him squirm under my power the first time," I said in their ears. They whirled around, the grey-haired one throwing a punch. I caught it with ease. "Easy there. I don't need you messing up my beautiful face."

"You," he breathed.

"Me." I let go of his hand. It fell limply to his side.

"You did that to Jake," His lips quirked up. "I should have known."

I grinned and shrugged. "He didn't know how to treat a lady. Nor do you but I'm in a generous mood right now. Besides, I see the pain in your eyes. You've had a rough past, so I won't hold it against you."

The man jerked as though I had hit him. "Don't talk about my past.

"Very well." I moved past him to Raziel's side.

Frankie resumed talking "And you are telling us this, why?"

"We're in a bad situation for leaving the kids alive. We left a clue for the organization to suspect us."

"What's that got to do with this? You could have told them the kids don't have to be eliminated." Frankie's voice rose, so I laid my hand on his shoulder. He relaxed under my touch.

"Unfortunately, there's a guy who wants us dead...To people like us, who could be eliminated at any time, those suspicions lead to death. To avoid being killed, we need to kill the kids, but we can't do that. So, there's only one option."

Growing tired of the conversation, I brushed against Raziel's mind. 'I'm going to make sure they weren't followed.'

'Stay safe.'

With that, I slipped back into the shadows, pulled up my mask, and walked away as I heard the man asking where I was going.


I didn't join Raziel and Frankie once they parted ways with the other guys. After checking for eavesdroppers, I tailed my brother and my love from a distance to ensure we also weren't followed. My heart hurt. I remembered doing this for many years to watch over them. The only reason I had yet to be detected was that I could get inside their heads and make them forget seeing me as soon they saw me. It was a terrible thing to do but was the only way to keep them safe.

I entered the house shortly after Frankie and Raziel. Frankie was waiting in the living room with his arms crossed. "Did you have to show yourself?"

I took my mask off. "What was the point in not showing myself?"

"To keep the element of surprise." Damn, Frankie was mad. His voice was shaking.

"Why do we need surprise when the two of us are as strong as we are? Besides, they would have figured it out." I went to walk past him.

Frankenstein grabbed my arm. "We don't know what they are capable of, so we shouldn't take this lightly," He peered at me. "When did you become so reckless?"

"Since I lost everything!" I yelled, my chest heaving.

His eyes softened "You didn't lose me."

I yanked my arm out of his grasp. "Didn't I? We haven't spoken beyond checking on each other in centuries."

"And whose fault was that?" Frankenstein roared. "I wasn't the one who shut everyone out. I tried to reach out to you, tried to find you, but you always hid from me."

"I did it because I was afraid," I paused. "I was afraid that if I let myself remain close to you that you would leave me, too. I decided that having you for five minutes every century was better than not having you at all."

"Oh, Rai-Lin." Frankie did something he hadn't done in a very long time. He engulfed me in a hug. I leaned into him, feeling content in my brother's arms.

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