15. The End Where I Begin

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Ok I know you guys probably don't care but I need to rant. My stepdad is a DICK! He treats me like garbage. He toldme I was stupid, a sorry person, and worthless. Yes because a stupid person has the highest test scores in school and has a 4.0 GPA. I''m totally stupid. My brother and I had to clean the house while he sat on his ass because he didn't take the trash out and I left 3 dishes in the sink so as punishment we got to clean the house and anyone that knows me personally knows my house is huge. So he makes the comment "Hey Kerry (my mom) isn't this nice the kids doing all the work and us sitting here doing nothing" See my brother we have different moms and his mom like used him as a slave and it made my stepdad furious so he makes the comment "Yea flashback" that shut him up real quick. He goes "Well at least you guys don't have to work and clean" and we both said "We do" I work for my dad gun store and he works at McDonalds needless to say he didn't say another word. He agravates me so much doesn't even treat me like a human. Ah I'm done now sorry for the rant and long wait on the chapter but I had really bad writers block and still do so please don't hate for for this god awful chapter ;( I tried to make it long since it's been an entire month since I've updated last I hope you guys like it and excuse the errors in here.
Anyways Chapter 15.

Chapter 15
The End Where I Begin

*****1 Week Later*****
We couldn't get Louis to come out of his room it had been a week not even Liam could get him out. No one was allowed in except me. Which was kinda weird. I walked into his room to give him his breakfast and saw something I was not expecting. Louis was smiling. "Hey Boo" I said. He looked up still smiling. "Hey Vaeh" he replied then looked back down. "So someone finally got you to smile what is it?" I asked laying down on his bed. "All the fans they're sending me these really sweet messages but their is this one in particular she's really nice" he said with the biggest grin yet. "Oh what's her name?" I asked him smiling. "Her name is Dena and she's absolutely amazing" he said scrolling through their messages. "Ok tell me about her" "Ok well she's 2 years older than me but age is but a number she loves colorful clothes like me she has light blonde hair with black underneath it and she like TOMS that is just awesome" he said laughing. "She sounds great Lou maybe you should meet her" "I am in about 3 hours so if you'll excuse me I shall go get ready" he said bowing. "Sure ok but where are you meeting her?" I yelled into his bathroom. "Starbucks" he yelled back. I shuddered I can honestly say I hate that Starbucks just that one the memories there suck. "That's cool well I'll be downstairs if you need anything" I called walking out.

*****Louis's P.O.V.*****
This is it maybe she will get my mind off of Zoey it still hurts a lot but I have to move on sometime right? From what she's told me we have tons in common I can't wait to meet her. About 2 1/2 hours later I left the house to go meet her. It doesn't hurt to be early right? I walked downstairs to get my keys and I could feel all eyes on me. "Holy shit am I seeing this correctly Louis Tomlinson has come out of his room it's a miracle" Niall said clapping. "Shut up Ni" I grumbled. "Oh you look nice where ya going B?" Harry asked. "Starbucks" I said. I know Nevaeh told them I was going to see Dena but they were just giving me a hard time. "Oh I wanna go" Harry said playfully. "NO!" I replied a little too quickly. "Oh and why not Boobear?" he smirked."I'm going to meet someone" I mumbled. "I'm sorry what was that?" "I'm going to meet someone" I said louder them walked out followed by the guys laughs. I walked into Starbucks about 20 minutes so see her already sitting there with a pissed expression on her face. Was I late? I looked down at my watch. Nope I was 10 minutes early actually. "Hello love" I said smiling. She looked up then her face broke into a smile when she saw who it was. "Hello Louis" Wow her accent was amazing. "I uh couldn't help but notice when I walked in you look quite angry wanna talk about it?" I asked sitting down. "Well uh I don't really want to put it on you being as we just met it might scare you off" she said with a sad smile. "Nope not a chance" I said taking a sip of my coffee. "Well then where do I begin? About 5 months ago my now ex-boyfriend raped me and I got pregnant when he found out he abused me so much that I lost the baby about 2 weeks ago" she said with a tear falling down her face and I wiped it away. "I finally got the heart to tell my mom yesterday and she kicked me out of the house saying if I couldn't handle a little harm for the baby then I was weak and worthless and she told me not to come back" she said tears now freely falling down her face. "Oh my gosh love I'm so sorry" I said getting up out of my chair and pulling her up and into a hug. She cried into my chest soaking my shirt but I didn't care that was horrible. I suddenly got an idea. "Hey babe why don't you move in with me I know we just met in all but I couldn't live with myself knowing I didn't do anything to help" I said pulling away from her. Her eyes went wide. "NO Lou I didn't tell you that for you to feel sorry for me and I couldn't possibly intrude on you and your friends like that" she rammbled shaking her head. "Hey I didn't offer you to move in because I felt sorry for you I offered because I care about you a lot more than you could imagine and you won't intrude we hae an extra room or you can sleep in my room if you prefer and the lads and girls will love you you're an amazing, smart, kind, and extremely beautiful girl" I told her honestly. "Really? You're serious?" she questioned. "200% serious come on lets go I'll but anything and everything you need" "You Mr. Tomlinson are too much" "Anything for my girl" "Oh so I'm your girl now" I took a second to realize what I said then my eyes went wide. "Well uh um y-yeah I was kinda" she cut me off with her lips. "I would loe to be your girlfriend Louis" she smiled. I quickly pecked her lips again and set off towards the house in my car our hands intertwined the whole time. We walked into the house still hand in hand giggled for absolutely no reason. "Well hello Mr. Tomlinson nice of you to make a re-appearance after 5 hours" Nevaeh said looking at her watch walking into the kitchen. "It has not been 5 hours it's been like an hour" I said defending myself. "Uh no Boobear it's been exactly 5 hours you left at 2:30 it's 7:30 now" Harry came in wrapping his arms around Nevaeh from behind and nodding towards the clock on the wall. I looked and sure enough it said 7:30 my eyes widen as I looked at Dena with the same expression as mine. "Wow I guess we spent a lot more time talking than we thought" she giggled. "So you're the famous Dena that Louis will not shut up about?" Nevaeh asked laughing causing me and Dena both to blush. "Shut up Nevaeh" I mummbled underneath my breathe. "Aww is wittle Boobear embarrassed?" she said holding her side in laughter. "Whatever come on I'll show you my room" I started up the stairs her behind me. "Use protection" Nevaeh yelled. "Bloody hell Nevaeh shut the hell up" I yelled back slightly smiling while I looked at Dena who was blood red from embarrassment. "Just ignore them you'll get used to it eventually" I said pulling her into a quick kiss and into my room. "Ok no offense Lou but can I have the extra room I need my own space every once in a while" she said looking down like she felt bad for asking for her own room. "Hey look at me" I said my finger under her chin lifting up her face. "Of course you can don't feel bad just because you're not staying in here I completely understand even Niall and Malory that have been dating for 2 years now have separate rooms here she just stays in his room as she pleases so I promise it's no big deal" I smiled at her. She grinned. "Thanks Loubear" she said wrapping her arms around my neck. I wrapped my arms around her waist and hugging her back. "Anything for you" I whispered into her hair and kissed the top of her head. "Come on I'll show you to the room it's right next to mine considering it used to be Zoey's" I said my face hardening. "Who's Zoey?" Dena asked. "Just my ex that I'm long over now" I told her and she nodded. I opened the door and told her to rearrange as she please and stepped out to call Paul. "Hey Paul" "Yes Lou" he said sounding tired. "Can you order me a purple and black room set and 20 girl's outfits in small please?" I asked. "Is there something you need to tell me Lou?" he asked laughing. "Not for me weirdo for my girlfriend Dena" I told him laughing. "Ok that makes much more sense and sure I'll have it there tomorrow" he said. "Ok thanks Paul bye" I said and ended the call. I turned around to go get Dena but she was standing right behind me. "Boo" she said. "Holy shit did not know you were there" I said clutching my chest. "That the point goober" she said rolling on the ground laughing. Wow she has an amazing laugh it's so cute. "Ok haha very funny I get in come on let's go meet the rest of the gang" I said picking her up and throwing her over my shoulder. "What the fuck Louis William Tomlinson put me the hell down" she said beating on my back. "No can do Love sorry" I said laughing. "Hey guys everyone in the living room I have someone I want you to meet" I yelled and everyone filed in one by one. I still hadn't put her down and she gave on on trying and now just had her arms crossed huffing. "Are you going to put me down now?" she asked and everyone laughed. "Say Louis William Tomlinson is the sexiest boyfriend I have every had and there is no way I can compete with his awesomness" I told her. "Absolutely not because it's not true I'm way more awesome than you" everyone 'oohhh'd. "Fine then I guess you don't want down" I said sighing and just stood there. "Fine Louis William Tomlinson is the sexiest boyfriend I have every had and there is no way I can compete with his awesomness" she huffed. "Amazing" I said and put her down and kissed her on the lips smiling. I could feel her smiling into the kiss and I got lost with her until someone coughed. "Is that what you called up in here for so we could watch you two snog?" Niall asked his accent thick he must have just woken up. "No" I said and plopped down onto the couch and pulled her onto my lap. "Everyone meet Dena my girlfriend, Dena meet the losers I call my best mates and band mates" I laughed. "Hey I'll always be less of a loser than you" Zayn said. "Whatever Zayn" I laughed. "Ok so that's Malory, Niall's girlfriend. That's McKayla, Liam's girlfriend. That's Hailey, Zayn's girlfriend and also Harry's little sister. That's Breanna well she's no one's girlfriend here but she's Niall and Nevaeh's little sister. And that's Nevaeh, Harry's girlfriend, Niall's twin sister, and world famous model. I think that's everyone because you obviously know she guys" I said pointing out each person as she nodded along. "Well it's lovely to meet you Dena Louis is head over heels for you" Liam said getting off the couch to check dinner. "But I must go check dinner so excuse me"

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