20. All The Small Things

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Guyssssss it's chapter twenty like holy smokes and I have over 4,000 reads I'm so happy I love you all SO much words can't even explain. Anyways here's chapter 20 gah chapter 20 hope you like it!

Chapter 20

All The Small Things


I was trying so hard not to drop my phone and she said this words. "What happened is she ok?" I asked. "Miss Horan-" she paused. "What is it?" I asked crying now. "I afraid-" an that's when it all went black.

I woke up in a hospital room but not for me. What happened? I asked myself. I looked over and saw Breanna there and I started to cry. What the hell happened? I got up and walked to the nurses station. "Oh well look who's awake" the nurse said. "I'm sorry?" I asked confused. "I talked to you on the phone when I called you concerning Breanna but you passed out" she said. "Ohh wow I don't remember that" I told her. "So what happened? Will she be ok?" I ask hopefully. She shook her head. "We don't know yet Breanna's injuries are quite severe and her boyfriend keeps blaming himself but we'll do everything in our power to make sure she will be ok" she told me. I broke down. How could everything go from so well to so bad so quickly in my life it seems to do that a lot. Harry walked out of Austin's room and his eyes got wide when he saw me standing there. "Nevaeh babe you're awake" he said running over to me wrapping his arms around me as right as he could with my huge stomach. "Yeah I am. How's Austin?" I asked. "He's ok he's blaming himself for what happened to Bre and he just fell back asleep so" he said looking down. "What time is it?" I asked Harry. "It is 12:58 AM" he said looking at his watch. "What's today's date?" I asked. "January 5th" he said. "Oh my gosh already?" I asked. "Yeah I know right" I head my phone go off so I looked down. "I have my 26 week ultrasound appointment later today" I told him. "Do you want to see if they can do it now save us a trip?" He asked and I nodded. "Ok I'll go find a nurse" he said and I nodded.

"Miss Horan?" The nurse asked. "Yes?" I said. "Mr. Styles said you wanted an ultrasound done" she said looking at Harry then me. "Yes I do I have one scheduled for later but I figured I'm here now lets get it over with" I told her. "That's fine I'll just go get the machine and set you up. How far along are you?" She asked me. (A/N we are skipping a little ahead) "I am 26 weeks" I told her. She nodded and walked off. She came back in a few minutes later with the machine. "Alrighty lay down here and pull up your shirt" I nodded and laid down and pulled up my shirt and Harry sat down besides me and took my hand in his. "Alright this is going to be a little cold ok?" I nodded. She squirted it on my stomach and I shivered at the coolness. "She moved the wand around trying to find the baby. "Alright here's your little boy and here's your little girl" she said smiling. I looked over at Harry who had tears streaming down his face but a big grin plastered on his face. "Do you guys want a copy of the picture?" She asked. Before I could even answer Harry said yes. She can back with 10 pictures I guess she figured our family would want one. We smiled and walked down. "Hey guys here are the ultrasound pictures" I told them handing each of them one. (A/N pic on the side)

"Breanna Horan's family" the nurse said. Me and Niall walked over to the nurse. "Good news your sister is improving greatly she should be awake in a couple days with the progress she's making" she old is with a smile and walked out. Me and Niall both looked at each other and let out a sigh of relief. "Our baby sister will be ok she'll be ok" Niall said pulling me into a hug. "I know Ni" I said hugging him back. "Well guys" I said walking back into the waiting room. "The nurse said Bre will be ok and she should wake up in a couple days" I told them. "That's great" Malory said. "I know I'm so relieved" I told her. I walked over to Liam who hasn't said a word but a huge smile on his face looking down at his phone. "Liam who are you texting?" I asked him. He looked up quickly. "Oh uh just my mum" he said. I nodded not fully convinced but I took it for now. Liam got up and told us he was going to get some tea and he forgot his phone. This was my perfect chance to see if he was lying. I walked over to his phone and sat down and looked through his recent messages he latest one was to someone named Taylor. I clicked on the file and read the messages.

Taylor: Hey Liam it's Taylor Brooke the girl from the club. Lol

Liam: Oh hey Taylor

Taylor: Ha so what's up?

Liam: gah nuthin sittin in the hospital

Taylor: what why what happened?

Liam: Vae's sis got in a car axident

Taylor: oh gosh I'm sorry

Liam: it's ok hey I'm goin to go get tea brb

Taylor: ok

Liam wasn't texting his mum he was texting a girl named Taylor maybe it was the girl from the club. I'll ask him later. I put his phone down and walked over to Harry and walked up behind him and I wrapped my arms around him. He jumped slightly startled. "Did I scare you?" I asked laughing. "A little" he smiled sheepishly. "Sorry babe" I laughed. "It's ok Vae ha that rhymed" he smiled. "Alright Dr. Seuss" I laughed. Harry smiled down at me, me being four inches shorter. "I love Nevaeh Grace Horan" he told me. "I love you too Harold Edward Styles" I told him. He leaned down and kissed me on the lips and I felt him smile. "Hey PDA you two" Louis yelled. We pulled away. "Way to ruin the moment Louis" he sighed.

Liam walked back in with tea and grabbed his phone again. This was my chance to ask him. "Hey Li" I said. "Yeah Vae?" He said. "Can we go for a walk?" I asked him. He nodded and slipped his phone in his pocket.

We walked out the hospital and to the park across the street. "So what's up Vaeh?" He asked. "Liam who were you really talking to on the phone earlier?" I asked him. "I already told you my mum" he said. "So you're sticking to that?" I asked. He nodded. "Liam I know you were talking to a girl named Taylor" I told him. He stopped in his tracks. "How would you know?" He asked. "I saw the text from her Liam" I sighed. "You were looking through my phone?" He asked raising his voice. "Only because I knew you were lying" I said. "That doesn't give you a right to look through my phone" he said pissed off. "Yeah but what does is when we're told Bre will be okay and you sit there on your phone ignoring it" I told him. "Wait she will?" He asked happy again. "Yeah she will eventually and you would've known that if you wouldn't have been paying all the attention to your phone" I told him walking away. Yeah I may be related to Niall but I sass just like Louis. "Nevaeh look I'm sorry ok" he said catching up to me. "It's fine I just don't understand why you lied to me. Liam we've always been good friend we go to each other for everything so why lie to me?' I asked truthfully a little hurt he his this from me. "I just didn't want anyone to know I was talking to her because we're only friends and everyone would assume stuff" he said sighing and sitting down on a bench staring at the ground. "Liam if you would've just said that it would've been better not telling me makes it seem suspicious" I told him. "I guess you're right Vae" he said. "Alright well then lets go back to the hospital to check and see how Breanna's doing" I told him. I started to walk away but he caught my arm. "Thank you Vae" he said pulling me into a hug. "It's no problem Li it's what I'm here for" I smiled and started back towards the hospital.

Guys I will have the picture up as soon as I can but for right now I'm writing on my phone and can't upload it from here it wouldn't let me so I'm sorry. BUT on a plus IT'S SPRING BREAK and I could NOT be happier and that also means more time for writing :) hopefully I'll be going back to La Vernia with my cousin Kira this week sometime to see my friend Austin while he's in town for the moment and I literally haven't got to hang out with my best friend since the beginning of February so hopefully that'll change this week. Anyways feedback would be nice. Comment what you thought of this chapter.

Also go check out Charlotte_Fitzgibbon story Cradling Ava its sooo good so far :)

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