16. Remember When

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Well I don't really have anything to say here so yeah here's chapter 16.

Chapter 16

Remember When

Harry's POV

Man I feel like shit Nevaeh had been gone for a month and I can't bring myself to even get out of bed anymore I feel so horrible for going off on her like that. Louis won't even speak to me neither will Niall but to be honest I don't blame either of them I deserve it. I miss her like crazy. I've cried myself to sleep the past 3 weeks after is really sunk it she wasn't coming back. "Bro you gotta come out of your room sometime I know it's hard but you'll find another girl" Hailey said coming in and sitting on my bed. "This wasn't just some girl Hailey this was the one I saw in my life forever and always the girl I saw having more kids with, marrying, living together, my future" I said sighing. "I know Haz and if it's that hard maybe get off your arse and do something about it" she told me. "Huh?" "Get out of bed, get dressed, pack your stuff, an head to the airport and go get her back she'll love that. Even if you don't get her back it'll soften her up to the point where she'll at least forgive you that's the best way trust me she's my best friend for years I know what she likes" Hailey said walking out. I smiled that's an amazing idea. London, England here I come. I arrived at the airport only to be bombed with paps. "Harry! Harry why are you here alone? Where's Nevaeh? Why did Nevaeh go home a month ago only with Breanna? Did you and Nevaeh break up?" that pushed me over the line. "Go the fuck away all of you my god you have no idea what's going on just leave me alone" I yelled storming on the jet. Finally peace and quiet. I turned my phone off for the few hours for just some time to myself an to think. I slowly felt myself slip into unconsciousness. I felt myself being shook awake. "Mr Styles we are here sir" the pilot told me. "Ahh thank you Christopher" I nodded then grabbed my bags the walked to the car waiting for me. "Mr. Styles do nice to see you again I suspect your here to see Miss Horan?" our driver asked. I nodded and laughed getting into the car. I turned on my phone to find it blown up. From: Loubear :) "Harry where the fuck are you?" From: Daddy-Direction "Styles where are you answer us" I quickly texted Hailey "Tell the other where I'm at I have no time to answer them" I got a quick ok then I slipped my phone back into my pocket and looked up to see we were here. "Thank you Mike for the ride" I said before slipping out. I walked up to the door and went to knock when the door was swung open. It was Breanna. "Harry?" she asked reaching out to make sure I was actually here. "Breanna" I nodded. "Harry you don't need to be here especially not now" she said shaking her head violently. "Why Not?" I asked confused. "You just don't ok it's not a good time" she said pushing me away from the door. She had a purse on her arm so I assumed she was going out. I pushed her aside and walked in to Nevaeh hugging some guy? What? "I tried to stop him Vae sorry but I've got to go" Breanna said and walked out closing the door behind her. "HARRY?" "What are you doing here?" she asked her eyes puffy, red, and swollen from crying. "Why have you been crying?" I asked her. She just shook her head. The guy moved out from behind her. "Tristan?" I asked baffled. "What is he doing here?" I asked her. "Harry there is a reason believe me don't jump to conclusions" she said walking towards me. "No I get it you hate me after what you said but what is this he's done a lot worse than I have done" I said tears falling freely down my face. "God I was so stupid to come here" I said grabbing my suitcase and walk out. "Harry wait you came all this way for me?" she asked her voice cracking. I nodded turning back around. "Really?" she asked. Again I nodded. "But now I'm leaving" I said walking out the door. "Why?" she asked walking out the door after me. "Nevaeh it was a bad idea to come here anyways you hate me for what I said even though it was completely out of judgement and obviously you've got Tristan again so what does it matter" I told her shaking my head. "Harry listen to me for once dammit" she yelled. "Ok I'm listening" I said. "He's here because he just delivered heart breaking news to me and it's hard for him" she said her voice cracking and tears welling in her eyes. "Harry, Tristan's mom was killed in a car accident and his mom was like a third mother to me behind my mom and yours it hurts yea what he did was bad but he at least deserves a hug and comfort in a time like this" she said tears running down her face. "Oh my god Vae I'm so sorry" I said walking over to her and pulling her into my chest and hugging her. She was so vulnerable right now after hearing such news she just let it happen and didn't push me away. She eventually pulled away. "I need to stop crying anyways it's not good for the babies" she said draping a hand over her stomach which now has a visible baby bump. I grinned. "What are you grinning about Styles" she laughed playfully hitting me in the chest. "Just thinking I am half the reason the have the baby bump right now and it just makes me extremely happy is all" I said sighing and smiling at the ground. "Well they sure have missed their daddy they have moved non stop since I've been home but they aren't right now oh and I always figured out they like the sound of my voice I'm sure they like yours too here watch" she said grabbing my hand and placing it on her stomach. "Speak to them they'll move" she grinned. I knelt down. "Daddy can't wait to meet the both of you very soon I promise to be the very best daddy their is" I said smiling placing a small kiss on her stomach. The very place that held my precious twins. I felt a movement inside her stomach. I looked up at her grinning Nevaeh mocking my actions my smiling ear to ear. "I told you so" she said pulling me to my feet. "Harry I know I really shouldn't do this but why did you come back theirs got to be a reason you did" she said sighed. "Well-" I started. "Nevaeh I have to go take care I presume I'll be seeing you at the funeral" Tristan said hugging her. Nevaeh nodded. "Take care of here man" he said and walked down the stairs. "Why don't we go inside" she said her head motioning towards the flat. I nodded an followed her into the flat. I pulled out my phone. "I want you to listen to this" I said and I played Remember When by Chris Wallace. She smiled and I proceeded to talk. "Alright as I was saying Nevaeh I came back because I screwed up an I admit that I feel like a horrible person but in those times thinking this past month you've been gone I've realized that you aren't just some other girl" I sighed. She put her hand over mine. "Harry this was big what you said hurt me" she sighed. "I know and I'm so sorry Vae" I told her "but Hazza I've realized over my time back home that I can't stay mad at you as much as I wanted to for the things you said I just couldn't keep the feelings of mad to stick around its like you have an overpowering affect on me and that affect is what I call true love so to be honest Harry if you want me to come back I'd be happy to the twins need their father and I need the love of my life" she said smiling. I grinned and picked her up and spun her aroynd. "Nevaeh I have come to the conclusion over the past month that you are the one I don't want to date any other girl ever I want to be with you. You have stolen my heart and locked It up and throw away the key you have possession of it now and I don't mind because I love you too I can't live without you YOU are the one I see myself spending the rest of my life with, having more kids with, having a real future with I see that person as you! The mother of all my children but most importantly my loving wife and soulmate I think what I'm trying to say here is Nevaeh Grace Horan" I said getting down on one knee. "Will you marry me?" I asked hopeful. I looked at Nevaeh to see she had tears in her eyes and was speechless. "If you need some t-" I began. "No! Harry I have my answer right now I just couldn't get my body to say it" she said laughing. "Yes Harold Edward Styles I will marry you" she smiled. I slipped the ring on her finger and picked her up and kissed her and spun her around. I feel like I'm on top of the world right now. "So does that mean we're going back to Monte Carlo?" Breanna asked walking in hand in hand with Austin. We nodded simultaneously. "Good AM come help me pack my things" she said leading Austin up to her room. "Use protection" I yelled at them. "Shut up Harry!" She yelled at me and Austin laughed. "Shall I help you pack Mrs-Soon-To-Be-Styles?" I asked her. She laughed and nodded and we headed upstairs. "Yes ladies and gentlemen you've heard me correctly the famous model Nevaeh Horan and One Direction member are both officially off the market sources say the two got engaged and couldn't be happier congratulations you two" the news said as Nevaeh flipped it off. "Well looks like word is out" she sighed. "Oh well I want the whole world to know that you're mine and nobody else's all mine" I said wrapping my arms around her waist pulling her closer to me. She nuzzled her face into the crook of my neck. "Me too Haz me too" she sighed happily. "Alright that's the last of it lets head on out" Breanna said snapping us back to reality. "Let's roll" she said giggling. When we arrived at the airport we were bombarded my the apps asking us of we were actually getting married. I had a simple answer. "Here get a picture of this" I said grabbing Nevaeh's hand that held her engagement ring put it on my shoulder where the cameras were facing a pulled her into a kiss. "There you go there's your answer" I said and pulled both Nevaeh and Breanna onto the plane.

*****Breanna's P.O.V.*****

Well we were back on a plane for the second time in a week hopefully we stay this time. Nevaeh had been crying for the whole week I knew she missed Harry and when he surprise her I don't think she could've been happy of the outcome. Harry and Nevaeh were already discussing wedding plans when they fell asleep on each other. I quickly took a picture to post on twitter.

"@Breanna_Horan first picture of the newly engaged couple feel asleep on the plane together so sweet and yes it's true their engaged" I clicked tweet and watched my twitter blow up then putting on my headphones and falling asleep.

Yea I know this chapter sucked but I'm writing it on my phone and I ha major writers block so I'm sorry :(

I also don't have a name for this chapter so if you have an idea drop a comment and ill dedicate the next chapter to you

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