14. Maybe Not Always And Forever

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Hey guys I know it's been a while and on a pretty bad cliffhanger, but you all should know that (if you didn't) I've been quite depressed lately my boyfriend died just 16 days ago and it's been pretty difficult we had been dating for 8 months exact on the day he died. He was my best friend he did everything for me. He took care of me when I was sick. Made me laugh when I was sad and most of all he made me feel loved yeah I know you are all probaly annoyed yeah this girl jis sappy whatever just get on with the story and that's ok i don't expect you to care I just wanted to let you know why I haven't updated in a while. Anyways I dedicated this chapter to Malory0212 because she guessed where i got the number from in the last chapter which was 20194 and I got it from Harry it's his birthday Yeah for her so she gets this dedication. Anyways I'll quit blabbering and let you read this chapter but enjoy. :)

Chapter 14

"She grabbed her stomach then passed out?" I told him. "Alright everyone out let's see if we can figure out what made her pass out. Out now!" he yelled. Everyone hurried out into the hallway watching nurse after nurse doctor after doctor come in and go out with worried looks on their faces just keeping us anxiously waiting as time passed. Finally the doctor came out. "Well we have good news and bad news which do you want first?" "Bad news" we all said. "She is still passed out I'm sorry but the good news is is that we figured out what caused her to pass out. When her and Harry made eye contact a lot of her past memories came flooding back into her mind not all of them but some and her mind couldn't handle the stress all of it was putting her through so her mind shut down and she passed out but overall good news she has some of her memory back up until about 7 months ago" he said smiling and shutting the folder he was reading out of. We all sighed with relief. "One person can go in there even though she isn't fully awake her mind is so she can hear everything you're saying" he said walking away. "Guys could I have a minute please?" I asked. "Sure Haz no problem" Niall replied and they all went to the waiting room. I walked in to see her hooked up to all kinds of machines and a bandage around her chest and a heart monitor on her stomach I'm guessing for the baby but there was nothing happened. I started to cry. Was she dead? Was our child dead? I went over and sat down next to Nevaeh's bed in a chair and picked up her hand. "Nevaeh love I know you can hear me even though you're not fully awake but I just want you to know that I will be here as long as needed you can pull through this you're a very strong girl I know you can do it" I told her kissing the top of her head and walking back into the waiting room.

*****Nevaeh's P.O.V.*****

The memories came flooding back and I passed out. All I saw was white everywhere. I could hear people scurrying around but I saw nothing. I heard someone sit down beside me and grab my hand. Soft yet thin and warm. Harry. He began to speak. "Nevaeh love I know you can hear me even though you're not fully awake but I just want you to know that I will be here as long as needed you can pull through this you're a very strong girl I know you can do it" he kissed my head and I assume he walked out because I heard the door shut. Then it all went black and I could no longer hear anymore. Am I dead? Is this what it's like to die? "Nevaeh Grace Horan how dare you die you can't die yet it's not your time" a very familiar voice yelled at me. I turned around and saw four little girls staring at me except they weren't girls anymore they had wings and were dressed in white gowns ahh they were angels. Wait a second I know that voice that was Kamryn. You see Kamryn was my childhood best friend but died along with her three sisters in a house fire. "Kammie?" I asked. "Yes it's me Gracey" she laughed. She was the only one I allowed to call me that and she did it because I was so clumsy. "But Kammie you're you're dead how?" I asked bewildered. "You are too Vae" she said. "But not for good see God told us this would happen but he said you wouldn't die obviously it's not time for you to die yet so you can't we won't let you" she said referring to herself, her twin sister Keiley, and her little sisters Kassie and Adrianna. "I'm sorry I didn't know I could control when I die" I said laughing slightly. "No you can't but we can and we say now is not the time look Vae those boys need you Niall needs you all your fans need you and most importantly your baby needs you. You can't give up now" she said crossing her arms. "I know I know but what do I do?" I asked her. "We can only say so much Vae but just know that we are always here when you need to talk we may not be able to respond like we are now but we will always give you some sign that we are there" Adrianna spoke up while the others nodded. Wow that was the first time I heard her speak. Adrianna died when she was just a year old. Kassie was eight and Keiley and Kamryn were 11. Now so many years later they've grown up as well. Kamryn and Keiley were also 18. Kassie was 15 and Adrianna was 9. "Ok but guys how do I get back" I asked them. "We'll put you there as soon as were done talking Vae don't worry" Kassie winked. "Ok guys but I miss you like crazy and why can't I just die everyone wants me too all the fans they hate me" I said sadly. "Nevaeh Grace Horan you do not need to die no one hates your they're all just jealous trust us we can see what goes through their minds and it's not hate it's jealousy and we can't keep meeting like this you know you almost dying just trust us things will get better?" Keiley said as they started to disappear. "Wait no I was-" but they were gone. Everything started to turn white again and I could hear again. My mind started to flicker. Memories replaying in my head. All my senses started to come back was this it was I finally waking up? My sense of smell came back I could smell what was that? Cookies? Cake? My sense of touch. I could feel the soft cold sheet of the bed. My sense of taste. I could swallow even though my throat was super dry. And last but certainly not least my sight was gradually coming back too. I felt like I blinked a thousand times my eyes watering from the bright light. My heart monitor started to speed up causing the doctor to look at me surprised. "Nevaeh sweetie you're awake" he said happily. "Uh yes sir" I said. "That's great do you remember what happened?" he said. I nodded. "I was shot by a fan in the upper right side of my chest" I said touching my wound. His eyes lit up. "You remember?" he said excitedly. I nodded. "Ok how about your family do you know all who's here?" he asked. "I'm guessing my boyfriend Harry my brother Niall my sister Breanna and all their girlfriends right?" he nodded eagerly. "This is amazing Nevaeh you made a full recovery in such a short time this is great" he said a grin stretched across his face. "Speaking of short time how long was I out?" I asked him. "9 days" he answered. I coughed. "9 days?" I asked. No way it couldn't have been it felt like 20 minutes. He nodded. "I'm assuming you want to see your family so I shall left them know the good news" he said patting my leg and walking out to go tell everyone I'm awake.

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