10. Finally Home

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I'm really sorry guys and I apologize for the suckyness (< if that's even a word) of this chapter is freaking horrible I know and I feel really bad because I haven't updated in FOREVER but it's better than nothing and I have been very bust lately with school and all my essays piano and drum lessons plus teaching guitar lessons I have been overwhelmed. Also found out my brother has to have surgery again for the 3rd time in 2 years and this time they have to cut a piece of his bone and operate. :( Anyways sorry for the long authors note just need to get that all in by the way I decided I would start calling you guys meaning my readers my stud muffins so I shall do that from now on. Oh this chappie is dedicated to alyloves1direction well I don't really have a reason she's just awesome like that so I felt she deserved it :)) Anyways onto the chapter. -Breezy should really get off Wattpad and go to sleep :( Night Guys :))

Chapter 10

"Breanna?" I gasped. "Vaeh" she yelled and running into my arms. I pulled away to look at her after a few minutes. "Breanna what are you doing here?" I asked still very shocked. Let me back this up a little Breanna is Niall and I's little sister but Niall just doesn't know about her which was bad I don't know how I'm going to to explain her to him. "My foster parents just up and disappeared out of the blue I have no idea where they went" she said sadly. "Gosh Bre I'm so sorry" I said hugging my little sister. Breanna was put in foster care because our parents were getting a divorce at the time she was born and they couldn't handle another child. I was the only one of the kids that knew about her since Greg and Niall were both with our dad at the time. Breanna was 14 years old and absolutely beautiful even though she honestly didn't look 14 at all. "It's ok it's not your fault it's just....can I stay here I know Niall doesn't know about me but I wanna get to know my older brother" she said. "Yeah sure you can sleep in my room" I told her pulling her into another hug. "Thank you so much Vaeh" she said hugging me back. "Ok come on everyone but Zoey and Malory are sleeping so you can meet them for now and I'll go wake up Niall and you can meet him but I'll let you meet the others as they wake up" I told her welcoming her inside. "Ok then" she said smiling. "Let's go" I told her leading her to the kitchen where Malory and Zoey where sitting. "Uh hey guys" I said. "Hey Nevaeh" they said eyes settling on Breanna. "Uh Malory Zoey this is Breanna, Niall and I's little sister" their eyes widened with shock. Malory was the first one to speak. "That would explain why you looked so familiar" she giggled. "Yea" Breanna said for once. "Well welcome to the family Breanna I'm Zoey as she said but I'm dating Louis and Malory is dating Niall so you'll end up related" Zoey said laughing. Malory shot her a glare. "Thanks guys" Khloe said loosening up. Malory and Zoey came over and gave her a huge hug. "So when are you going to tell Niall because I'm don't think he knows am I right?" Malory asked. I nodded sheepishly. "Good question" Zoey said. "Right now I'm going to wake him up and tell him" I told them and lead Breanna upstairs to his room. "Ok Bre don't be shy he won't be mad he'll be confused at the most" she just nodded. "Niall Nialler wake up" I shook him awake. "Bloody hell it's too damn early to wake up" he said still half asleep. I have food" I told him which he was instantly very awake. "Food where?" he asked hair sticking up everywhere. "Just kidding I needed you fully awake for this" Breanna giggled from behind me. "Who's that?" he asked pointing to Breanna. "Hi I'm Breanna" she said giving him a hug. "Um hi Breanna" he said confused. "Niall uh I don't know how to put but well um Breanna is our uh little sister" his eyes widened then his face lit up with a smile. "Really?" he asked. "Yea" I said nodding. "That's awesome I have a little sister" he said smiling and picking her up and spinning her around. "Yea and I have three older siblings" she laughed. "Speaking of three does Greg know about well her" Niall questioned. "No I'll tell him once we're home she can just sleep in my room and I'll stay with Harry" I said. "Ok cool" he said tickling her. Well he's taking this better than expected not that I thought he would take it bad but he's already getting along with her and vice versa it's like they've known each other for years. "By the way Bre how did you find us?" I asked curiously. "Mom told me I went home to find her and to see you but she told me you all were here so she gave me the address bought me a plane ticket and here I am" she smiled. "Oh ok so she knows you're here right?" I asked. "Yea she does" she said nodding. "Ok well it's 11:48 everyone should be up by now well maybe and anyways how old are you Bre?" Niall asked. "I'm 14 going on 15 in a few weeks my birthday is December 23rd" she told him in response. "Wow cool a day before Louis' anyways let's go introduce everyone to our baby sister" Niall giggled and threw her over his shoulder while she beat on his back yeah defiantly our sister. I just smiled. "Nialler put me down" she yelled beating him on his back while he just laughed walking downstairs followed by me. Everyone was sitting at the kitchen counter eating their eyes filled with wonder and confused looks. "Niall James Horan or should I say 'Cookie Monster' put me down" she said still beating on his back. Niall and I both laughed at the nick name I gave him when we were little because he always stole my cookies. I forgot I told Bre about that. "Niall put the girl down now she can walk she's 14 not 4" I told Niall who finally put her down. "Uh guys" Liam spoke up first "care to explain who she is" he said nodding towards Breanna who started to get shy again. "Uh yea you guys this is Breanna, Niall and I's little sister" Awwwww was all that was heard while they came over and gave her a hug. There was a chorus of 'welcome to the family' and 'you're so cute' While she just giggled like at idiot at everything. She must have gotten that from Niall. "Oh by the way Bre I'm having a baby just to let you know" I whispered in her ear and her face lit up like Niall when he sees Christmas ornaments. "Yea I'm going to be an aunt" she laughed jumping up and down clapping silently. "Wait" she stopped getting very serious and getting everyone's attention. "Which one of you four idiots got my sister pregnant?" she asked and might I add looking quite intimidating. "Uh um that would uh be me" Harry said coming over and giving me a hug. "Ok you listen mister you hurt my sister and I will hunt you down and hurt you and no one will ever notice I may be the frighting baby penguin's sister here" she said pointing to Niall "but I'm not afraid to hurt you got it?" she asked. "Yes ma'am" he said saluting her. "Good glad we're on the same page then" she said smiling and giving him a hug. "Wow she's even got Nevaeh's sass no denying that factor" Zayn said smiling. "Haha very funny Zayn besides I never said she wasn't I mean look at her she's adorable just like me" I said laughing. "C'mon Bre I'll show you up to my room well your room now besides where are all of your bags?" I asked. "Oh I got mom to ship them over there was A LOT" she said. "Oh alright" I said. "Wait if she's getting your room where are you sleeping" Harry asked cheekily. "Well I figured my wonderful boyfriend would be nice enough to let me sleep with him" I said fluttering my eyelashes. "Psh who said I wanted you in there with me?" he said jokingly. "Fine then I'll just sleep with Niall then" I yelled winking at Breanna. "What no baby I was ju-" I cut him off. "Save it Styles I get it you don't want me in there it's whatever" I said walking off. There was a chorus of 'ohhhhhs' behind me while Harry I think took me seriously looked really guilty. "Ok this is where you'll be sleeping while you're here and I'll probably be sleeping with Harry" I said and she smirked. "God not in the way Bre gosh you are my sister" she laughed and started to unpack. I walked out in the hall to here Harry calling up after me I decided to play it off a little longer. "Vaeh baby please just listen to me" he pleaded. "What do you want Styles?" I asked faking the anger as best as I could. "Vaeh I'm sorry I was just joking you can sleep with me if you want I don't mind" he said as I walked into his room to get a Ramones T-shirt following behind me. I turned around quickly catching him off guard. "Good by the way I was just kidding Hazza" I said smirking. "Oh you're so going to pay for that" he said. "Ohh I'm so scared of Harry ahh" I laughed. "Well you're going to be punished no Harry lips for you" he said. Ha he thinks he won. "That's fine with me I can last longer than you can trust me babe" I said winking and walking off. I went downstairs and sat on the couch and so did Harry but on the other couch but he kept sneaking glances at me. Not but maybe 8 minutes later he gave in. "Ok Nevaeh I'm sorry baby please" he begged coming and sitting next to me looking at me with those puppy dog eyes. Dammit Harry. "Fine" I said kissing him. "Yea" he cheered kissing me again putting his hand on the small of my back holding me close to him. "Dammit you two PDA there are other people in the room here" Louis yelled. Way to ruin the moment Lou. We pulled away laughing.

Don't forget to comment below if you want me to give Austin a message for you and I promise I will give ALL of them to him and make sure you get a response. Love you my stud muffins.

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