6. Meet The Girlfriends

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^^**Ok guys I'm SO SO SO sorry I haven't uploaded sooner I have been super busy lately but here ya go Chaper 6. This chapter is dedicated to AllTimeNutella because she too is an amazing author I love her sotries :). Oh and by the way I am introducing 4 new characters into this chapter enjoy :).**^^ 

Chapter 6.

****Niall's P.O.V.**** 

"Harry and I are dating" I heard my sister say. "Nevaeh can I talk to you upstairs in my room please?" I asked seething. She just sighed and nodded. "Sure I guess" we both got up and walked to my room and I closed the door behind her.

****Zayn's P.O.V.**** 

Harry had gone up to his room to call his mum because he hasn't talked to her in a while but I've never seen Niall so mad before he looked just utterly pissed off when Vaeh said Harry and her were dating. She just got out of a bad relationship with Tristan so she needs someone there for her other than her friends and her brother. Somebody to hold her and make her feel loved more than just a family sorta way me personally I'm happy for them.

****Louis' P.O.V.**** 

Finally! I screamed in my head they're finally together.

****Liam's P.O.V.**** 

"I don't know about you guys but I'm happy they're together I saw it coming when they met they seemed to make a weird connection" they both nodded in agreement. "I think she needs someone other than Niall and us there for her after that nasty break-up. Someone who can love her more than just a friend or sibling" I said. "I was just thinking the exact same thing" Zayn spoke up. Well I like that they're together Niall should just be happy for them.

****Niall's P.O.V.**** 

I sighed as Vaeh sat down on my bed. "Vaeh..." I said but she cut me off. "No Niall listen to me before you say anything I love Harry I really do I think I have for a while and he does too I need somebody there for me someone I can trust besides you. A relationship trust that's what I need and I feel like I have that with Harry I'm happy with him I know I said that about Tristan but now I honestly do feel like I'm on cloud 9 why can't you just be happy for me and see that your so called 'little' sister is actually happy" she said putting air quotes around little. I sighed. "Fine you can date him but I don't care if he's my best mate if he hurts you in anyway you better come tell me straight away" I said. She nodded and hugged me tightly before saying "Thank you Ni thank you thank you thank you" then she hurried off I'm guessing to go tell Harry.

****Nevaeh's P.O.V.**** 

Yes I screamed happily in my head. I finally got Niall to let Harry and I date. I ran into his room jumping onto his bed he had his phone on speaker talking to his mum and I jumped on him "Hi Anne" I yelled. "Hi Nevaeh" she said back. "Mum let me call you back later love you bye" "So what did Niall say?" he asked with a worried look. "He said we could date as long as you didn't hurt me and we were happy it was fine" I said smiling. "I wouldn't dream of ever hurting you ever" he said pulling me into a tight hug. I just smiled. I was truly happy right there in his arms I was the happiest girl alive. I guess just sitting there and relaxing we both fell asleep because I was woken up by someone banging on the door.

****Liam's P.O.V.**** 

"Hey lads wanna watch a movie I was thinking 'Murder on the 13th Floor' how about it?" I asked walking into the bigger living room. "Yea sure" they chorused. "but someone has to go get Haz and Vaeh I think they're in Haz's room" Louis said already putting in the movie. "I'll go" I said heading up to harry's room. I was beating on the door for at least 2 minutes before Vaeh answered it followed by Haz. "Dammit Liam what I was sleeping" a pissed off Harry said. "Well hello to you too sleeping beauty anyways we are watching 'Murder on the 13th Floor' wanna join?" I asked. "NO Liam you know I hate scary movies" Nevaeh said scared. "Don't worry I'll protect you" Harry said pulling her into a hug. "We'll be down there in a few minutes thanks Liam" Harry said. "No problem movie starts in 5" I said walking back down to the living room. "Hey they coming?" Zayn asked. "Yea Vaeh is just changing into pajamas" I said plopping into the huge chair. "Cool" they all said. Vaeh came downstairs with Haz following behind her but instead of sitting with Haz she sat and cuddled up to Niall. "What you don't want to sit with me?" Harry asked faking hurt making us all burst into laughter. "Of course I do Hazzabear but Niall has the food and I need my cuddle buddy for scary movies, Niall has been my cuddle buddy for scary movies since we were 7" she said kissing Niall's cheek. "It's true" Niall said mouth full of popcorn. "Niall no talking with food in your mouth" Vaeh and I said at the same time making everyone laugh including Niall. "Oh my gosh" Louis said jumping up and down. "What?" Vaeh and I said at the same time again. "Ok Liam we really gotta stop doing that" she said followed by more laughter. "Yea anyways what Lou?" I asked. "We finally have a 'Mummy Direction" he said running over to hug her. "That's disgusting" Harry said. "What is?" she asked. "I'm dating my mum gross" he said scrunching up his face. "My twin sister is my mum how is that even possible?" Niall asked very confused. Wow poor Nialler. "Hey guys" I said getting their attention. "Yeah?" they asked. "Is it cool if I have my girlfriend come over and meet you guys?" I asked. "Yea me too" Niall, Zayn, and Louis asked all together. Ok this talking at the same time is getting creepy. "So I think it's settled everyone's girlfriends will be here tomorrow" Nevaeh said. "Yep" I said. "Well except you Vaeh you don'y have a girlfriend and Haz your girlfriend is all ready here" I said obviously. "Well duh Liam I think we all really knew that" she said joking back. "Hey guys I'm extremely tired I'm going to bed night" Vaeh said getting up from beside Niall. "Yea me too" Harry said. "Yea lads they are going to 'sleep" Louis said putting air quotes around sleep causing everyone but Niall, Nevaeh, and Harry to laugh they just looked annoyed. "G'Night guys" I said finally. "Night" they said before heading upstairs.

****Nevaeh's P.O.V.**** 

Harry and I decided to go to bed I mean actually go to bed we're both really tired. Well on the bright side I get to meet everyone's girlfriends tomorrow and my best friend Hailey. Harry doesn't know it but Zayn is dating her. Hailey is Harry's little sister. Harry's about to feel what Niall felt when Harry and I started dating but hopefully he isn't too mad because that will give Niall a reason to prove himself right if Harry gets mad. Guess we'll just have to wait and see.

****The Next Morning**** 

I will be meeting Zayn's, Louis', and Liam's, girlfriends in about 10 minutes. We sent limos to all the airports to pick them up. All the drivers called saying they would be here momentarily. We heard a honk come from outside and out came Hailey. I was the first to run up and hug her I missed my best friend so much. Zayn was right behind me picking up his girlfriend and spinning her around while Harry just stood there on the stairs in shock with his mouth hanging open wide. "Nevaeh you knew Zayn was dating my sister and you didn't fucking think it was a good idea to tell me?" Harry yelled at me. "One stop fucking yelling at me two I didn't tell you because it's not my place to tell you and three they wanted to tell you when she got here in person" I yelled storming off.

****Zayn's P.O.V.**** 

"Dude Harry what the hell is wrong with you? You're yelling at your girlfriend because I'M dating your sister that's fucked up man if you're going to be mad and yelling at ANYONE is should be me besides now you know how Niall felt" I spat at Harry. "Yea what is wrong with you dude and by the way don't you EVER talk to my sister like that again understood?" Niall said glaring at Harry going upstairs after his sister but Harry stopped him. "No Niall let me go talk to her I need to apologize anyways" Harry said going up to Vaeh's room.

****Harry's P.O.V.**** 

I felt super bad for yelling at Nevaeh I mean she's my girlfriend and I love her a lot but it was just the heat of the moment and besides Zayn's right if I'm going to be mad at anyone is should be him but I'm not going to be mad because I would be doing the same thing that Niall did and that would be hypocritical. "Vaeh?" I asked knocking on her bedroom door. "Go away Styles" she yelled. "Vaeh please just let me in I want to apologize I'm really sorry but can I at least say it looking at my beautiful girlfriend please?" I begged. "No" she screamed. "Now go away" she yelled again. "Nevaeh Grace if you don't open this door I will. I know where the key is" I told her. "Fine" she mumbled shuffling her feet across the floor to the door. When she opened it a pang of guilt washed over me when I saw her beautiful ocean blue eyes bloodshot and puffy like she had been crying. I immediately tush into her giving her a hug and told her I was sorry. "Nevaeh I'm so so so so sorry please forgive me I don't know why I yelled I was just shocked I guess I didn't mean to I'm really sorry" I said about to cry myself. even though I knew she was mad at me I felt her wrap her arms around me and hug me back. "It's ok Haz I forgive you I should've told you they were dating" she said to me. "No I shouldn't have done that to you it's not your fault" I said pulling away from her looking back at her beautiful face them my gaze flickered down to her lips and I guess she saw because I felt her lips descend onto mine. God I'm so happy she forgave me. "Vaeh?" I heard Hailey coming up the stairs. "Oh hey Haz hey Vaeh I see you guys have made up?" she smiled at the both of us. "Yup" I nodded at my little sister. "I'll let you two talk" I said before walking to my sister to give her a hug and walk back down stairs to meet the rest of the girls.

****Nevaeh's P.O.V.**** 

Harry walked over to give Hailey a hug and go downstairs. Hailey truly was a gorgeous girl she had long brown curly hair slightly darker than Harry's. Gorgeous green eyes that could hypnotize you if she wanted she stood 5'8" barely taller than me but we were both shorter than all the guys and a body girls everywhere would die for.(Picture of Hailey on the side) She had the perfect personality with a mixture of bubbly, funny, sweet, caring, and smart she had it all I could defiantly see why Zayn took interest in her. "Hey Vaeh" she said walking over to give me a hug. "Hey Hai Hai" I giggled. I was the only one she ever let call her that. "I was just coming up to check and see if you and Hazza were ok and to tell you that Malory, Niall's girlfriend Zoey, Louis' girlfriend and McKayla, Liam's girlfriend are here and wanting to meet you. "Ok" I said before going downstairs when my best friend.

^^**So I partially introduced their girlfriends in this chapter but next chapter will have full descriptions on what they look like and their personalities.**^^

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