5. New House and New Relationships

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Ok Chapter 5 everyone hope you like it :). Dedicated to BooBearsCam.  

Chapter 5

New House and New Relationships



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into the car we headed to the house. After 3 hours should've been 2 but someone hungry no names *cough cough* Niall we had arrived at a huge mansion I mean huge (picture on side). I got out of the limo and stood there in shock. That's where I'll be living for the next year and a half. I hesitated no more to run inside followed by all 5 boys. "Ok so there is 10 rooms all with their own bathrooms and balcony all the rooms are on the second floor there is a patio out back through those doors down the hall. The kitchen is over there dinning room down that hall to your right and living room right there. Outside the patio is the backyard with a pool and hot tub and the lounge in next the dinning room. Bowling alley is by the living room and I think that's all. The rooms are already set up except the extras it shouldn't be hard to find which is which" Liam said being all professional. With that we all took off up the stairs. My room was HUGE and it was very classy not me at all but it was gorgeous. A 72" flat screen mounted on the wall. A bookshelf below it stocked with all my favorite movies and books and an iPod touch with a dock with all my favorite songs. This couldn't get any better wait the bathroom. I was in heaven it was really big and all my make up and other products sorted into application and a walk in closet with all my clothes from my line and my favorite outfits I had from previous shoots and and all the handbags and heels you could ask for. I also had so very fancy clothes for special occasions. Yea I officially LOVED it here. Harry came into my bathroom and saw me in shock. "Vaeh you ok?" he asked. "Yea I'm fine it's all just so....wow" I said trying to find the words to say. "Yea I know right my room is amazing too anyways Liam ordered pizza and we're watching a movie in the lounge want to join?" he asked slighty blushing although I don't know why. "What movie?" I asked him. "You know them probably one of the Toy Story's or Finding Nemo who knows" he said laughing and so did I. "Sure why not" I told him walking out of my bathroom. "OK movie starts in 15 minutes" he said walking out. "Alright thanks Haz" I called. "No problem love" he called back. I decided not to go downstairs because I never had the time to stop and really process what Tristan had done to me over 7 years we were together. I decided to go to my balcony I had the best view in the house it was amazing. I just sat that there thinking about everything that happened between us all the history. When we first met when I was 6 to our first kiss to the day we bought our flat. It all came flooding back by the time I looked at my phone clock it was already 3 A.M. Wow time really flies when you're out here. I looked up at the stars and starting to hum Starry Night by Chris August it was truly beautiful out here. I heard footsteps behind me when I turned to look I saw a very tired Harry coming towards me. "Hey Haz" I said. "Hey Vaeh what are you doing out here it's freezing" he asked shivering probably due to the fact that he had no shirt on. Dammit Nevaeh don't stare but I mean I can't help it have you seen how fit that boy is? "Just thinking" I said looking back out again. "Well come inside and think it's warmer" he said rubbing his hands up and down his arms. "Nah I'm good the stars help me think its relaxing and just plain beautiful" I said looking up at the stars. "Ah I've seen better" I must've looked puzzled because he came and sat down next to me and said "You" looking straight into my eyes. Damn you Harry Styles you will be the death of me. "Jeez ok Vaeh I get you like the cold and all but it's freezing out here and the wind is making it worse" he complained. "Then go inside whiny baby" I said jokingly. "But I wanna stay with you" he smiled and pulled me onto his lap not that I'm complaining. "Want to talk about what's on your mind?" he asked but I shook my head in reply. Harry was the only one that didn't know what Tristan had done. Niall informed me he told the others when Harry and I were out he let it slip so he just told them everything but as long as I didn't have to tell me it was ok. "Are you sure I'm a really good listener" he whispered in my ear sending a tingle down my spine. I just nodded and got up but I felt Harry's hand pull me back down onto his lap then I felt his lips on mine. Damn he was right there is sparks when we kiss. His lips were soft and warm considering he was freezing. I pulled away immediately regretting it because it made my lips cold. "Do you wanna tell me now or do you need more persuasion?" he asked with a cheeky smirk. I just shook my head and got off his lap heading for the door but Harry got there first. "I'm going to make you tell me one way or another" he said smiling that million dollar smile. "Oh really" I said sarcastically because I knew he could weasel it out of me if he wanted. "Really" he replied back and pushed against the wall behind me and whispered "Tell me" but I shook my head again. Then he kissed me but this time I kissed him back my hands going straight for his curly brown locks of hair and his hands flying to my waist pulling me closer if that was even possible but he pulled away only then did I realize that I was out of breath. I couldn't take it anymore I broke down and told him everything. I started crying because I honestly didn't know what I did to deserve what he did to me. "Vaeh if he doesn't see what an amazing, beautiful, talented, smart, and funny girl you are that's his loss not yours I'm sure you did nothing wrong to deserve that he's just an arse that's all" I giggled. "Thanks Haz" I said hugging him tightly. "Welcome now come on lets go inside" he said pulling me into my room and across the hall to his. "Alright goodnight Hazza" I said starting to walk out then I felt him grab my wrist "Wait you can sleep in here if you want" he said eyes sparkling. "OK" was my simple response. I went to my room to change then went back and got into Harry's' bed and curled up next to him and I felt his arms go around my waist and pull me close. "Goodnight Vaeh" he said kissing my head "Goodnight Hazza" with that I fell asleep.

****Next Morning**** 

I woke up the next morning and went downstairs to eat breakfast. Louis was already up while Liam, Zayn, Niall, and Harry were still sleeping. "Oh hey Vaeh how'd you sleep?" Lou asked. "Great how about you" I said looking up from my steaming tea. "Great thanks" he said smirking. "Oh uh by the way I looked in your room to wake you but you weren't there why?" he asked curiously. "Oh uh no reason" I said a little too quickly. "You slept in Harry's' room didn't you?" he asked smirking still. I nodded. "So you two seem all lovey dovey now you like him don't you wait I know the answer to that you do and you want to kiss him again don't you" he asked. My eyes widened.  

"H-h-how did you know I kissed him?" I questioned puzzled. "I didn't but I do now" he laughed. "Damn you Lou" I muttered. "Oh hey Hazza" Louis said loudly. Harry had just walked in still in only sleep pants. "Hey guys" he muttered. "Oh by the way Haz I heard you need kissing lessons" Louis giggled. "I do not who said that Lou?" Harry asked. Louis glanced and pointed at me and said "She did" he said smiling. "You think I'm a bad kisser?" he asked looking quite hurt. "I did not say that" I said defensively . "Lou doesn't lie" he said once again looking hurt. "Yea Vaeh Lou doesn't lie" Louis said almost falling over from silent laughing. "Right now you are" I said annoyed so I got up and went to my room totally embarrassed. Harry came in behind me not noticing and he pulled me by the waist and turned me around to face him not but maybe an inch away from his face. "You really do think I'm a bad kisser don't you?" he questioned. "No I never said that" I said still shaking my head. "I think you did but give me a chance to prove you wrong" he said smirking. Then he kissed me but this time it wasn't out of sympathy or to make my brother mad it was him really wanting to kiss me and I kissed him back no hesitation needed. I started to feel myself walking backwards towards my bed then he pulled away. "Ok I'm going to use this opportunity to my advantage so Nevaeh Grace will you be my girlfriend?" I Nodded vigorously he smiled and spun me around. "But you know I never said that you were a bad kisser right?" I asked him. "Yea I know I just needed a reason to come up here and kiss you" he smiled and I laughed. "Typical you" I told him. He kissed me again and I fell onto my bed but he pulled away again. "Ugh Haz you're such a tease" I complained. He looked down at me and said "Are you sure you want to do this?" he asked. "Yea I'm completely sure" I said trying not to sound too eager. "OK then" and I pulled him into another kiss. I smiled as he picked me up bridal style and scooted me up the bed and lied down next to me kissing my jawline and down to my neck no doubt I would quite a few love bites later. He continued kissing my neck earning a slight gasp from me which made him smile even more.

****Louis' P.O.V.**** 

Harry and Vaeh have been upstairs "talking" for an hour and a half I wonder what they're really doing up there, I thought to myself. I heard Liam, Zayn, and Niall come downstairs for breakfast. "Hey guys" I called. "Hey Lou". "Hey where are Harry and Vaeh?" Niall asked. "They've been upstairs 'talking' for an hour and a half" I said putting air quotes around talking. I swear I saw Niall freeze he looked really pissed. As everyone got silent Harry and Vaeh came downstairs laughing at something Harry said and fingers intertwined. I looked over at Niall and he looked as if he could kill someone. Liam realizing this too grabbed Niall's shoulders before he could do anything. "What's wrong with you?" Vaeh asked obviously curious about Niall's expression. "Him" he nodded towards Harry. "What? What did I do?" Harry asked completely confused. "I told you to stay away from my sister" Niall yelled and broke away from Liam. Vaeh rushed over to Niall to calm him down and keep him away from Harry. "Niall calm down it was both of our decisions not just his" she told him. "What was both of your decisions?" he asked her. Nevaeh sighed "Harry and I are dating, Niall"

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