27. Are You Sure?

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Hey guys I'm starting to wonder if you guys even read this anymore? I finished school so I'm on Summer break thank God! But I hardly ever get on here to write anymore and I miss it. But I have a boyfriend now and we've been dating for almost a year (July 12th). As far as my older readers you guys know that my other boyfriend passed away so getting another one took awhile and it's hard to be away from him. Anyways! I decided I'm going to write today!

27. Are You Sure?

The twins are 4 months old now and it's time for me to go back to work. Don't get me wrong I love my job. I've always wanted to be an actress and modeling came along with it and I enjoy it just as much! I'm doing a photo shoot today at Barbizon School of Modeling and Acting and that's where I went to school to become and actress so to go back to where it all started I'm very excited to see my old teachers. "Nevaeh good morning sweetheart!" Harry said picking up Darcy. Our kids are totally cliché. Darcy is a total daddy's girl and Liam is a total mommy's boy. "Good morning Harry" I said kissing him then my babies. "So ready for the photo shoot today?" he asked me putting Darcy in her walker. "Honestly I don't know Haz I really don't want to leave the kids." I told him. "C'mon Vae, they'll be fine. They'll be with their daddy and I can bring them to see you at lunch time. Everything thing will be fine. I promise." he said comforting. "Yeah I guess you're right." I said putting my coffee mug in the sink. "Uh hello look who you're talking to. I'm always right!" he laughed. "Yeah yeah sure sure." I laughed. "Alright well I better be getting to work. It's already 9:40 and I have to be there by 10 so I'll see you three at noon, okay?" I said leaning down to kiss Darcy and Liam. "Okay Nevaeh go we'll be fine it's only two hours go shoo!" he said ushering me out the door. "Okay I'm going. Bye, I love you." I said kissing him on the cheek and rushing out the door. It was only a 15 minute drive so I had 5 extra minutes to spare. I walked in and immediately spotted one of my old teachers teaching her voice projecting class. I snuck up behind her and watched her class get wide eyed at the sight of me and put my hands over her eyes. "Guess who." I said giggling. "My my I know the giggle from anywhere!" she said taking my hands off her eyes and turning around to give me a hug. "If it isn't Nevaeh Grace Horan!" she said smiling and squeezing me. "Horan soon to be Styles" I told her smiling. She always knew I had a crush on Harry Styles. "Styles? Really? Oh Nevaeh that's wonderful!" she said hugging me again. "I've seen your face everywhere from Movies to TV to magazines! I'm so proud of you!" she said to me tearing up. "Anyways, class I'm sure you know who this is. Nevaeh Horan is  one of my very first students here at Barbizon" she said introducing me to the class. "Do you have a few minutes to take pictures?" she asked me. "Sure thing!" I said agreeing. Tweenty minutes later I was walking to my photo shoot with my acting coach. "Nevaeh darling you look stunning!" she said running up to hug me. She always was a big ball of energy. "Patrice! Oh my gosh I missed you! Let's get this shoot started!" I said changing into my outfit. 1 1/2 hours later it was time for my lunch break and I headed to the break room where all the teachers were to catch up with them. "So Nevaeh how have you been sweetie?" my performance arts teacher asked. "I've been great actually I have my own clothing line out an I have a new movie coming out soon" I said biting into a sandwich. Just then my phone rang. "Hello?" "Vae it's Harry I'm in the lobby with the twins and Sophia where are you?" "Break room come on in" "Okay be in in a second" "Guys I have a surprise for you" I told then and they all looked at me confused. Harry walked in with the twins and Sophia at his side and they swooned. Patrice looked at me. "Nevaeh are they yours?" she asked playing with Liam. "The twins are. I mean Sophia is ours too but she's adopted" I said with a giant smile. "Oh my God they're all so adorable! What are they're names an how old are they?" she asked. "Liam and Darcy and they're 4 months old and Sophia an she is 5" I told her taking Darcy from Harry. "Shit Vae you did good they're adorable" she laughing. "Patrice! Babies!" Chris said laughing. "Oh they don't understand me" she defended. We passed the babies around for the rest of the hour and Sophie passed out on Harry's shoulder I could definitely tell they loved the attention. "I have a feeling Darcy is going to take after you in the acting department" Chris said. "Well I mean I'm going to let them decided what they want to do. Sophie loves to sing so she may take after Harry in that but I'm not going to push them to do anything they don't want to but yeah I would love of they took after me" I told them. "Well break time is up" I said looking at my watch. I got up and handed Darcy to Harry as he woke Sophia up. "Bye Soph mommy loves you and I'll see you later okay? be good for daddy." I told her kissing her and loving on Liam for a second." Alright Harry I'll be home at 5 for just 4 more hours are you sure you don't want to leave them here I don't mind hav-" he kissed me cutting me off mid sentence. "Vaeh they're fine with me we've had a good day. 4 more hours isn't going to hurt any of us." I sighed. "Alright Harry I'll be home later" I said walking back to the studio. At 3 o'clock I took a 15 minute break and I got a call from Niall. "Hello?" I answered. "Nevaeh I think you better come home Breanna has so interesting news for you" he said angrily. "Uh okay." I said ending the call. "Hey Patrice I have a family emergency I have to go a little early but I'll be back tomorrow at 10." "Okay Nevaeh have a good day" I got into the car and drove home. I walked inside and saw Breanna sitting on the table with her arms folded. well this means she has a point to defend. This is going to be a long night.

So finally updated! Yay! What did Breanna do? comment and tell me what you think! Love you and see you soon munchies.

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