13. Tragedy Strikes Again

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Here's chapter 13 love you my StudMuffins

Chapter 13

Tragedy Strikes Again

*****Harry's P.O.V.*****

We just arrived at the interview and all five girls went and sat front row in the audience while us lads went backstage to get headsets put on us. Breanna said she's wait in the van I don't blame her she would get mobbed. One Direction with a new girl the paps would have a field day. "Live in 5" the intercom interrupter my thoughts. "OK guys go" Paul our manager and bodyguard said pushing us on stage. "Ladies and Gentlemen One Direction" Katie the interviewer called and the audience went wild clapping and yelling. We politely waved as we went and sat down. "Welcome you guys glad to have you on the show" she said. "We're glad to be here" Liam said always being the polite one. Ok so let's get started so you guys are just finishing up for Take Me Home tour right?" "Yup" we all answered. "Cool so was that anything like you expected Harry?" "No not at all going onto the X-Factor seemed like a dream much less becoming a world know superstar it's all so amazing and our fans our incredible" I bless a kiss to the audience and the all squealed with excitement. "That's good I'm sure your fans can agree when I say you lads are amazing" screams that's all that was heard was screams. She laughed. "I'll take that as a yea" "Ok so Niall we heard your sister Nevaeh also Harry's girlfriend and World Model am I correct?" he nodded. "Well we heard she's expecting a baby is this true?" I looked at Nevaeh her face paled and I sent her an apologetic look while the girls comforted her. "Uh yes Katie this is true Nevaeh is expecting a baby" Niall said. "Ok well we also heard the babys father is her ex-boyfriend Tristan Guidry is this also true?" she questioned. "No it isn't" Zayn spoke up. "Ok so if he isn't the father then who is?" I looked at the guys who nodded then at Nevaeh who also nodded and then at Paul who also gave me a small nod. "I am" I spoke up. "Excuse me?" she asked shocked. "I am the father of her baby" I said slowly. "Well isn't that sweet congratulations to the both of you" she said and the crown cheered and applauded. "Uh when is she due?" she asked curiously. "April 20th of next year" I said "And do you know if it's a boy of girl yet?" she asked. "Uh no actually we won't know for about another 2 & 1/2 months" I smiled. I looked at Nevaeh who was looking at her phone but smiling then she sent a quick text. It was to me. I glanced down at my phone.

From: Nevaeh Grace

I know what you're thinking and yes I'm on twitter but #CongratsDaddyStyles is trending and I'm actually getting a bunch of nice tweets the fans are taking it nicely now that they know I didn't cheat on you that's why I'm smiling.

I smiled then quickly put my phone away and smiled at her. "Ok so time for twitter questions" she said pulling up twitter on her iPad. "@1DRockMe ask 'How far along is Nevaeh in her pregnancy?'" she asked us. "She is 9 weeks" I answered. (A/N I know she would be farther but I planned this to be like in July of this year so just go with it yeah) "Ok next question is from @GottaBeYouHarry ask 'Tell us about Midnight Memories, what is you guys favorite song to song?" "Well Harry's favorite is Strong he wrote that one for Nevaeh Niall's is Diana because he wrote it for no one particular, Liam's is Story Ot My Life, Zayn's is Best Song Ever, and mine well personally I like Does He Know the best" Louis answered and the crowd cheered. "Ok one last question before one lucky audience member gets to ask you a question" "Ok guys relationships single of taken and if taken who with Harry we'll start with you" she smiled. "Take obviously by Nevaeh Horan" I smiled. "Take by Hailey Styles" Zayn said. "Styles? Harry is that your sister?" Katie interrupter. "Uh yeah Hailey is my little sister" I said. "Taken by Malory Nehring" Niall answered. "Taken by Zoey Stuever" Louis grinned. "Saved the best for last but Taken by McKayla Thomas" Liam laughed. "But just because we all have girlfriends doesn't mean that we love our fans any less single or taken we will always love our girls" Zayn smiled and the audience awwd. "Aww that is so sweet" Katie grinned. "Ok time for our lucky audience member to ask a question that member would be in Section B Row 17 and Seat 8" A girl in the audience got up grinning from ear to ear. "Hi love what's your name?" Niall asked. "Uh um uh yeah uh it's um uh Brooke" she stuttered. "Hi Brooke what's your question?" Zayn asked. "Are all of your girlfriends here and if they are can you guys kiss?' she smirked. We all laughed. The audience started to chant 'Kiss Kiss Kiss' so finally Louis answered. "Yes all of our girlfriends are here girls?" he said motioning them up. They all got up reluctantly I may add but they did. They found their boyfriend and we all kissed. While the crowded awwd and so did Katie. "Well that's all the time we have for today Ladies and Gentlemen One Direction" Katie announced and everyone clapped. "And we're off" the director yelled. I pulled away from Nevaeh. "I love you darling" I whispered. "I love you too Haz" she said back. "Ok Harry Nevaeh they asked for a kiss not a complete snogging session" Louis said trying to pulling us apart but failed. He waited a minute. "Ok you two seriously break it up" he said pulling her off of me. "Ow" she said holding her arm and started to 'cry' after she winked at me signaling me to play along. "Aww Vaeh I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you" he said giving her a hug but she pulled away and ran over to me. "Seriously Louis really mate she's crying you hurt her arm" I said trying to sound as mad as I could. Nevaeh started laughing and so did I. "Gotcha" she laughed. Louis grumbled something about her taking me away from him and that Larry Stylinson was so over. "Aww BooBear are you jealous?" I asked pinching his cheeks. "Maybe" he grumbled. "Aww Zoey Louis' jealous make him un-jealous" Vaeh laughed pushing Lou towards Zoey. "Ok guys don't you dare say anything about me being Niall's sister but I'm hungry and eating for two here" Nevaeh said laughing. "To Nandos" Niall yelled running towards the van. Breanna was smiling at her phone. "Breee we're going to Nandos yeahh" Niall yelled getting into the car. "Nandos yes I love Nandos.....well what are we waiting for lets go I'm starving" she giggled. "Yes that's Niall's sister" Liam laughed earning a slap on the back of the head from both Niall and Breanna. "Oww" he said rubbing the back of his head. The whole van filled with laughter even Paul. Breanna went back to her phone and didn't speak the entire way there I don't think anyone noticed but me. "We're here" Paul called from the front of the car. We all piled out but I walked a little slower to stay behind and talk to Breanna. "So Bre who's the guy?" I asked her smirking. "Psh ha what no what guy?" she stammered. "You're a horrible liar just like your sister" I told her. "Fine his name is Austin just don't tell them" she pleaded. "Ok" I answered smirking. We all got in while Niall was jumping up and down on the balls of his feet like an over excited prairie dog on a sugar high. "Table for 11" Niall said still bouncing. We all sat down and Breanna kept messing with me so I got her back. "Hey guys Breanna's texting a guy named Austin" I said smirking at her. She looked up and sent me a death glare and kicked my shin. "Ow Breanna kicked me" I said. "What ohhh Breanna's got a boyfriend" Louis teased her. "Shut up Lou" she said putting her phone away. "Breanna who's the boy?" Niall asked. Everyone laughed watching Niall be an overprotective brother. "Uh no one" she lied. "Bloody liar you bite your lip just like Nevaeh does when you lie no I'll say this again Breanna Hope who is the boy?" he said. "Uh his name is Austin" she blushed. "Austin who?" he asked. "Austin Mahone" she said quietly. "You're dating Austin Mahone?" Niall said getting louder. "Niall calm down it's just a guy so what if I'm dating him" she spat. "It matters because the kid is a douche and I don't want you dating him" he spat back. "Well when did you decide that you were the boss of me?" she asked. "Since you came into my life and you're living with me now" he said. "Well guess who's still not making my decisions for me?" she sassed then walked to the car.

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