18. The Truth Unleashed

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Hiiiiiiiiiiiii guys here is Chpater 18 man I can't believe I'm already at Chapter 18 anyways I hope you guys like it. I actually like this chapter for some reason.

Chapter 18.

The Truth Unleashed

Niall decided to join our little scene and walked out next to Harry. "Hey Greyson my man" he said walking over to give Greyson a 'bro hug' "Niall what's up mate?" Greyson asked Niall. 'Oh nothing really so when did you get it I would've come to visit" Niall asked. "See mate that's the thing I'm shooting a movie here and no one is supposed to know I'm here except for Nevaeh and I missed her so I texted her earlier to meet up but asked her not to tell anyone" Greyson explained. "Oh yea I understand man" Niall said patting him on the back. "Niall what the hell are you doing get away from him" Zayn spat. "What? Why?" Niall asked. "Uh can't you see he's here on a date with Nevaeh. Nevaeh is cheating on Harry with him so get away" Zayn said seething. Niall busted with laughter. "Why is that so funny Niall?" Malory sassed. "You guys did you let Nevaeh explain what was going on here before all of this happened?" he asked them. I stopped crying long enough to answer for them. "No they didn't and Harry decided to take back my engagement ring" I told Niall sobbing in his shoulder. "Mate why did you do that?" Niall asked rubbing my back. "Niall are you fucking kidding me she is cheating on me with him" Harry yelled. "Mate you are going to feel EXTREMELY bad after I say these next few words" Niall said stressing the word extremely. "Why would I feel bad?" Harry asked pissy and looking at the ground. I turned around the see his face as Niall spoke these next few but very important words. "Mate, Greyson is our cousin" Niall said. Harry's head snapped up as soon as the words left Niall's mouth. "C-c-cousin?" he asked slowly. "Yes, our cousin and you would've known that if you would've let me explain but no instead you took my engagement ring from me" I snapped. Harry stepped forward. "Nevaeh baby I am SO incredibly sorry please forgive me I got jealous and hurt because I thought you were cheating and because I love you so much I jumped to conclusions and didn't let you explain I'm so sorry" he said. "You know what Harry sorry isn't going to cut it this time I forgave you when you dumped me for Karen, when you said you didn't want our child, when you told me I was a worthless slut and now this I can't just keep forgiving you over and over again if this is going to keep happening maybe it's best we just stayed friends" I said looking at my shoes. "NO" he shouted and everyone turned and looked at us. "Ok guys let's take this home Greyson you are welcome to come back to the house with us if you'd like" Niall said. "No mate it's ok I need to get some sleep so I'll head back to me flat I have an early day of shooting tomorrow but thanks for the offer" Greyson said hugged me them walked out. Malory was told to go tell everyone else that we were going home so Harry and I could work this out. I got in my car and drove back to the house and went straight up to my room. About 8 minutes later there was a knock on my door. "Come in" I shouted and in walked Harry. "Nevaeh can we talk" he asked. "Yea sure" I said sitting on my bed. "Look Nevaeh I am so sorry about what happened back at the restaurant I over reacted and jumped to conclusions before I even gave you a chance to explain and I feel so bad for that just please forgive me" he said begging. I sighed. "I forgive you Harry" I said smiling. He got the biggest grin on his face ever and came over to give me a kiss but I stopped him. "I said I forgive you Harry but that doesn't mean I want to get back together I'm tired of being hurt by you I just don't think I can take much more and all the stress it's putting on me it's definitely not good for the babies" I said resting my hand on my stomach. "I know Nevaeh and I'm so sorry but I can't be just friends with you that will kill be I just can't" he said crying. "Well do you think I want to be just friends no I don't but if it's what's best for the kids then maybe that's what needs to happen Harry I love you with all my heart but I don't know if this will work unless you get a little trust in me and prove you actually want this relationship to work" I told him. "Ok I understand but know this I will do everything in my power to get you back and be the best boyfriend and father I can be you 3 mean the world to me and I am NOT going to let my world slip out from beneath me when I have it in reach" he said kissed my cheek and walked out. Ugh I need sleep to get my head around this. I crawled into my bed and tried to go to sleep but that wasn't going to happen. I got up and walked to Niall's room. I opened the door and poked my head in Malory wasn't in here so she must be in her room. I quietly tip toed over to his side of the bed and shook him awake. "Niall" "Niall" I shook him. "Hmmm hmm hmmmm what is it Vaeh?" he asked groggily. "I can't sleep can I sleep with you?" I asked. He pulled back the covers and patted the empty side of the bed. "Thank you Nialler" I said kissing his cheek. "No problem Vae" he said and went back to sleep. I slowly but surely drifted into unconsciousness. The next morning I woke up to an empty bed. I turned over and looked at the clock it was 3:07 in the afternoon. Wow I guess I needed sleep more than I thought. I walked down the stairs and into the living room with a yawn. "And she's alive" McKayla yelled. "Shut up Kayla" I muttered. "Well someone's grouchy" she said snuggling closer to Liam. "I'm sorry hormones" I told her and she nodded. I walked back up the stairs to get my phone when I got a text.

From: Hazzabear

Step 1 to winning you back.

Take you out.

Tonight I'm taking you out to dinner don't wear anything fancy just casual and we will leave at 8 see you then ;)

To: Hazzabear

Ok will do ;)

"Hailey, Malory, Dena, McKayla, and Breanna come here!" I yelled. They all rushed through the do. Malory was carrying a baseball bat? What? "What, what's wrong who died?" McKayla questioned. I laughed. "No one died Kayla I need help picking out an outfit for my date tonight?" I said. "Oh ok who are you going on a date with?" Malory asked dropping the bat. "Harry" I answered with a small smile. "Oh so he's stepping up I see" she smiled. "Yea" I nodded. "That's good ok let's get started" she said going over to my closet. "He said nothing fancy just casual" I told her walking in with the others behind me. "Anything else?" She questioned. "Nope" I shook my head. "Wow he gives me nothing to work with no offense?" she laughed. "Ok yes a little offended" I joked.

"You know I didn't mean it like that" she laughed and got to work. About two hours later she finally had finished on her so called 'masterpiece'. "Andddd done!" She yelled clapping her hands excitedly. I looked in the mirror and gasped. "Malory oh my god I don't even look like the same person it's amazing thank you" I said hugging her. "Anything for you" she smiled. Liam knocked on the door and walked in. "Excuse me ladies but I was told to escort Miss Nevaeh to her car" Liam said all fancy. I smiled and took his hand. "Where is everyone else?" I asked Liam. He just shook his head. I got into the limo waiting and saw the driver was Louis. "Louis don't kill me before my date" I said. "Does no one in this house think I can drive a car normally jeez" he acted all dramatic. "No, no we don't" I laughed. He mumbled under his breath. "Nevaeh we're here" Louis said. I got out and saw Zayn. "Zayn? What are you doing here?" I asked baffled. "Just wait" he said and took my hand. He brought me to a building and out the back which resembled a small airport. "Zayn where are-" but he was gone. Great. "Nevaeh" I heard. I turned to see Niall. "Niall? Ok what is going on here?" I asked. "Can you be patient?" He asked. He led me over to a helicopter. "Why are getting in that thing?" I asked. "Grace quit asking so many damn question and get in, you will find out soon enough" he huffed. Jeez ok then. We landed in a small field and we walked about a mile and he stopped. "This is where I stop" he said and turned around. "What am I supposed to do" but he didn't answer. "Nevaeh" I eats my name quietly. I turned around and saw Harry with my favorite flower Lily of the Valley. (Which is my actual favorite flower) "Harry?" I asked. "Of course who else" he smiled. He took my hand and we bags to walk again but I didn't ask questions. I finally got tired. "Harry are we al-" "We're here" he turned to me and smiled. I looked around. It was beautiful. It was a small lake with about three or four small waterfalls leading into a green/blue lake with a picnic blanket on the bank. "Harry did you do all this?" I asked. He nodded. I started crying. "If you don't like it we can go back" he said nervously. "NO I mean No I love it its tears of happiness Harry this is amazing thank you" I said giving him a hug. "Anything for you" he smiled. He lead us over to a tent and inside there was a bed, small table with two chairs, a basket, and computer. "So what's in the basket?" I asked. "Well I know you love Italian so I made Chicken Parmesan, strawberries, grape juice since its your favorite and you can't drink" he smiled. "Ohh goody then lets dig in I'm starved" I smiled. "Of course you are" he laughed. "If that a Niall joke?" I asked playfully. "Yes, yes it is" he said playing back. "Fine no cuddles for you then" I said crossing my arms. "Nooooo ok Nevaeh I'm sorry I didn't mean it" he said pleadingly. "I was joking Hazza" I said tapping his nose. He scrunched his nice which was unbelievably cute. "So what's the computer for?" I asked halfway through the meal. "Movies!" He said happily.

"What movies?" I asked. "All your favorites" he said proud. "No way there's no way you could possibly remember all my favorite movies" I said surprised. "Oh but I did" he replied cockily. "Them prove it Styles" I said. "Ok well there's Pitch Perfect, The Jungle Book, Flight of the Navigator, and Peter Pan" (again all truly my favorites) he said showing me each one as he named them. I gasped. He remembered. "You did remember all of them" I smiled proud that he did. "Of course" he smiled. I later down on the bed as he put in the first movie on the computer. He laid down next to me and wrapped his arms around me as Peter Pan started to play. He ran his hands through my hair which he knew relaxed me. Before I knew it I was drifting into a soft sleep wrapped in the man I loved arms.

The End.

No I'm joking. But did you guys like it? Feedback would be nice? There is a picture on the side of what the scene looks like just picture it darker. Ok love you guys I should probably go to bed it's 1:24 AM so goodnight Studmuffins!


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