19. J'adore Toi Aussi

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Here is Chapter 19 my lovelies this chapter literally sucks balls I know but I have extreme writers block and I don't know I just feel bleh. First person to comment on this chapter will get the dedication since I have no one to dedicate it to. Anyways here is chapter 19 guys.

Chapter 19.

J'adore Toi Aussi

I woke up the next morning still wrapped in Harry's arms. I leaned up me kissed him. I pulled back and he was still asleep. So I kissed him again. I saw him open his eye then shut it again quickly. "Harry! You were awake?" I asked. "Maybeeee" he said laughing. "You could've just said so" I told him getting up and walking to the table. He groaned. "Nooo don't leave me" he said whining. "Get up then lazy ass" I said chucking a pair of his socks at him. "You know we have to go home today right?" I told him. "Ugh why I don't wanna leave" he said. "You think I do but I have to practice my part for my movie, we start filming next week" I told him packing his stuff. "What? You have a movie? How come I didn't know?" He asked. "Ehh I don't know I guess it just slipped my back" I told him shrugging. "Hey can I be in it?" He asked. "NO!" I said. "What? Why not?" He said smiling. "Harry you're a horrid actor" I laughed. "I know" he grumbled. "Let's head out we need to get back" I said to him. "Fine" We walked back to the spot were we would be picked up by helicopter and brought back to the airport. We drove back to the house and walked through the front door. "You're home" Hailey screamed. "We are" I yelled back. "I'll be in my room I need to at least look over this part" I told them and headed up to my room. "J'adore toi Zach" I struggled. "Shit I'm never going to be able to learn this stupid part" I said to myself. "Hey babe how's the rehearsal going?" Harry said sitting on my bed. "Horrible this part is in French and as you can see I don't know French dammit" I said angry. "Hey in fluent in French want me to help?" He asked. "Would you?" I asked sweetly. "Of course" he said. "Ok here I don't even know what I'm saying all I know is that my love interest is Zach" I said sighing. "Ok well here it says 'J'adore toi Zach' which means I love you Zach" he told me and I nodded. "Ok so you say it like this Ja" "Ja" "Door" "Door" "Toi" "Toi" "Zach" "Zach" "Now put it all together J'adore toi Zach" "J'adore toi Zach" I said flawless. "Aha thank you Harry" I said excitedly. "No problem babe now lets test your French see how much you know" he winked "Ok try me" I said nervous. I'm not good at this. "Tu es très belle. Te me rends heureuse. Tu es l'amour de ma vie. Je pense toujours à toi. Je veux être avec toi pour toujours. Veux-tu m'épouser?" (First one to tell me what this means gets the next dedication) I knew enough to know that was the most beautiful thing I had ever heard. "Oui Monsieur Styles" I told him. "Embrasses-moi." I knew that one too. I leaned down and kissed Harry. I got those sparks and tingles I never did with Tristan an I wondered how could I ever be in love with him without this feeling. Harry pulled away out of breath. "I love you Vaeh" he said pressing his forehead against mine. "I love you too Harry" "I say we celebrate lets go out tonight all of us" "Ok" I laughed at his eagerness. "Hey guys we're all going out tonight be ready by 9" Harry yelled down the stairs. We got all okays except for Breanna that said she was going out with Austin tonight. I got to work on my outfit and makeup being it was already 5 o'clock. My outfit consisted of a gray ruffled top, ripped blue jeans, black heels, a small bag, a black onyx ring, silver bracelet, earrings, and locket. We arrived at the club at 9:15 just in time to hear the end of Rock Me and all the guys smiled ear to ear. By the time 10:00 rolled around Niall, Zayn, Louis, Malory, McKayla, Dena, Harry were all drunk of their rockers. I convinced Hailey to stay sober so I had someone to talk to. Oddly enough Liam wasn't walking around keeping an eye on anyone. Actually come to think of it where was Liam? I looked around and saw him talking to a girl around our age. She was absolutely gorgeous like no lie. She had shoulder length brown hair and really pretty brown eyes like Zayn's. They were both laughing and I saw her give him her number and he walked over. I'll have to ask him about her later. Finally at about 12 we gathered everyone and headed home. We got into the limo and my phone rang. "Hello?" I answered. "Yes is this Nevaeh Horan?" The voice asked. "Yes it is may I ask who's calling?" I question. Harry finally sobering up gave me a confused look an I just shrugged. "Yes this is Memorial Hospital I was calling in regard of a Miss Breanna Horan" she said. My heart sunk. "May I-I ask what about?" I said my voice cracking. "Yes Miss Horan your sister has been in a terrible car accident she was with Austin Mahone I believe her boyfriend. They were hit head on my an 18-wheeler Mr. Mahone made it out with minimum injuries but I'm afraid your sister wasn't as lucky" she told me. I was trying so hard not to drop my phone and she said this words. "What happened is she ok?" I asked. "Miss Horan-" she paused. "What is it?" I asked crying now. "I afraid-" an that's when it all went black.

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