25. That's Ironic, Isn't It?

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Hey guys okay I know you are probably super mad at me for not updating in the longest time ever but I started school 3 days ago and for those of you who don't know I'm extremely busy, I've got Drumline, FCCLA, FBLA, Student Council, Key Club, Beta, and Golf. So I have a lot of things to do but I'm trying my hardest for you guys and I'm sorry but this is chapter 25 hope you like it!

Oh and also this chapter is dedicated to _ItsKaylee_ because she is my absolute FAVORITE author on Wattpad and she is by far amazing with her writing so honestly go check out her book I promise you will no regret oh and while you're at it follow her too!!

Chapter 25

That's Ironic, Isn't It?


I walked in to see everyone sitting in the living room with Zayn and Hailey on the loveseat facing everyone. "Good she's here now I can tell you guys" Hailey started. She breathed and then looked up at us. "Guys, I'm pregnant" Hailey said squeezing Zayn's hand and Harry's eyes got wide. "WHAT?" he asked shocked. "I know, I know bad timing but it's not like we meant for it to happen kinda like you two" she said sighing. "Zayn! I'm going to kill you!" Harry said getting up and Zayn moved back while Niall, Liam, and Louis got up to stop Harry. "Harry you can't do that" Niall told him trying to calm him down. "And why is that?" He asked looking at Niall like he was crazy. "You got my sister pregnant and I didn't kill you so you can't kill Zayn. That's ironic isn't it Haz?" Niall asked Harry and realization flashed through Harry's face. "Ugh you got lucky this time Malik" he growled plopping himself back on the couch. "Well I may only be speaking for myself but I'm happy for you guys. How far along are you Hails?" I asked her going and sitting next to Harry and cuddling into his side as he put his arm around me. "7 weeks" she said quietly. "That's cute, congratulations" I told her. "Thank you Vae" she smiled. My phone rang from the kitchen and I groaned. "I'll get it baby" Harry said giving me a lingering kiss. "Ugh PDA you guys that's how you four got in the predicament you're in now jeez" Louis said scrunching his nose. "Hey you have no room to talk mister!" I said motioning to him and Dena cuddling on the couch. "Touché" he mumbled. Harry walked back into my the living room with my phone. "Who is it?" I asked him. "I don't know, unknown number" he said handing me my phone. "Hello?" I answered. "Nevaeh Horan?" The voice asked. "Yes, may I ask who's calling?" I said confused. "Yes Miss Horan this is Audrey with Memorial Hospital I'm Breanna's nurse" she said. "Oh okay" I said nodding forgetting she couldn't see me. "Is everything alright?" I asked. "Oh yes yes everything's fine that's actually what I was calling you for Miss Breanna is ready to go home, all her signs are stable although she's still got a cast on her right arm and bruised ribs she'll be okay. Now she's got to take it very easy for the next few months but other than that she should be good to go. You can come pick her up and sign her out as soon as you want to" she told me. "Alright thank you so much Audrey we'll be by there as soon as we can" I told her. "Okay have a good day Miss Horan" she said. "You too" I told her hanging up. I threw my phone down and looked up. "Who was that?" they asked. "That was the hospital Breanna is ready to come home but is still under a lot of restrictions" I told them. "Okay well let's go get her then" Harry said helping me up, being 31 weeks pregnant makes you feel like an elephant. I'm huge and wobble every time I walk. We drove to the hospital and I walked inside while Harry waited in the car. "I'm here to pick up Breanna Horan" I told the receptionist. "Relation to Miss Horan?" She asked. "Older sister" I told her. "Okay fill these out and well go get her" she said hanging me some papers. "Okay" I said sitting down filling out all the papers. "Nevaeh Horan" the doctor said. I got up and wobbled over to the doctor. Yes wobbled. "Miss Horan is okay to go home but she needs to take these pills every 4 hours including at night. She cannot do a lot of physical activity due to the damage and she will have to go to physical therapy for 3 months once a week but other than that she should be okay there wasn't any life threatening damages so I'd say she got out pretty lucky compared to what she could've" he told me handing me a bottle of pills as I nodded along. Breanna walked into the waiting room with a red cast on her arm and a brace around her chest. "Red cast should've known that" I said messing with her. Breanna'a absolutely obsessed with the color red. "Shut up" she said walking to the doors. "Can we stop by Austin's beach house to see everyone an let them know I'm okay?" She asked me. "Sure thing no problem" I told her hoping into Harry's Range Rover and told him the plans. We arrived in front on Austin's beach house and she got out. She walked to the front window to talk to Nevaeh. "I'll probably stay the night and I have clothes here so you can go home" she told us. "Are you sure?" Nevaeh asked her. She nodded. "Okay call me when you want me to come get you or whatever" she said and Breanna nodded. "Alright have fun, I love you" she said to Bre. "Love you too Vaeh. Love you Haz" she waved and walked towards the house. "Love you too Bre" he replied.

~~~Breanna's P.O.V.~~~

I walked over to house an knocked on the door. Normally I wouldn't but I wanted to surprise them. Thankfully Michele answered the door and her eyes widened in shock. I quickly put my finger to my mouth signaling her to be quiet. She nodded and giggled. "He's upstairs in his room with the crew and Dave" she whispered to me. I nodded and quietly climbed the steps to his room. I knocked on the door. "Go away mom" Austin's voice rang and I had to really control myself not to laugh. "Come on dude it's your mom she's probably just as worried about you as you are about Breanna" Alex said and I could her feet shuffling towards the door. Alex opened the door and his eyes widened along with everyone who was looking at me but Austin had his face buried in his pillow. I put my fingers to my lips to shush them and they all nodded walking out of the room. I slowly climbed on Austin's bed and onto his back. "Mom what are you doing?" He asked confused. I leaned down and kissed him right underneath his ear. "Okay seriously what-" "Breanna?" He asked in disbelief. I giggled. "Surprise" I said to him kissing him. "Breanna what are you doing here I thought you were in the hospital?" He asked still completely shocked. "I was released today" I told him. His smiled faltered and he got out from underneath me and stood on the opposite side of the room. "Austin what's wrong?" I asked him and he just shook his head. "Breanna I don't think we should be together" he said looking down. What? We've been together for 11 months. "What? Why? What did I do?" I asked starting to cry. He just shook his head. I got off the bed and walked downstairs to see everyone talking but they stopped once they say me crying. "Bre what's wrong?" Alex asked. "Austin broke up with me. "What? Why?" He asked confused. "I don't know" I said still crying. "I'll go talk to him" he said walking upstairs. He was up there for about 10 minutes when he came back down stairs with a look of satisfaction. "Austin wants to talk to you" he said pointing upstairs. I got off the couch and walked upstairs to Austin's room. "You wanted to talk to me" I said quietly walking into his room. "Yeah look I mean I didn't really want to break up with you but seeing you hurt and knowing it was my fault just kinda broke me inside" he said with a tear falling down his cheek. "Austin it wasn't your fault" I said pulling him in a hug. He wouldn't hug me back. I pulled away from him. "Why won't you hug me back?" I asked him. "I-I don't know I feel like I'm going to break you again" he said still crying. "Austin you won't break me" I told him pulling him to his bed. "Let's get some sleep and we'll feel better tomorrow okay?" I asked him. He nodded and changed into his basketball shorts and no shirt. "Can I borrow some clothes?" I asked him. He nodded. He handed me a shirt and shorts. I changed and crawled into his bed. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer to him. "I love you" he mumbled into my hair. "I love you too" I said kissing him and falling asleep in his arms.

Okay I know this chapter sucked but guys school started 8 days ago and I have so much going on!! It's crazy. Leave feedback I love you stud muffins.

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