2. Betrayed? Already?

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Ok this is Chapter 2 here it is. Enjoy! **FAN**COMMENT**VOTE**


****1 Year Later****Nevaeh's P.O.V.****

I sit here on a bar stool in the kitchen anxiously waiting for Niall to get back from his first tour so I can give him the news. Niall didn't make it through by himself but the judges put him and 4 other guys to compete together as a band. From what I've heard they're really nice and the band's name is One Direction. I get to meet them when they get home from their next tour. I'm meeting them at the airport to go to dinner afterwards. But the news being I'm getting married to my boyfriend Tristan of 7 years I know that would make me 11 when we first started dating but I'm happy with him I love him the only problem Niall HATES Tristan with a capital H he always said Tristan was a trouble maker and I could do better but I always thought that was the twin protectiveness taking over being as Greg was never like that but still protective being the only girl and the youngest of the 3 only by 3 minutes I'm still younger and Niall will never let me forget that he's older. "Vaeh" I heard Niall call from the hallway by the front door "There's my other half" he said as I appeared from the kitchen engulfing me in a huge hug. "Hey Niall I missed you so much how was the tour?" I asked. "It was great" he said happily by then I think he noticed my fake smile "Vaeh what's wrong?" he asked. "Nothing" I lied flashing my fake smile again. "Nevaeh Grace Horan when are you going to figure out that I'm your twin and can see every time you lie to me so spill your guts now" he demanded. "Okay but you might want to sit for this" I sighed going over to the couch and he nodded following me. "Ok let me finish speaking before you say anything" I said and he nodded again. "NiallImgettingmarriedtoTristanheproposed3weeksago" I said in one breath. "What?" he asked obviously confused by my fast words I couldn't say it again so I just held up my left hand to show him the ring. "WHAT?!?!? YOU'RE GETTING MARRIED TO THAT DOUCHE BAG YOU CALL A BOYFRIEND YOU'RE 17 BLOODY YEARS OLD YOU CAN'T DO THAT" he yelled making me flinch. "Niall calm down I've been dating Tristan for 7 years you know that and I love him he means the world to me I just want you to know that" I said closing my eyes waiting for him to start yelling again "Ok as long as he makes you happy I'm ok with it" he said a lot calmer now. "Really?" I asked shocked "Really" he said to me. "Thanks Nialler it means a lot to me knowing I have your approval" I said hugging him. "No problem" he smiled hugging me back.

****6 Months Later****

Tristan and I have just bought a new flat together before getting married. Niall just got back from their 2nd tour when I met the boys. I took well to Louis the most we got along great we always were the ones to play pranks on the boys so we quickly became partners in crime. Although we got along great I didn't like him more than a friend. I had just started to unpack all the boxes when I got a call from Tristan saying we really needed to talk and that we would be here in 10 minutes. He sounded really nervous on the phone which kinda worried me. Just then I heard a knock on the door and remember I changed the locks yesterday and forgot to give him a key. "Vaeh we need to talk" is all he said before pulling me over to the couch. "Tristan?" I croaked "What's wrong?" I asked curiously. All I heard was "I got Sophia Pregnant" before completely zoning out ignoring all of his begs for forgiveness. Sophia where had I heard that name before oh right his ex-girlfriend. "Tristan I think you need to leave and DON'T come back" I said sternly but strangely keeping my cool. "Vaeh please forgive me I was drunk and I didn't know what I was doing I was stupid please I can't loose you" he pleaded. "Too late you already have you should've known you were going to loose me as soon as you slept with her now LEAVE" I said stressing the last word and pushed him out the door as soon as he left I fell to my knees and started to cry I honestly don't know how long I stayed like that but I do know when I got up I went straight for my phone wiping my tear stained cheeks and dialing his number. It rang twice before I heard him answer "Hello" his voice rang through the other line "Niall" I cried "Vaeh what's wrong" he asked getting worried. "Can you just please come over to my flat you have my new address right" I begged. "Yea I do I'll be there in 15 minutes" he said hanging up. He was right exactly 15 minutes later I heard a knock at my door figuring it was Niall I ran to the door and swung it open still crying not even bothering to check and see if it was him thank goodness it was. "Vaeh" Niall engulfed me into a hug. "Vaeh what's wrong" he asked "Y-y-you w-w-were r-r-right" I stammered "I was right about what Vaeh please talk to me and tell me what's wrong" he said hugging me tighter. "Tristan he he he got Sophia pregnant Niall we were going to get married after 7 years and he goes and gets her pregnant what did I do wrong I don't deserve this....Sophia why her of all people Sophia" Niall knew who Sophia was. Sophia was Niall and I's childhood best friend until she dated Tristan and then dissed us bet she regrets that now Niall being a world famous superstar and me being a model starting my own clothes line. I was still crying on him now completely soaking his shirt in tears. "That no good son a bitch he will get what's coming for him I promise" he said getting off the couch. "No Niall please stay here with me please" I begged him. "Alright only because it's you I don't want to leave you alone upset it's better I stay here anyways I probably would've killed him" he joked trying to lighten the mood it worked Niall always knew how to make me smile no matter how upset I was he never failed. "Hey I have an idea" he said "What" I asked "Just meet all of us at Harry and Louis' flat at 8:00 tonight I have an awesome idea" he said jumping off his seat. "But Nialler" I pleaded given Harry and I's past I really don't want to have to go to his house what Niall doesn't know is I dated Harry a while back. When I was 9 I met my still to this day best friend Hailey she was only about to be 8 at the time. Well when I went over to her house to meet her parents I also met her older brother Harry I instantly thought he was cute and we stayed together for a while then I dated Tristan and I hadn't talked to him since and when I "met" Harry at the airport it was quite awkward being he thought I was Niall's girlfriend in all and we hadn't seen each other in a really long time. "Please Vaeh for me it's a really good idea" Niall begged snapping me out of my thoughts giving me the puppy dog eyes. "Fine but because it's you and you know I can't resist your puppy dog look. 8:00 right?" I asked "Yep 8:00 see you then thanks Vaeh" he exclaimed. "Welcome see you later Ni" I said worried about it anyways "Later Vaeh" he said running out the door already on his phone.

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