9. That Mystery Someone

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I know this is a very short chapter like the previous one but I wanted to update and I really wanted to use this cliffhanger so it's quite short. Dedicated to teaparties. 

Chapter 9

They finally stabilized Vaeh about 20 minutes later and she was in a coma. Only one person was allowed in at a time so me and Niall sat there fighting who got to see her first for about 5 minutes until he finally agreed to let me go since I was the one that caused this. Once I got in there I saw how fragile and broken she looked I felt so damn guilty this was all my fault. (A/N Play 'Fall For You' by Secondhand Serenade NOW I know you won't listen most of you but I'm begging you DO IT) While I was in there the doctor came in and asked if there was anything he needed to know. "Uh yes sir she's pregnant" I told him. He nodded and called in a nurse and she came in with a machine. An ultrasound machine. As soon as the picture became clear I started bawling right then and there in the middle of Nevaeh's hospital room our baby was still alive there was still a heartbeat. When I saw that little heartbeat on the screen my whole opinion changed on the situation. I saw all our lives flash before our eyes. We were at a park with a little girl about 5 years old. She had long brown curly hair with sparkling blue eyes and really tan skin she was blowing bubbles. Vaeh and I were sitting on a blanket laughing I felt so happy my heart was soaring. "Mr. Styles?" the doctor asked pulling me back into reality. "Yes sir?" I asked. "Would you like to know the sex of your baby?" he questioned. "You can tell already?" I asked. "Well by the looks of it the way Nevaeh is developing which is fairly fast when can get a general idea" he said. "Alright then sure" I told him smiling. "Ok well by what we can tell it looks like a little girl congratulations Mr. Styles you have a little trooper in there" he smiled. Wow a little girl just like in my mind. Hmmm. About 5 minutes later Nevaeh started to come to her senses. "Nevaeh hey baby are you ok?" I asked as she started to wake up. She shot me a glare. "Get the fuck away from me" she scowled. "but first is my baby ok?" she continued but weakly. "Our baby" I corrected. "No Harry you lost all rights to call him or her-" "Her" I interrupted. "Her?" she asked smiling. I nodded. Her smile faded. "As I was saying Harry you lost all rights to call her our daughter the second you told me you didn't want to keep her" she said rubbing her stomach. "Nevaeh bay I'm so sorry I want to keep her so fucking bad it's almost unbelievable, it kills me knowing that I helped make that precious human being inside of you and I didn't even want to keep her I wanted to punch myself baby I'm so sorry" I said bawling. Her face softened. "Babe I'm sorry I just want another chance" I said still crying. "Harry" she said softly. "Yea babe?" I asked looking up. "I will give you another chance but only if you promise me you will never leave me or our daughter again got it?" I smiled when she said 'our' and nodded. I went over and smashed my lips against hers she smiled and kissed back. I pulled away and looked into her beautiful blue eyes. "I love you so much Nevaeh" I told her. "I love you too" she said smiling and looking down at her stomach. I went down and raised her shirt and kissed her stomach and talked to our daughter. "Hi baby how's daddy's little girl I'm so happy you're ok I love you so much and I'll always be here for you and I can't wait to meet you" I said smiling. She smiled up at me. "I'm so happy you changed your mind she's going to need a father in her life" she said. "and I'll always be the one and only she needs" I replied. "Hey guys" Niall said walking in. "Hey" I replied softly. "They told us since she was awake we could all come in and see her" Louis said. "Cool" I replied. "Harry can I speak to you outside?" Niall asked. I gulped and nodded. We walked outside the room and he shut the door. "Did you make it up to her?" he asked. I nodded. "Alright Harry as long as she and the baby are ok and you made it up to her I'm not mad anymore" he told me. "Thanks man I'm sorry and you were right it was all my fault" I told him. "I know" he laughed "but as long as they're ok" he said. "Yea I know thanks mate" I said then we headed back inside and just in enough time to hear Liam say "So I'm guessing you guys made up?" he asked. "Yea we did" I answered for her. "Good" he said then nodded. "Ok I'm going to have to ask you all to leave and let Miss Horan get some rest" the nurse came in and told us. We all nodded and left. 

*****2 Days Later*****Nevaeh's P.O.V.***** 

I was released from the hospital this afternoon thank god it was so boring in there we went out to Nandos yes Niall and I also share the same taste in food. I don't know how mom ever kept food in the house with us but she managed. We went to see 'The Odd Life Of Timothy Green' afterwards. When we finally got home it was 9:00P.M. We had nothing left to do so we decided to watch another movie but this time at the house. We ended up watching 'Cars 2' which ended at about 11:00 so we decided to go to bed. I walked up to Harry's room to steal one of his shirts to sleep in. 

*****Harry's P.O.V.***** 

Vaeh came up to my room to get a shirt go figure she picked my Ramones shirt she always told me it was her favorite and it smelt good because it smelt like me. "Ok goodnight Hazza" she came over and kissed me and then begun to walk out."Wait" I told her grabbing her wrist. "What?' she asked. "Sleep in here tonight" I said walking over to her. "Har-" I cut her off by slamming my lips against her slightly moving my lips she hesitated at first but then she began kissing me back. She pulled away. "Alright I'll stay in here" she said smirking and walking over to the left side of the bed. She changed and got underneath the covers. So did I. I scooted over to her wrapping my arms around her waist and nuzzling my face into the back of her neck. "Goodnight Vaeh I love you" I told her kissing her cheek. "Night Haz love you too" I heard her mutter. Her breathing slowed and calmed down signaling she was asleep and I felt my eyes close and sleep overcome me. 

*****Nevaeh's P.O.V.***** 

The next morning I woke in Harry's arms he looked so cute when he was sleeping. I got up and it was freezing so I threw on Harry's blue Jack Willis jumper my favorite. I looked down and noticed I was wearing an entire outfit of Harry's. His track pants, Ramones t-shirt, and Jack Willis jumper. I smiled. I walked downstairs only to see Malory and Zoey already there watching T.V. "Hey Mal hey Zo" I saif to both girls. "Hey Vaeh" they said back. "Who wants breakfast I'll cook?" I asked. "Sounds good but you better make extra with Niall he'll smell it and eat it all before we even get any" Zoey said sitting down on the bar stool. "Yea you're probably right" I laughed getting all the ingredients for breakfast. As I started cooking I heard the doorbell ring. Who in the world could that be everyone that knows we're here is here except for our parents but they would've called and we would've been informed that they were coming. "I'll get it" Malory called from the couch. "Thanks Mal" I yelled. "No problem" she yelled back. A few minutes later she came back and she looked awfully pale. "What is it Mal?" I asked her worried. "Um I think there is someone here that wants to see you Nevaeh" she said her voice cracking. "Um ok then" I said confused but walking over to the door. I opened the door and who was standing there is not at all who I was expecting to see in a million years mostly because I thought I would honestly never see them again.

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