Chapter 11

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Michael P.O.V.

It's been 2 days since i've last seen Nia and I miss seeing her face so damn much.

There's A knock on my door "Come in"

Sofia walks inside "hey"


"I just wanted to check on you and make sure you're good, you barely left your room and you've been A little bit down" She walks over sitting down next to me.

"Well to be honest i'm not okay but I can't talk to you about it."

"Why not? i'm your cousin, you can talk to me about anything."

"But this I can't talk about"

"Why not?"

"I just can't."

There was no way I could tell her that I have feelings for her best friend, I know Sofia and I know she would be very angry about this.

"Well whenever you're ready to talk to me about it then you can, I love you and i'm always gonna love you"

"Thanks" She leans in hugging me and I hug her back tightly. "Well i'm gonna go see Nia, do you wanna come along?"

"No thanks, I'm just gonna hang here and chill."

"Okay, well have fun." She stands leaving the room.

There was no way I could go see Nia after the other day.


It's later on around 9:00pm and i'm inside the kitchen making me something to eat when the front door opens "I'm back and I have A guest" Sofia walks inside and right behind her was Nia.

"Hey" She closes the door behind her then looks over to me.

"Oh um hey" I look down to her bag "what's the bag for?"

"I got A little bit bored so I invited her over for A sleepover, I'm tired of being Alone in this house."

"But you're not Alone, you got me"

"I meant A girl, I need girl company" Sofia walks into the kitchen "Nia do you want anything to eat?"

"No, i'm not hungry yet."

I look over to Nia and I could tell from her body language she was uncomfortable, she was moving around A lot.

Sofia grabs some chips out of the cupboard "We're gonna be upstairs, let's go" Nia glares at me one more time before following Sofia off upstairs.

Great, now I have to be around Nia the rest of the night, this is just perfect.

I finish making me some food and not even 3 minutes later Nia comes walking downstairs. "Just getting me A snack and some water"

"Okay" I watch as she walks over to the Cabinet digging inside of it grabbing her A snack. I walk past her while staring her up and down.

Damn, she sure looked good.

I walk to the freezer grabbing the pizza rolls putting some in a frying pan then puts it inside the oven turning it on. She walks towards the fridge grabbing her A water bottle then turns back to me "So it's just gonna be awkward between us now?"

"I don't know, I think this is how things are gonna be from now on"

"Okay whatever." She closes the fridge walking off upstairs. I walk over to the couch sitting down then shuts the TV on and begins watching tv, hopefully this could take my mind off of Nia.

Time flies by fast, It's now 1:30am and i'm chilling inside my room watching A movie when there's A soft knock on my door.

"Who is it?"

"It's me" I can hear Nia's voice.

"Come in"

She walks inside closing the door behind her "So I know you told me that you don't wanna be my friend but i'm not gonna accept that, I can't stand being around you and not being able to talk to you, it's weird and it makes me uncomfortable"

"Well I don't know what you want me to do about that"

"I want you to stop acting that way towards me, Stop acting like i'm A nobody"

"I never said you were, you know exactly what I said and how I feel about you."

"I'm not gonna keep doing this with you Michael, I already tried so Never mind" She turns away to leave.

"Wait" I stand up "Don't leave."

"She turns back towards me "Why do you want me to stay?"

"You decided to come in my room at 1 in the morning just to tell me that?"

"Yes I did because I wanted us to talk things out so it wouldn't be weird anymore"

"Okay well this is going nowhere"

"Exactly so why should I stay?"

"Because you know you want to, you came in my room for A reason and deep down inside you know what that reason is but you don't wanna say it."

"No, I told you why I came in here."

I walk towards her "If it'll make you happy then I can try to be friends with you, It's gonna be hard for me cause every time I look at you I wanna kiss you, Right now is hard being around you." I lean in closer only A few inches away from her face. She looked tempted to kiss me but At the same time She was hesitant.

I lean in closer planting A soft kiss on her lips and to my surprise she doesn't pull away. She grabs me by my shirt pulling me even closer kissing me again. I start planting soft kisses down her neck brushing her hair out of the way. My hands travel to her ass gripping it as I begin kissing her again.

"You're kissing me back so what does this mean?" I pull away from her.

"Shut up and enjoy it" She grabs me kissing me again.

"I don't want things to get out of hand between us since you're A virgin and all" I pull away from her again.

"You're right, we should take things slow."

"If you wanna come chill with me inside my room then you can"

"I wanna but I don't want Sofia to wake up and not see me next to her"

"She probably won't be up for A while, Just stay with me for an hour please?" I grab her hand.

"Okay fine" I follow her over to my bed shutting the light off and we both lay down and begins cuddling and watching some TV together.

(don't worry, sex and more steamy scenes coming soon.)

25 year old virginWhere stories live. Discover now