Chapter 3

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We arrive at the club walking over to the bar and getting us a couple of drinks first. We finish our drinks then gets on the dance floor and starts dancing. We dance with some random strangers for a while then starts to dance with each other.

"hey y'all, i'll be right back" Michael walks off.

I start dancing with Sofia again when i notice Michael walk up to a girl and start talking to her. I watch as she grabs his hand leading him onto the dance floor then starts to dance with him. She grinds on him trying to be all sexy and i could tell from his face he was liking it.

"I need some more drinks" I walk off from Sofia ordering me some more drinks. I sip my drinks as i watch Michael dance with some other girls.

I know he's not my man but i was getting super jealous seeing these other girls dance on him. I decided i was gonna have my own fun.

After finishing my drinks i walk back on the dance floor and starts dancing on some random boy. I look over to see if Michael is looking and sees him kissing some girl.

"hey, can i get your number?" The stranger asks me.

"Sure" I grab his phone putting my number into it.

"okay well i'll call you later"

"bye" i grab around the back of his neck pulling him in and kissing him.

He smiles and walks off and i look through the crowd for Sofia to see her still dancing with people.

"Having a good time huh?" I turn to see Michael standing next to me.

"it's whatever"

"if you're not having a good time we can get out of here and go somewhere else"

"Like where?"

"Anywhere, we can go see a movie, get something to eat, whatever you wanna do"

"Just me and you?"

"If you want to, you can tell Sofia to come along, i'll rather us be alone" He smiles.

"I don't wanna just leave Sofia here by herself"

"Okay i'll be right back" Michael walks off towards Sofia and talks to her for a while then walks back over to me.

"Yeah, i'm gonna have to drive her home, she's drunk as fuck" He says with a laugh.

"Well at least she's having fun, more fun than me"

"Hey, i saw you dancing and swapping spit with some guy, was that not fun?"

"it was"

Good, At least i know now that he noticed me.

We watch Sofia from Across the room as she falls down. Michael and I rush over to her pulling her up off the ground.

"i'm having a blast!"

"we can tell" Michael laughs and grabs her arm wrapping it around his neck then picks her up.

"We gotta get her home"

"I know" he carries her outside to the car putting her in the back of the seat. I get in the front with him and he drives off.

I turn the radio on humming along to some of the music that comes on as i can see him watching me from the corner of my eye.

"What?" I turn to him.

"Nothing" He looks back to the road.

"I asked Sofia about you"


"Because i wanted to know more about you, you seem interesting"

"I'm not really"

"Well i think so" he smiles at me.

"Thank you" I smile and look down at my feet.

He drives for a while when he finally stops in front of my house.

"Thank you for driving me home"


I get out the car and starts walking when he calls to me.

"Hey! plans rescheduled for tomorrow?"


"Okay i'll come pick you up around 8"

"Okay" I smile as he drives off and i walk inside.

Michael is tall, sweet and sexy, and he's basically asking me out on a date,but it's too soon for anything to happen between me and him .

25 year old virginWhere stories live. Discover now