Chapter 15

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Michael P.O.V.

We've just finished eating dinner and I begin washing the dishes. "The dishes can wait, come upstairs I wanna show you something." Nia walks over to me kissing me. "Okay" I wash my hands turning the water off then follows her upstairs to her room.

"Just lay down and get comfortable"

"Okay" I kick my shoes off then lays back on the bed "Are you putting on a show for me?"

"You would like that wouldn't you?" She giggles "I'll put on A show for only you" She pulls her dress up slowly showing off her perfect curves and perfectly round breasts throwing her dress on the floor. She rubs on her body seductively "See now you're just teasing me" I laugh.

"So i'll stop teasing then" She walks over to me sitting on my lap and begins kissing me. I stand picking her up with me as she wraps her legs around my waist. I lay her down on the bed and begins leaving soft kisses down her body then begins kissing on her thighs. I slip her panties off spreading her legs and begins eating her out. She moans softly as I begin swirling my tongue around on her clit. I then insert 2 fingers inside of her thrusting them in and out of her as her moans grow louder. I begin sucking on her clit while still thrusting my fingers in and out of her and she plays with my hair. "I'm about to cum!" she moans louder and grinds against my face and within a few seconds she cums.

"I'm glad you had fun" I come up to her face kissing her. "We can have some more fun if you're down" She begins pulling my shirt off.
"You know i'm down" I lean in kissing her again.


I wake up the next morning around 8:30am cuddled up next to Nia. I stand grabbing my clothes and begins putting them back on. I didn't wanna wake Nia so I do this quietly then puts my sneakers on. I grab my jacket and my phone then walks over to Nia kissing her on the cheek before walking over to her door "You're just gonna leave me?"

"I have to get home, i'll see you later though"

"Alright" She stands "I'll walk you to the door."

She follows me downstairs and I turn to her giving her A kiss "I love you"

"I love you too" She smiles.

I leave the house walking to my car getting inside then drives off.

Nia P.O.V.

It's later on around 4pm and i'm chilling inside my room watching some tv when I hear my downstairs door open, the only one who has A key is Sofia. I hear footsteps coming up the stairs and my door opens and in walks Sofia.

"What are you doing here?" I pause my movie. "I'm here because I wanna apologize about the way I acted yesterday, You know I love you and you're my best friend but I just want you to be honest with me, if you have feelings for Michael then just let me know that, don't sneak around behind my back because if you would have told me this when it first happened I wouldn't have had a problem with it."

"I know, and i'm sorry for not letting you know about anything, I just didn't know how you would react to it, Well now I know" I laugh and she laughs too.

"Michael told me everything and Obviously I was mad at first but now i'm happy for you guys, he told me he asked you to be his girlfriend and you said yes, I have no problem with you both being together but don't you think it's gonna be annoying to be hours away from each other?"

"Well yeah, it's gonna be hard but I can go visit him sometimes, he can come visit me sometimes, It's not A big deal."

"Okay" She walks over to the bed sitting down at the end "I just have one more question, did you guys have sex?"

I smile "Yes"

"Wow, I don't even know what to say."

"You've been telling me to have sex for A while, don't try and change your mind now because it's you're cousin."

"Okay well i'm just gonna let you do you, I won't come in between this, I'm happy for the both of you honestly."

"Thank you for being supportive." I lean in hugging her.

"Anytime." She hugs me back "Well maybe this is a good thing, you both can fall in love, get married and have children, I -"

"Okay, don't get too carried away now" I cut her off "that won't happen for A while"

"Alright" She giggles "Well do you wanna be sitting in this house watching tv or do you wanna go out for A bite?"

"Just let me get dressed"

"Okay, i'll wait for you downstairs" She stands leaving the room. I stand getting dressed then grabs my phone leaving the room and walks downstairs.

"You ready to go?"

"Yeah i'm ready." She opens the door and we both leave the house.


We get to Sofia's house walking inside and Michael is chilling in the living room watching TV. "Hey baby" he stands walking over to me kissing me.

"Don't get that comfortable around me" Sofia makes a disgusted face. "Well then go upstairs" He laughs.

"or you both can go upstairs to your room"

"Sofia can you go upstairs for 5 minutes, I just need to talk to him"

"Yeah, talk." Sofia replies sarcastically.

"Stop thinking like that" I laugh.

"Alright, 5 minutes" She walks off upstairs.

"What's up, what you need to talk about?" He looks over to me. "It's just something Sofia said to me earlier, when you leave then what? do you think long distance can work with us both?"

"Are you worried i'm gonna cheat on you or something?"

"No, I just don't know if long distance can work for us both."

"You have nothing to worry about, we both can see each other whenever we want, if you want i'll even stay here for A month longer just to be with you." He grabs my hands.

"I don't want you to do that, I know you miss your friends and family back home, don't stay here just for me."

"I have no problem with staying here though, if it'll make you happy."

"No, I trust you and I know it'll be hard but we can do this."

"Good because we can't break up after only A few hours of dating" He laughs "I love you."

"I love you too" I lean in kissing him "Well that's all I wanted to talk about."

"Okay good, now let's just chill and watch A movie or something." He wraps his arm around my neck pulling me closer to him and I lean my head on his chest.

These past few weeks have been the best weeks, even the situation with Liv because it just made me and Michael closer. Everything was going great for me.

(Bro I deadass don't know how to end this book so ima end it here, i'll work on Book 2 soon, it's gonna be full of drama so be ready.)

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