Chapter 12

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Nia's P.O.V.

I wake up around 9:30am still laying down cuddled up with Michael. I remove his arms from around me and stands "hey, where you going?"

"I'm going back to the room, you better hope Sofia isn't awake."

"So what if she is" He rubs his eyes sitting up in bed. "Spending time with you was fun but I have to go" I walk over to him kissing him and he grabs around me pulling me on top of him kissing me some more.

"I love you."

"You what?" I was shocked by those words, I've had people tell me they love me before but they never meant it, they all left in the end.

"I said I love you Nia, and would you look at that, I said the right name" He chuckles.

I couldn't help but to smile "I love you too." I lean in kissing him as he wraps his arms around my waist.

"Michael, open this door right now!" Sofia bangs on the door.

"Shit!" I whisper jumping off top of him "What are we gonna say?"

"Lay down and act like you're sleep, i'll do the talking" He stands.

I rush over to the bed laying down covering myself up and closes my eyes hearing the door open.

"What is she doing inside here?"

"Don't worry, We was talking and watching tv then we fell asleep."

"Mhm, Well let me wake her up" I hear her footsteps getting closer to me and she begins tapping me "Nia"

I open my eyes slowly pretending that I just woke up "What happened"

"I woke up and was looking for you and to my surprise I find you inside here."

"Relax, I fell asleep" I sit up in bed and Sofia gives me A look like she doesn't believe me "Okay, well let's go, I made us breakfast."

"Did you make me any breakfast?" Michael asks.

"At first I wasn't going to but I was gonna be nice"

"Great thanks" he kisses her on the cheek before leaving the room and We follow behind him. "So what's the plans for today? I wanna go and do something fun" Michael asks getting to the bottom of the steps and walks into the kitchen.

"I don't know, what do you guys wanna do today?" I ask as we walk into the kitchen and begins putting some food on plates for us.

"I was thinking we should go out to a hookah lounge and have some drinks, smoke a little, just have a good time." Michael replies.

"I'm down, do we have to dress up or we can just go in regular clothes? like a t- shirt and pants." Sofia replies while grabbing her plate of food and walks to the couch sitting down.

"If you wanna dress up then you can but if you wanna be comfortable then you can do that too" Michael and me both joins her in the living room.

"So what time should we get ready around, 7pm?" I ask.



Later on around 7:15pm i'm walking to Sofia's house, I've decided to wear this nice black dress with black heels, My hair was flat ironed and I had my makeup done, I wanted to look nice while I was out and Also wanted to catch Michaels eyes.

I arrive at her door knocking and A few seconds later Michael opens the door "Damn..." He looks me up and down and all I could do was smile "You look hot."

"Thank you" I smile walking past him into the house "Is sofia ready?"

"Yeah, she's just grabbing her purse and shit like that" He closes the door behind me and as i'm walking over to the couch I can feel his eyes following me. I sit down "Well i'm just gonna let you know right now you might have to babysit me because i'm getting drunk tonight"

"Don't get too drunk" He walks over sitting down next to me "I don't want you acting up"

"Relax, I won't, I mean I don't think so" I laugh and he gives me a look "I'm serious"

Sofia comes walking downstairs "Well i'm ready, let's go"

"Finally" Michael stands and I stand as we turn the lights off then leaves the house. We get into Sofia's car then Michael drives off.

We arrive outside of A hookah lounge parking the car then gets out. We wait on line until we get to the front and shows the security our ID's then walks inside. "I'll get us a booth, y'all can go wait for me at the bar" Michael says.

"Okay" I follow behind Sofia towards the bar and we take A seat. "You ready to turn up tonight?" Sofia asks.

"Yeah, excuse me, can we get 2 shots of patron" I order some shots for me and Sofia. The bartender pours us 2 shots setting them down in front of us "thank you" We both grab a shot clinking the shot glasses together then takes the shots.

"Girls, I got us an section" Michael walks over to us. "Okay thanks" We pay for the shots then stands following him to the section and sits. He lights the hookah up then begins smoking "I'm gonna go get me a drink real quick, i'll be back" Michael hands me the hookah then stands and walks off. He comes back over with 3 drinks setting them down on the table "I got you both A drink"

"Thank you" I grab one of the glasses and Sofia grabs the other glass and we begin sipping our drinks. "We should get out more, this place looks nice, it's crowded but not that crowded and they have drinks too" Sofia says drinking the rest of her drink.

"Yeah, this place is cute" I finish the rest of my drink then begins smoking some hookah. Sofia grabs her phone going on snapchat and begins recording herself "With my bad bitch" She turns the camera to me "and my annoying ass cousin" she turns the camera to him and laughs.

"Shut up" he laughs.

I look around the place seeing people dancing to the music in their own little section, people at the bar drinking and other people just standing around talking. As i'm looking around the room I recognize someone in one of the booths, someone I never wanted to see again, sitting in one of the booths hanging with some friends was Jaden.

"Sofia, Jaden is here" I poke her arm and she looks in his direction "Great, I decide to come out and now he wants to be here"

"Don't pay any attention to him, he doesn't matter anymore" Sofia rubs my back "It's gonna be fine"

"Do you wanna leave and go somewhere else?" Michael asks. "No, we can stay here." I didn't wanna leave just because Jaden was here, I was gonna have fun either way.


After A few more drinks Me and Sofia are now singing and dancing together, just having a good time. "Okay i drunk too much, i'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick" Sofia stands.

"Okay" She walks off and I look over to Michael who is staring me up and down. "Do you wanna dance?" I walk over to him. "Why not?" I grabbed his hand and pulled him up. "Try to keep up" I whispered into his ear before turning around and grinding my ass against him. He placed his hands on my hips pulling me closer as we both moved to the beat.

"You're gonna get yourself in trouble dancing on me like that" His hands travel up and down my body. "I'm counting on that." His hands grip my breasts as he begins planting soft kisses on my neck. I turn to face him kissing him on the lips as he wraps his arms around my waist pulling me close.

"You should come spend the night again, I mean only if you want." He says as he grips my ass.

"Okay, I'll come over." I know things were moving A little bit fast with me and Michael but there was just something about him that I couldn't resist, I want him to be mine and only mine and tonight i'm gonna show him that.

25 year old virginWhere stories live. Discover now