Chapter 9

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Michael P.O.V.

"Baby, come to bed" Liv pats next to her.

"okay, hold up" I stand near the doorway looking at my phone of a picture of me, Sofia and nia.

Me and Nia haven't talked since last week, I guess she's still angry about what happened but none of that is my fault. Well, it kind of is.

I walk over to Liv laying down next to her and she wraps her arms around me.

"something bothering you?" she asks.

"yes, i'm still thinking about what happened last week, Sofia is barely talking to me, Nia isn't talking to me at all"

"so what, Sofia is your cousin she'll start talking to you again and forget about Nia" She gets on top of me "now enough talk about this" she leans down kissing me.

Everything is always about sex with Liv, i mean don't get me wrong it's great sex but i don't always wanna have sex.

"Liv, not tonight"

"why not?"

"i'm not really in the mood for sex"

"ugh okay" she lays back down next to me and turns the light off "goodnight"



Nia P.O.V.

All i could think about is Michael, we haven't talked in a while and i don't know whether to write him first or not. It's been weird between us two ever since he told me he has a girlfriend.

Just when i'm thinking about him i get a message from him and i'm not gonna lie, my face lit up.

Michael : hey

Nia : hi.

Michael : what you up to?

Nia : watching tv, how about you?

Michael : can't sleep, just thinking about you

Nia : oh really?

Michael : yeah, i miss you.

Nia : i miss you too.

Michael : i'm so sorry about last time, everything got out of control and i didn't know what to say or do.

Nia : well obviously you did, you chose your girlfriend side, which i have no problem with

Michael : i didn't choose anybody side, there are no sides here, this isn't high school.

Nia : i never said it was

Michael : so stop talking about picking sides

Nia : okay lets just not talk about it all.

Michael : okay fine. 

Nia : so how's the hotel?

Michael : i don't know, I'm not really liking it.

Nia : so why don't you just go back home then?

Michael : she wants me to stay with her until she goes back home in a few days.

Nia : and i guess you're just gonna listen

Michael : i don't know what to do

Nia : do whatever you feel like doing, not because she tells you.

Michael : okay, i'm about to go to sleep though before she wakes up.

Nia : okay goodnight

Michael : goodnight

I set my phone down and begins watching tv.

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