Chapter 2

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I wake up around 11:25am and grabs some clothes and washes up. when i'm done washing up i cook me some breakfast and calls Sofia on facetime.

"hey bitch" Sofia answers the phone.

"hey, wyd?"

"i was on my way to my man house, i need some morning dick"

"wow" i laugh

"you and jaden been together for 6 months, don't you think it's finally time for him to get some?"

"i don't know, maybe so"

"exactly he's been patient, why don't you tell him to come over? or go over there?"

"you think i should?"

"yes girl"

"okay" i stop and thinks for a while "i'm gonna go see him"

"tell me all about it when y'all done" she laughs "you know i like hearing sex stories from my friends"

"okay" i laugh "thanks i love you"

"i love you too"

I hang up the phone and finishes eating my food. Once i'm done i wash my dish then grabs my keys and phone and walks out the front door.

I wanted to surprise Jaden, he gave me a key to his house like 2 weeks ago and i haven't used it yet.


I get to his house unlocking the door closing the door behind me. I set my purse down on his kitchen counter then walks off upstairs. As i approach his door i hear a girls voice from inside his room. I open the door to see a girl on top of jaden riding him.

"what the fuck is going on!"

"baby! i didn't know you was coming over!" jaden moves the girl from on top of him.

Without thinking i run over to the girl punching her in the face and snatching her up by her hair. Jaden quickly pulls me off of her and i start punching him too. He grabs both of my wrists to stop me from hitting him.

"i'm sorry nia!"

"no, fuck you!" i push him off of me and storms out of the room followed by him.

"i was just getting so sick and tired of waiting for you, i needed sex"

"yeah? well have fun" i grab my purse and rushes out of the door. he calls after me but i ignore him as i storm home.

I get home walking inside and throwing my purse on the couch as i rush off upstairs, tears falling down my face. I jump onto my bed burying my face into my pillow as i continue crying. After about 25 minutes i finally stop crying when Sofia texts me.

Sofia : I'm on my way over

I throw my phone down ignoring the text as tears start to roll down my face again. About 5 minutes later i hear footsteps downstairs, had to be Sofia, i Gave her a key to my house.

I hear footsteps coming upstairs as my front door opens and Sofia walks inside followed by Michael.

"Why didn't you tell me you was bringing him?" i start wiping my tears away.

"he wouldn't leave me alone so i brought him along, why are you crying?" Sofia walks over to me sitting down next to me and hugging me.

I look over to Michael as he's standing there with a weird look on his face.

"I don't wanna talk about it with him here" i whisper to her.

"Michael can you wait outside real quick?"

"Sure" he walks out closing the door behind him.

"I went over to Jaden house and i caught him having sex with another girl"

"What the fuck! are you serious?"


"do you want me to go over there and slash his tires?"

"no" i laugh "i'll be good"

"i'm so sorry that happened to you" she pulls me closer to her hugging me.

"if he didn't wanna be with me nomore that's all he had to say, instead he cheats on me and then makes up this lame ass excuse"

"Nia you need to forget about him, how about me and you go out to the club tonight and have some drinks and some fun"

"i'm not in the mood to party" i stand wiping my face.

"so what, it'll be fun and it'll help take your mind off of Jaden, please?"

"okay fine"

"good" she stands "so what do you wanna do until 8?"

"i don't know"

"let's watch a movie, i'll buy some snacks"

"ooh, i like that idea" I laugh.

"Michael can stay though right?"


Sofia walks downstairs as i follow her downstairs into the living room where Michael is sitting down.

"are y'all good now?"

"yeah" i answer as i walk over to him sitting down next to him.

"Michael if you wanna come with me i'm going to the store to get some snacks"

"Nah, i'll be good here"

"alright, i'll be back in like 20 minutes" Sofia walks out.

"um do you wanna watch something?" i ask Michael.


I pick up the remote handing it to him and he switches through the channels then stops on the umbrella academy.

"you like this show?" he asks.

"i love it"

"me too" he smiles then looks back to the tv.

"so nia, i know it's none of my business but i just wanted to know why you were crying"

"Found my boyfriend cheating on me, i went over to his house and saw him in bed with another woman"

"wow, i would never cheat on you, he's just stupid"

"thanks" i try to hold back any tears, i didn't wanna cry in front of him.

"can i give you a hug?"

"oh um sure"

Michael moves closer to me pulling me into a hug as i wrap my arms around him hugging him back. His big strong hands running up and down my back felt good. I didn't ever wanna move out of this spot but he pulls away.

"I'm sorry that happened to you, just forget about him, block him on everything, don't try to think about him cause all it's gonna make you do is wanna cry"

"i know, but i really thought he loved me so all i can do is cry"

"Nia, you deserve so much more than that" He grabs my hands.

"thank you" I look up to him and all i could think about is kissing him, i don't even know him.

My phone starts to ring interrupting us both and i look down at it to see Jaden calling me.

"is that him?"


"don't answer it" he grabs my phone hanging it up.

"i wasn't planning on it" i grab my phone back from him.

We continue watching tv until Sofia gets back from the store with some snacks.

(don't know how to end this so ima just end it here lol)

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