Chapter 1

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I probably messed up on some words but fuck it, i hope you enjoy 😊.


"Nia, you need to get laid already, not having sex is boring" my best friend pokes me while we lay down cuddling.

"I try to but when it comes down to it i get scared"

"Scared of what? it only hurts for a while then after it feels good"

"Yeah that's what i'm scared of" I laugh.

"do you at least masturbate?"

"duh, everybody does"

So as you know i'm 25 and still a virgin, yes i have a boyfriend and yes he's waiting for me to be ready for us to have sex.

"Ugh you're so boring" Sofia stands "anyways i have to go pick my cousin up from the airport, his annoying ass is staying with me for a while" she puts her sweater on.

"ugh, i don't want you to go" I stand hugging her.

"invite jaden over, he can keep you company"

"he gets off work at 10"

"well why don't you come with me then?"

"okay fine" I put on my shoes as we both walk downstairs and out the front door.

we get into her car and she drives off.


We arrive at the airport as she parks "i'm gonna wait for him inside, you gonna be good?"


"okay" she gets out the car and walks inside the airport.

I take out my phone and starts texting jaden while i wait for sofia.

Nia : hey baby

Jaden : hey

Nia : you tryna come over later?

Jaden : sorry, i have to be somewhere after work.

Nia : we barely spend time with each other anymore

Jaden : i know but i be busy, i'll come see you tomorrow first thing in the morning

Nia : okay.

Jaden : wyd rn?

Nia : waiting on sofia to pick up her cousin

Jaden : okay, love you

Nia : i love you too.

The car door opens as Sofia gets back in and pops the trunk for her cousin as he puts his suitcases in the trunk. he walks to the side of the car getting inside as Sofia drives off.

"okay, michael this is my bestfriend nia, nia this is my cousin michael"

"nice to meet you nia" i look up and almost drop my phone, michael was fine as hell.

"nice to meet you too" i look back down at my phone not trying to seem too interested.

"michael, if you wanna order you can cause im most definitely not cooking" Sofia says with a laugh.

"That's fine"

I look up to see michael staring at me through the mirror then he smiles and i smile back then looks back down to my phone.

For the rest of the ride home i don't even look up from my phone trying to avoid looking at michael, i have a whole boyfriend.

"thank you for driving me home" i hop out the car then hugs sofia through the window.

"anytime, i love you"

"love you too"

Sofia drives off and i turn around and walks off and inside my house. I walk off upstairs to my room changing into some shorts and a tank top then lays down and gets on my phone until i fall asleep.

25 year old virginWhere stories live. Discover now