Chapter 13

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After spending so long at the lounge We are now on our way back home, Michael decides to drive home because I didn't feel like it and Sofia was A little bit too drunk.

"Sofia wake up, we're almost home" I shake her as she lays down in the backseat. "Leave me" she mumbles and soon begins snoring again.

"I'll take care of her" He pulls up home parking the car then gets out. He opens the back doors picking sofia up out of the car and I close the doors and locks the car. "Get the door for me Nia" I run over to the door unlocking it and opens it and he walks inside. I close the door behind them "you can wait upstairs in my room if you want, i'm just gonna get her to bed" He begins walking off upstairs. I walk off upstairs and into his room closing the door behind me. I knew what I came here for and I was gonna get it.

I take my heels off leaving them on the floor then crawls onto his bed sitting down. I sit there for about 5 minutes when he finally comes inside the room.

"Sorry, I had to put her in her bed and got her some water too" He takes his jacket off hanging it up then takes his shoes off. "It's fine" I watch as he walks over to me laying down next to me.

"So what's up?"

"I don't wanna talk." I grab his face kissing him then gets on top of him. He grabs my ass squeezing it as i grind back and forth on top of him and can feel his dick getting hard. I stop kissing him and pulls my dress off of me throwing it onto the floor. "Are you sure you really wanna do this?" He asks. "I'm more than sure" I remove his shirt throwing it onto the floor then begins kissing him again. He flips me over getting on top of me then begins kissing down my neck. I unbutton and unzip his pants and he pulls them off and I begin kissing him again.

He reaches into his dresser pulling out a condom pulling his boxers off and slips the condom on.

"If it hurts then just tell me to stop and I will."

"Okay." He positions himself and slowly slides inside me, The feeling at first hurt but after A while the pain turned to pleasure.

"Are you good?" He asks me.

"I'm fine"

He still goes at A slow pace for a few more seconds then begins to speed up his pace. I wrap my arms around his neck as he leans in kissing me again. He then begins kissing on my neck and sucking on my breast's as I let out a soft moan. I wrap my legs around him as he begins to thrust in and out of me faster "Damn you feel good." He groans. I could feel myself getting close to cumming and he begins sucking on my breasts again. I moan louder as my body begins to tremble and I cum. He thrusts in and out of me for a few more until he cums then he removes the condom throwing it into the trash then lays down next to me.

"So, how was that?" he asks.

"It was my first time but it was a good first time"

"I'm glad you enjoyed it" He leans in kissing me then stands and begins putting his clothes back on so I do the same.

Honestly the sex was okay but it could have been better, maybe it was just because it was my first time.

"Well i'm gonna go in the room with Sofia, make sure she's okay and everything."

"Okay, i'll see you in the morning" He walks over to me grabbing me kissing me slow. "I'll see you in the morning" I smile before leaving the room walking into Sofia's room to see her knocked out sleep. I walk over to the bed laying down beside her covering myself up then begins watching some tv until i can fall asleep.


I wake up around 10am and Sofia wasn't sleep next to me. I stand stretching then leaves the room walking to the bathroom. I knock on the door "Leave me alone, i'm throwing up!" Sofia yells.

"Sorry" I reply before walking off back to the room. I grab my phone off the dresser checking my social media when Michael walks inside.

"Good morning"

"Good morning" I reply.

"I'm gonna stop at the store to go pick some stuff up for Sofia since she has a hangover, you wanna come along?"

"No thanks, i'm gonna stay here with her and make sure she's good."

As we're talking Sofia walks into the room "I told you that you don't have to go to the store for me, it's just a hangover."

"So i'll go pick you up A ginger ale and a soup"

"Thank you but i'm good." She walks over to the bed laying down "I just need some more rest."

"Okay, No problem." He leaves the room. "Well i'm gonna get me something to eat and then i'm gonna go home in like 2 hours."


I stand leaving the room walking downstairs into the kitchen then grabs a bowl from the cabinet and a spoon from the drawer. Michael walks downstairs "Hey, what time are you leaving?"

"I'm leaving in a hour or two, why?"

"I'll drop you off, I know you wanna get home and sleep in your own bed" he chuckles. "I only stayed the night twice, i'll be fine." I grab the cereal off the top of the fridge pouring some on the bowl.

"So what do you think about me and you just spending some time together? We can either go out or I can come over and cook for you" He walks over behind me grabbing my waist.

"Ooh, you can come over and cook for me" I turn facing him "I didn't know you could cook"

"Why, because i'm a guy?" He laughs.

"No, I just didn't expect you to be a cook but I like that you can cook, that's sexy" I smirk.

"Yeah well i'll cook whatever you want, just let me know."

"Okay" I lean in kissing him.

"You're so damn sexy" He leans in kissing me again wrapping his arms around my waist again. I pull away "Let me eat my breakfast please" I laugh. "Just A minute" He kisses me again and his hands travel down to my ass gripping it. He then begins planting soft kisses down my neck which turned me on A little bit, i'm not gonna lie.

"Okay stop before things get out of hand" I pull away again. "So why not let them?" his hand begins going under my dress.

"What the fuck is going on here!" Sofia yells from the stairs.

(sorry i rushed with the sex scene, i'll do more soon. And sorry i took so long updating, I have writers block lol)

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