Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Michael P.O.V.

2 days later

"how has nia been?" I ask.

"why don't you text her and ask her? you got her number"

"yeah but i don't wanna bother her" i start to eat.

The last time me and nia talked was when i was at her house, i do miss her. I don't even know why we're not talking, i wanna see her.

As i'm sitting here thinking about Nia there's a knock on the door. I stand opening the door to see brad.

"oh" i open the door more and he walks inside and i close it behind him.

"hey baby" brad walks up to sofia kissing her.

"hey, did you get the stuff i asked for?"

"yes" brad hands sofia a bag full of snacks.

"thank you daddy" sofia kisses him on the lips.

"ew, i'm gonna go to my room" I walk off and upstairs to my room and begins to text Nia.

Michael : hey

Nia : hi.

Michael : you should come over later, i miss you

Nia : i don't know, i'll think about it.

Michael : okay.


I sit in my room watching tv hoping nia would show up and keep me some company.

Nia : okay, i'm on my way.

Michael : good, see you in a few

I stand changing into a white t shirt and some black sweats. I put deodorant and cologne on then goes downstairs and waits. A few minutes later there's a knock on the door and i open it as nia walks inside.

"hey" i lean in hugging her and kissing her on the cheek.

"hi, where's sofia?"

"she's upstairs with brad having sex" i reply with a laugh.

"oh" nia laughs and walks over to the couch sitting down.

"so" i walk over to her sitting down next to her "have you been okay?"

"yes, have you?"



We sit there in silence until sofia and brad comes back downstairs.

"Finally" nia stands walking away from me.

"sorry" sofia laughs.

"well where the drinks at?" Nia walks into the kitchen followed by sofia.

"here" sofia digs in the cabinet bringing out a bottle and hands it to nia.

"come on y'all, let's take some shots" nia pours shots for everyone as i stand walking over to her.

"are you sure you should be drinking?" i whisper into her ear.

"yes, i'm grown" she takes her shot.

"okay" i take my shot.

Nia pours her another and takes it "i'm already hot"

"so stop drinking" i say.

Nia ignores me pouring her some more "damn nia" sofia says with a laugh "what's been bothering you?"


"well let's put some music on" brad turns some music on and sofia begins to dance.

"come on, join me nia"

"hold up" nia pours her another shot taking it then joins sofia.

About 30 minutes later Nia, sofia and brad are sitting down talking. "so michael how do you like it over here?"

"it's nice"

"yeah, it's a nice neighborhood"

I look over to nia to see her mouthing the words "come here" as i walk over to her.

"i've missed you" nia pulls me in for a hug.

"missed you too" i wrap my arms around her.

I can already tell that once again Nia is drunk and i just hope she doesn't do or say anything stupid.

Nia P.O.V.

"you're looking real sexy" i grab the strings on his sweatpants pulling on them.

"what the fuck nia, are you drunk?" Sofia asks.

"yes, she's drunk" Michael replies.

"do you wanna go upstairs and lay down?" Sofia asks as she stands walking over to me.

"yes, take me" i stand pulling michael by his arm.

"i'll take you" Sofia grabs michael pulling him back as she helps carry me upstairs to her room.

"we're gonna be right downstairs if you need anything" sofia says as i lay down.


Sofia leaves and after a while i fall asleep.


I wake up later around 12:22am to see me in a dark room. I turn the lights on noticing i'm laying down in sofia's room. I leave the room walking downstairs to see michael down there watching tv.

"hey sleepyhead" he turns to me with a smile.

"hey" i walk and sits down next to him "where's sofia?"

"i told her her and brad can take my room for the night since you were sleep in her bed"

"oh" i sit there for a while "well i should get heading home" i stand putting my sneakers back on.

"why don't you just stay the night?"

"and where would i sleep?"

"you can sleep with me"

"okay" i kick my shoes back off and sits back down "well what are you still doing up?"

"i can't sleep"

"why not, what's bothering you?"

"honestly you"

"really?" I act surprised "why?"

"there's something i haven't told you about and it's only because i don't want you to get mad or anything"

"tell me, i won't get mad"

"i have a girlfriend from back home and she's coming to visit tomorrow"

I sit there shocked with nothing to say. this must of been the girl he was on the phone with the other day.

"yes there's something between me and you but it can't go on"


"so are you okay?"

"i'm fine" I stand "anyways i'll be in sofia's room"

"why not stay out here with me?"

"because me spending some more time with you is just gonna make me fall in love with you even more"

"wait what?"

"just forget it, forget what i said."

I can't believe i just said that. 

"no nia" Michael stands walking over to me "repeat what you just said"

"no, i didn't even mean to say that, it just slipped out"

"Nia" he moves closer to me grabbing my face.

"No" i move away from him "don't do that"

"but -"

"don't say anything else, let's just leave it at this" I walk off.

25 year old virginWhere stories live. Discover now