Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

I was up all night thinking about Michael having a girlfriend. I guess he knew i was angry so he decided to sleep downstairs on the couch. I still can't believe he didn't tell me any of this sooner.

"Nia are you okay in there?" Sofia knocks on the door.

I stand opening the door "I'm fine, i need to go though, busy day"

"oh, okay."

I walk pass her and downstairs seeing Michael still sleep on the couch. I walk out the front door and starts walking home.


Michael P.O.V.

I wake up to knocking on the door and checks my phone to see it's 3:30pm.

Fuck. i forgot i was supposed to pick liv up from the airport.

I stand rushing over to the door and opening it to see liv standing there.

"thanks for picking me up" she walks past me and inside.

"i'm sorry liv" i close the door behind her "i overslept"

"you should have went to sleep early, now i had to pay for my own cab"

"i'm sorry baby" i grab her kissing her.

"ugh, you're so lucky you're sexy" She grabs me kissing me again.

"oh hey liv" Sofia comes downstairs greeting her.

"hi" liv hugs sofia.

"you just got here?"

"yes, also thank you for allowing me to stay here for a while"

"no problem"

"well i'm gonna go take a shower, that long plane ride has me feeling dirty, michael come help me" she smirks.

She grabs my hand leading me upstairs to the bathroom. She removes her clothes and turns the shower on then gets inside.

"join me"

I remove my clothes joining liv in the shower and she turns around to face me. "i've missed you daddy" she leans in kissing me and biting on my lip. She then gets on her knees and starts giving me head.

Literally all i could think of is Nia, her plump lips wrapped around my cock felt so good.

"fuck" i groan.

I grab the back of her head shoving my cock deep into her mouth. I shove my cock in and out of her mouth faster and faster.

"i'm gonna cum" I groan louder as she begins to finger herself. I pull my cock out her mouth and busts on her face.

I pick her up and turns her around so she's facing the wall and bends her over. I shove 2 of my fingers inside her as she moans. I think of me doing this to Nia as i speed up my pace.

"yes daddy, go faster" Liv moans.

With my thumb i start to massage her clit as she moans even louder. I thrust my fingers in and out of her even faster.

"fuck!" she moans as she cums all over my fingers and i remove my fingers and sucks on them.

"i love you daddy" Liv turns to face me.

"i love you too Nia"


"i mean liv"

"no, who the fuck is nia michael?"

Fuck. i messed up.


25 year old virginWhere stories live. Discover now