Chapter 14

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"Are you guys fucking serious!" Sofia yells at the both of us "I'm upstairs throwing up while you both are down here doing what?"

"Sofia, Chill." Michael speaks up.

"Don't tell me to chill, what the fuck are you doing touching on my best friend?" She walks all the way down the stairs.

"Sofia it's not his fault, I kissed him."

"Well why'd you kiss him?"

"Should we just tell her?" I look over to him.

"Might as well, We already got caught." He clears his throat "Well me and Nia have been messing around on the low."

Sofia doesn't say A word, she just looks back and forth at the two of us, she had a look and I knew that look very well, She was angry so I knew she was about to do or say something.

Without saying any words she just walks off upstairs and After A few seconds we hear A door open.

"Great now she's angry, I'm gonna check on her and make sure she's okay." Michael says.


He walks off upstairs and A few seconds later I hear them arguing "What are you doing Sofia?"

"You can't stay here anymore, I want you gone" Some of Michael's clothes start getting thrown down the stairs.

"Sofia what the fuck is wrong with you, stop throwing my stuff!"

I rush upstairs "Sofia calm down, it's not even that serious!"

"You stay out of this, you're supposed to be my best friend and you didn't even tell me anything that was going on and i'm supposed to trust you?"

"Why are you so mad about this? it's not a big deal"

"I have a reason to feel this way, Not only because you didn't tell me about any of this not because He's my cousin, I know the type of person he is cause i've been around him for years, And you're my bestfriend so I know the type of person you are, you catch feelings easily and he's not the type to be in a relationship with someone and if he is he'll do the same thing he did to Ava to you, If he cheated on Ava with you what makes you think he won't cheat on you with someone else? He's not good for you, I know it sucks to say but I don't want him to hurt you and break your heart because you don't deserve that, you've already been through enough."

"Wow, that's how you really feel?" Michael asks. "You can't get mad at me because you know it's the truth."

"Wow okay, Well since you feel that way about me i'll pack my shit and go, you don't gotta worry about me no more." He walks off upstairs.

"Why did you say that?"

"It was nothing but the truth."

"It's not the truth though, I love Michael and he loves me, there was no reason for you to say shit like that about him."

"How do you love him when you barely know him?"

"Because I've gotten to know him A little bit better these past few weeks And I know he wouldn't do me like that, Leave all that stuff that happened with Ava in the past please because i'm happy when i'm with him, I can't explain I just love being around him."

Sofia doesn't reply for A few seconds then sighs "How long has this been going on?"

"I don't know, Around 2 weeks I think."

"You couldn't have just told me that you both were messing around? I would have had no problem with it."

"You would have had no problem with it but you see the way you're acting now? throwing his clothes and stuff down the stairs, yelling at both me and him, Sofia I know you love me but you have to stop trying to make decisions for me, I'm happy with Michael."

I understand she was mad but she was making it seem like Michael was her boyfriend and he cheated on her with me.

Michael comes back downstairs "Nia just go home for now and i'll meet you there, I have to talk to my cousin"

"Okay" He leans in kissing me and I make sure I have everything before leaving the house.


It's about an hour later When I finally get a text message from Michael telling me he's downstairs so I walk downstairs opening the door.

"I'm sorry for taking long, I was talking to Sofia for A while then I went to go pick up some stuff" He holds the brown paper bags up then walks inside. "It's fine" I close the door behind him "So what did you decide to pick up?"

"I'm making us some chicken and shrimp Alfredo with some garlic bread, how does that sound?"

"I like the sound of that" I follow him into the kitchen as he sets the stuff down on the counter. "I'm not ready yet so I'm gonna go upstairs and take A shower and shit so i'll be back down in A few" I kiss him on the cheek.

"Okay baby."

I walk off upstairs grabbing me some sexy pink lace underwear and a cute black dress then walks off to the bathroom turning on the shower then removes my clothes and gets inside.

20 minutes later I get out drying off then lotions my whole body. I get dressed then puts perfume and deodorant on then grabs my phone leaving the bathroom. I walk downstairs "I'm ready" He looks over to me "You look beautiful as always"

"Thank you" I smile "The food smells great"

"It's almost done, I just need 5 more minutes"

I walk to the dining table taking A seat as I watch him cooking. "Michael, can I ask you something?"


"So what did you and Sofia talk about?"

"I told her the truth, I told her that I would never hurt you or cheat on you so she needs to stop worrying about what we got going on, When I left she was still A little bit mad but oh well, I'm a grown ass man that shouldn't have to ask for permission to do something."

"Yeah, She was being A little bit extra with her reaction, I don't know why she can't just be happy."

"Let's not talk about this, tonight I just wanna talk about us."


"Okay I'm pretty sure the food is done" He begins preparing 2 plates then walks over with them setting them down on the table. "Damn this food looks delicious" I pick up my fork. "Don't eat yet" He grabs 2 cups from the cabinet pouring us some Wine then walks back over with our drinks.

"Thank you" I grab the drink.

"No problem" He sits down in front of me "Now you can dig in."

I grab my fork eating some "This food is good as fuck."

"Thanks" He smiles and begins eating.

"I know you said you didn't wanna talk about Sofia but did we tell her we had sex?"

"No, as mad as she was if she knew that we slept together she would beat my ass" He laughs. "Sofia is crazy but that's why I love her" I laugh.

"I've actually been wanting to ask you something."

"Don't tell me you're gonna propose to me so early on?" I reply jokingly.

"No" He laughs "I've thought about how i'm gonna go have to go back home In A few weeks and I'm honestly gonna miss you, I know it's gonna be hard to be away from each other for A while but i'll come visit you whenever I can, As of right now I just wanna know would you like to be my girlfriend?"

"Of course, I would love to be your girlfriend" I smile then leaves in kissing him. "Good" He smiles "Now let's finish this food before it gets cold" He begins eating again.

(Last chapter is next chapter, I blessed y'all with 5 more chapters lol)

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