Chapter 8

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This morning I had managed to sneak out of the house before Dad and Maverick had woken up from their sleeps. They must have been exhausted since they hadn't stirred all throughout breakfast and not even Nana's usual joking and my clanking of bowls and spoons had disturbed them. It was of course a huge relief, since I was cowardly about receiving answers to my insecure questions and well, their presence alone was enough to make me sweat uncomfortably.

I made it to school and sat through the first two periods of lessons without bumping into Landon or Aaron, even within the common room before the bell rang. I was relieved that Landon hadn't appeared, though the disappointment I had felt after not coming across Aaron's beautiful face had been like a punch to the gut. I spent my morning panicking and worrying that he perhaps hadn't meant what he implied in his letter and had decided not to bother with me anymore.

That hadn't been the case I'd found out after he sought me out during the first break. He was giving me a chance, he was going to stick around and the thought both excited and terrified me. We had so much to talk about, unpack and understand. He pushed me away because he wanted to protect me, but now he wanted to be with me and protect me from bedside me? I was both awed and troubled by his intentions.

I was damaged and had even purposely sheltered myself from society, but I wasn't completely ignorant. I knew that his proposal was out of the ordinary, that it wasn't his role as an omega to protect me, the alpha. That was my role, my promise to him. But I wasn't able to do so, my PTSD and learned fear of confrontation would always hold me back from being the alpha he needed me to be. It was embarrassing, but if he was willing to stay beside me despite knowing my flaws, then he really was worth falling in love with.

I had to tell him about my PTSD, I had no reason to hold back, in fact it would be irresponsible of me to hold such important information to myself. He had to know my triggers, because it was very likely Aaron himself could trigger me. I couldn't play fight with him like most shifter couples liked to do, or watch him fight with others, he would have to know. On top of that, he would have to know how to help me with my seizures since it was inevitable I would have one around him at some point - especially if we started spending more time together.

I hoped we'd spend more time together.

Smiling softly to myself, I ducked my head, letting my hair fall around me like a veil, shielding me from any onlookers. One more hour until lunch, one more hour until I could spend more time with Aaron and get to know more about him. I saw what everyone else did in school; a beautiful, popular, confident, energetic omega. But there must be more to him than that. Did he like to read? Go for walks in parks? Did we perhaps have anything in common we could share?

Although I was supposed to be paying attention to my math teacher who stood by the interactive whiteboard, aggressively wacking the screen as he solved algebraic equations, I couldn't focus, my mind straying elsewhere. I tore a page out of my notebook and began to scribble a little poem, remembering the little pout he gave me as he shamelessly asked for more. My stomach tightened with glee. I'd done something right. I'd pleased him.

We were lost,
But now we're found.
I missed you dearly,
But you've come around.
My heart is full,
My soul is sound.
I hope you'll stay,
I'm happy when you're around.

Aaron had asked for a fact along with the poems, recognising my shortcomings in conversation. It was sweet of him to give me a way to tell him how I felt when words seemed to fail me. It wasn't so much that I didn't want to talk, but being around him was overwhelming and I felt flustered, my throat choked up. This morning he surprised me, but now I told myself I was more prepared, that I could be more confident. He knew that I was weak, but even if I couldn't be strong in the way that really counted, I could at least do this.

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