Chapter 14

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“Isadore? Is that you?” 

I heard my father call out to me from within the kitchen and wiped at my tears as I toed off my shoes by the front door quickly in an effort to disappear upstairs. I’d hoped to sneak through the hall and up the stairs without being caught, but Dad’s hearing was more perceptive than I gave him credit for. I could’ve made it past Nana. 

My chest was tight, my mind still hazy from the seizure I’d had in the hospital. It wasn’t a bad one, there were no fits but the after effect was just as strong as ever. The out of body experience made my mind blur and my limbs feel heavy and sluggish. 

“Isadore’s cool. He’s practically one of us. He’d never beat an omega half to death, he’s not that type of guy.”

Oliver’s confident words echoed around my head like a screech in a vast cave and I fought the urge I had to cover my ears and drown out the sound. If only they knew what I’d done. I wasn’t safe, I wasn’t cool. No, I was the real monster they knew alpha’s to be, I’d just deceived them. God, I was a horrible, horrible person.

“Isadore? What’s the matter sweetheart? You came home so soon and-” Nana’s frail voice became an unclear mumble in the back of my mind. My fingers began to tremble uncontrollably, my dry mouth parted and closed, gasping for air. For a few seconds, I couldn’t see a thing until finally, the world around me came into focus. 

Tarlo was sitting on his bed, staring at me, smiling that innocent, taunting smile, his brown eyes wide, his deformed head wobbling and pulsing thick streams of blood. The side that had caved under my fists was pointing towards me and instantly, my stomach lurched, the bile rising up my throat with force. I can’t be sure if I was sick or not, but I was frozen, unable to move as we locked gazes. 

My little brother sighed, kicking his short, skinny legs with a pout. “You’re so naughty, you know that? Lying is bad, you’ll go to hell with all the bad wolfies. Look what you did to me!” He scrambled off the bed, crawling closer to me on his hands and knees, a trail of metallic blood trailing behind him. I could almost smell it’s bitterness. 

“Would Aaron still think you were an innocent angel if he knew what you did? After Landon beat him up, he’d think you were no better. Maybe he’s right, I mean, an alpha who can kill his baby brother is no different than an alpha who beats on omegas for fun. You all prey on the weak.” 

I shook my head, my throat tight, a ball of pain-filled tears lodged there, making breathing become difficult. I’m not like Landon… It was an accident. I didn’t mean to kill Tarlo and maybe if Aaron understood that, he would forgive me. He wouldn’t be scared of me… he wouldn’t be… 

“You were angry,” Tarlo pointed out, stopping only a meter away and sitting up straighter. He twiddled his thumbs playfully, regarding me with a tilted head, making blood pour from his ears. The red was everywhere. “You were angry, you wanted to hurt me. Landon was angry. He wanted to hurt Aaron. Same same, it’s all the same,” he sang with a grin.

“Maybe… I should tell him!” He clapped his hands in delight, those haunting brown eyes sparkling with mirth. “I’ll tell him what’cha did! How you killed me, and how you lied to him!” He sighed, shuffling the rest of the way forward and laying his head on my thigh. I thought I could see his brains through the blood. My heart was hammering so hard in my chest it wanted to rip it’s way through my flesh. 

“You don’t deserve him and deep down, you know it. I’m not allowed to be happy ‘cause you killed me. So you have to be sad too. Tell Aaron, I dare you!” 

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