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hello reader(s) !! this is my first ever ff and im been wanting to do this ff as the plot of the story somehow quite similar from what i experienced in my life. some of them based on my experience and some of them based on my imagination (plus thanks to someone whos helping me to plot out this story hehe) . 

this ff will be updated every week with two or three chapters and i hope u guys can patiently wait for the next chapter as im still a student, but dont worry. ill be graduated early next year and i probably have more free time at that time, hoping i can release more ff in the future hehe.

for your information, English is not my mother language as i was raised and lived in Malaysia but i still considered myself apparently good in English. if there are any grammatical errors in this ff, feel free to correct me as im still have much to learn.

without wasting your time, i present to u ENEMIES MAKE THE BEST LOVERS which u guys can experience some part of my life. ENJOYYYYYYYY >,< 

- jun

enemies make the best lovers // joanne shin x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now