5 - Y/N's Life

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Y/N walked away from them, while rubbing his face that been slapped by Joanne. It doesn't hurt much but somehow it feels numb. He rambled around the school because he have nowhere to go and don't know where to go. 

"IT JUST A FUCKING GAME !!" Y/N let out a bawl of irritation, as he was losing his mind. Some of the students around him, looked at him weirdly. They mumbled to each other as they were talking about Y/N's weird behavior.

"It is my first time hearing Y/N cussing." One of the student said.

Being the President of PSC, is never been easy for Y/N. The teachers trusted in him which eventually made him the president during the PSC election. Besides, he is one of the top student in his school, maybe in the country also. He also created a history for the school, being qualified to the 60th International Mathematical Olympiad 2019. His team booked the 3rd place of the competition overall, which is an outstanding achievement for himself and his country, Republic of Korea. 

Besides being excellent in studies, he is also a part of the school taekwondo team. He has the first-dan black belt, which made everybody fears to start a fight with him especially the delinquents. Every girls are really into him. But Y/N never accept their feelings, as it was a waste of time.

In short,

He is a well-rounded student.


No one knows about his background life.

Except for Chris, and Lucy.


"Where to go?" I asked myself.

I rambled around the school with no place to reach. It was break time now, but I have no appetite at all. Besides, I want to be alone right now.

I walked aimlessly for five minutes, until I found myself at the school garden.

I walked aimlessly for five minutes, until I found myself at the school garden

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( this is what it looks like from my view )

"Haaa.... The roses make me feel relaxed." I said to myself, started walking along the pathway. 

I observed everything in this garden. There are many flowers been planted here, some of them are ready to bloom and some of them are wilted. Everything is beautiful here, plus the surrounding here is strangely quiet as no one have been here before. It's a definition of true serenity.

As I keep on walking, my pocket suddenly vibrating, which eventually made me stop from walking. I sneaked my hands into my pocket, to reach my phone. I took it out, saw bunch of notifications :

20 missed calls from Lucy.


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