9.2 - Pieces Being Put Together

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I went inside the faculty room quickly, as the clumsiness inside of me has been unleashing when Y/N is around my gaze. Why do I always trip myself in front of him? Ugh, fuck these legs.

But to be honest, Y/N has been repeatedly reaching his hand out every time my clumsiness is triggered even though Julia and Lucy could help me.

What's with you these days?

"Haksaeng, you have been standing there for a minute now. Is there anything I can help you with?" One of the staff asked me.

"Oh, joesonghamnida. I wanted to ask where is Mr. Baek's place." I bowed at a 90-degree angle as I didn't realise that I was spacing out.


"Tsk... she tripped herself for the hundredth time." I scoffed while waiting for her outside the room.

I somehow had this peculiar feeling whenever I was preventing Joanne from falling down. Slowly this vague feeling makes me travel back to my past life.

Which I barely could recall.


I was having a stroll around my neighbourhood, as I wanted to breathe some fresh air.

"Y/N-ahhhh!" A girl's voice calling my name.

"Eo Ddangie-ah." She went closer to me, eventually clinging onto my arm.

"I miss you so much, Y/N." She pouted her face.

" She pouted her face

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"Yaa.. we just met each other yesterday."

"B-but I still miss you." She keeps on pouting.

"If so, let's do something fun," I smirked.


"Yes." I locked my eyes with hers, watching her confused face.

"Paboya. You wanna play tag at the park?"

"YES YES !!" She jubilantly raised her fist up. She started to hasten her movement to the park, while me eyeing her from far.

"Ppaliwa Y/N-ahh!"

"On my way." She was running energetically as I slowly catching her pace up.

Unfortunately, she fell down on the ground due to her clumsiness. She didn't realised that she tripped over a small stone while she was sprinting her way to the park.

"Hwuaghhh! It hurts, Y/N-ahhhhhh...." She bawled in agony, while continuously calling my name.

"As expected." I sighed for while. I already knew this would happen. Couldn't help much but I approached her.

enemies make the best lovers // joanne shin x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now