6 - The Feelings

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I was in sick-bay, accompanied by Giselle. Chris wasn't with both of us now because he need to settle something.

"Geez Joanne... you shouldn't slap Y/N just because he threw the ball to you." She convinced me, as I was still mad about it.

"He deserved it, ughh." I groaned.

"Jo.. there's something that you don't know about Y/N yet." Giselle said, as it was a serious thing.


"Y/N is a-actually the P-President of PSC in our school..."

"PSC? President? What's that?" I questioned her.

"He is responsible about students' welfare in school, PSC is actually a party that holds the highest authority in our school. PSC stands for Party of School Council." She stated, in a brief way.

"In short, you can say he is an influential student" She said, but eventually giggled out of nowhere. Her face suddenly went red, when talking about Y/N.

What's wrong with her? And how can that brat can have such high responsibility when he can't handle his own ego? Chris is actually better than him.

"Why are you blushing out of sudden?" I asked.

"O-ohh d-did I?" She stuttered.

"It's so obvious..." I said.

"U-umm.. he actually saved me from being harassed by some flirty guys"

"He was so cool back then."

"I kinda have a c-crush on him since that day." There you go, she stuttered again.

I rolled my eyes, as it made me feel disgusted and annoyed. I don't know why. I simply hate everything about him, since our first day of school. Nothing about him that can convince me to become his friend, or maybe NEVER.


I was in class with bunch of students, after finishing our English's lesson. Everyone busy doing their own stuffs, while me here relaxing myself, scrolling down my phone. Nothing much interesting topic to be talked about GOT7, my favourite K-pop group.

I realised that Y/N is nowhere to be found. He hasn't got back to the class after the break time. To be precise, he hasn't got back for two hours. Some of the students are talking about the earlier incident, glanced at me with weird faces.

"She's crazy."

"It's so brave of her."

"Wonder what happens between them next."

They were murmuring about me, without realising I can hear them gossiping. I looked at them with cold face, and they went back to their seats.

"Why would I care about him?" I said to myself.

"Jo?" someone called my name. Well, I already know who is that person.

 Well, I already know who is that person

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