10 - The Reaction of Apprehension

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"Our School President and his fellow partner, Shin Ryujin!" Mr. Baek said enthusiastically.

"WHATTTT ?!" Y/N and Joanne said in unison while looking at each other, disgusted.

Almost everyone is cheering in astonishment, having no idea that both of them would be chosen as the class' representative.

Y/N who is vehemently disagreed with his homeroom teacher's announcement stood up from his seat.

"Seonsaeng-nim. There are a lot of students in our class who are way more talented than me."

"I see nothing but only you and Joanne." Everyone is cooing over Mr. Baek's response.

"Seonsaeng-nim!" Y/N raised up his voice but not at a level where it is sounded rude for Mr. Baek. His whine is enough for the class to burst into laughter.

Joanne on the other side, watching Y/N who is still refusing to participate in the event with her as his partner.

"Another apocalypse." she huffed, making no eye contact with Y/N.

Joanne also doesn't want to participate in the event with Y/N as her partner, not after she witnessed Y/N was pecked by Lucy with her own eyes.

Since that day, she slowly becomes sickened at his presence.

Or probably, her thought is just filled with jealously.

"C'mon Y/N! I bet your dancing is way better than me." Hyunjin commented as the others agreed on what just he said.

Y/N could only scoff. He then slouches in his seat.

He scanned the faces of each student in the class thoroughly, only to discover that everyone is imploring him to participate in the event.

"Yahhh Bae Y/N! Just do it, will ya?" Chris finally spoke out as he was trying to restrain himself from laughing even more.

Nothing else he could do so he just reluctantly agreed to take part in the event.

"Fine.. I'm in." Y/N uttered.

The class went wild with joy after hearing those words from Y/N himself. Y/N shook his head in embarrassment and then putting in his AirPods.

Mr. Baek glanced at the annoyed Y/N while shaking his head before a small smile was drawn on his face.

He then averted his gaze on his beloved students.

"Alright kid! I think that's it for this morning. Behave well and for Ryujin..."

Joanne who was called by Mr. Baek didn't react anything to his response as she was staring at the wall for minutes.

(A/N: friendly reminder, ryujin changed her seat and now she's sitting next to yeji - their table are in the same row as Y/N but they are sitting at the lower right corner. so basically Y/N is sitting alone again :'D)



"SHIN RYUJIN-HAKSAENG?!" Mr. Baek raised his voice, which made the students to flinch slightly including Joanne who already got back to her senses.

"Y-yesss seonsaeng-nim?" Joanne responded, looking at her teacher with a pang of guilt in her eyes.

"Are you good being Y/N's partner for the event?"

"Ermm u-umm yeah. I'm good." She actually hesitated but for the sake of her teacher and class, she agreed.

"Good. Enjoy your next class kids!" Mr. Baek bidded his goodbye while the students stood up and bowed to him before he left the class.

enemies make the best lovers // joanne shin x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now