11 - The Bond Breaking

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"Don't waste my time," Joanne uttered from her seat without looking at Y/N, at the same time playing with her phone.

"Neither do I." Y/N retorted back while packing up his belongings before he approaches her seat. Nobody else was in 5-1's room as everyone already left after the last school bell has been rung, leaving only both Y/N and Joanne in the class.

Accompanied by the sound of a calm breeze, Y/N is still contemplating whether his idea is a good one or he's just preparing for the worst.

"Let's make a deal," Y/N said, standing in front of Joanne's seat with his bag is slung over his left shoulder.

"Huh? What kind of deal do you want me to agree?" She huffed.

"Such a dumbass." He firmly poked her forehead, making Joanne slightly step backwards

"I swear I want to rip your mouth apart."

"I'm not in the mood to argue. Now follow me." Y/N then walked out of the class, but Joanne still standing at her spot while eyeing Y/N's movement. She scoffed before catching up with Y/N, already far from her peripheral vision.

"Slow down, you bastard!" She yelled to Y/N but Y/N is just being Y/N, as always. Turning a deaf ear to Joanne and, keep on walking somewhere. Joanne restrained herself from yelling even more because she's still in school. She just followed him from behind in a huff.


"Yah! What are we doing here?"

Both Y/N and Joanne are currently in front of the school's dance studio, where most of the time would be occupied by the school dance team. They are fortunate because no one is using the room, considering the time is almost 2.30 p.m.

"Practice, dumbass." Y/N rolled his eyes before reaching out his hand on the doorknob.






"Fuck, who locked the room?" Y/N muttered as he twisted the doorknob countless times. But to no avail, there's no sign the door will open.

He diverted his gaze from the door to Joanne, who is leaning against the wall with her earphone on. She looked at him then gave a what-are-you-looking-at face.

"The room is locked."

"So, what can I do about it?"

"Go to the guard room. Ask for the studio key."

Y/N's command made Joanne straighten up from her leaning position before giving him her well-known disgusted look.

Y/N's command made Joanne straighten up from her leaning position before giving him her well-known disgusted look

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"What the fuck... I don't know where the hell is the guard room at."

"That's not my problem. You are just too lazy to look around the school."

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