8 - A Piece of Realisation

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Right now, I am in the locker room after the detention class - bringing some books to study during the weekend as I have no plans. 

"Biology, Chemistry, English... ah that's it." I put the books in my bag, wear it and ready to leave the room. I stepped out from the room and took my phone from my pocket, seeing if there any important messages for me.

3 missed calls from Chris Bang

"Huh?" I squeezed my eyes. My phone is on silent, so that's why I couldn't hear any call ringtone while I was in the locker room.

I called him back.

No response.

I called again.

Still no response.

I called him for the third time, and he answers the call.

"Mwo?" I said in a stern voice.

"Mate, meet me up at our usual place." He replied.

"Tsk! I just finished my detention and I want to have some rest, besides I'm still in the school." 

"It's not that tomorrow is school. Come over here, brainy."

"Don't call me that. It's disgusting." 

"Whatever mate. Just come here will ya?"

"Fine, drongo." I sighed, then he ended the call.

Whatever. It's not that I want to rush back home, hanging out with him would probably lessen my fatigue. I took the stairs down to the school lobby, which led me to the school gate. I walked to the place that Chris asked me to go, which I obviously knew where is it.


I finally reached the place, about five minutes of walking from my school. I walked slowly to our hangout spot, as my path surrounded with steel fences. Then, I saw someone who was sitting at the bench, still with his school uniform and beer in his grip. 

"Oh Y/N!" Chris called me out, as we are a few meters apart. Chris threw a can of beer to me, and I caught it perfectly.

"You just asked me to come here to drink?" I groaned.

"Yah! It's been awhile for us to hangout together. We are always busy with the council meetings and stuffs." He told me, sipping his beer afterwards.

"When we'll be ever enjoying ourselves together again?" He sighed.

He's right. I rarely go out with him for quite awhile now, since both of us are appointed as the members of PSC. I pulled the tab on my beer,  took a sip of it and sat leisurely at the huge rock which facing to Chris.

We sat down facing each other, talking some random stuffs of course with beers in our hand. The atmosphere between us keep on changing, depends on the topic we were talking about - until Chris abruptly asked me about my childhood days.


This is a great time to ask him. 

"Ay Y/N. Do you remember anything about your lost friend?" I asked him, with a quizzical smile of mine.

I looked at Y/N's face which tilted downward a bit. He drinks his beer until it's all finished, put the beer aside then looked at me. He looks like he's starting to get drunk, as his cheeks started to go red.

"Suddenly?" He squinted.

"Why not?" I said, imitated Haaland's voice when he was being interviewed. 

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