4 - The Inception

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We are at in front of her house. We spent our time together in the cafe for hours. Chilling, eating, talking, teasing and what else? I probably forgot everything what we have done, but my mood eventually get better whenever I'm with her. She's my tranquility that I seek for.

"Aaaaa can't I spend more time with you?" Lucy pouted her face, looks like a baby. So cute.

"Nope. We have school tomorrow and it's getting darker now." I said seriously.

"Hmphh ! You got no jams." She said, giving me an annoyed look.

"Yaa, yaa, yaaa !! Your parents must be worried about you. It's already 6.30 p.m."

"R-right..." She replied. "Um I should get inside then."

"As you should."

She turned away from me and reaching her front gate. 

But I grabbed her wrist, pulled her body towards me and hugged her. Lucy didn't expected it to happen but eventually hugged me back while I was ruffling her brown hair. 

"You always there for me, and I'm thankful for it."

"I'm happy to be your most beloved bestfriend." I continued, but my voice was trembling. I can feel the stream of tears flowing down to my face.

She gently rubbed my back. It made me feel secure. Only with her.

I slowly broke our hug, and she wiped the remaining tears on my face.

"You're a crybaby, but you look cute somehow hihi~" She teased me, which made me blushing.

"I should get going now, see yaa tomorrow !!" She bid her goodbye and went inside.

I should get going too.


I was on my bed, just finished regaining my hygiene. I didn't take my dinner as I was still full by the café's food. I reached my phone, as I wanted to play a playlist of songs which helps me to relax. I just shuffle the song where it randomly plays any song, putting my airpods on my ears and waiting the songs do its job.

I got up from my bed and went to my desk. I have some works to be done. Algebra, PSC stuffs and 'her'.

"I hope you are doing great now."

"I'm sorry."

"I miss you so much."

I opened my drawer, revealing a photocard of me. And 'her'. It was taken during our the school sports day. I sighed and closed the drawer back.

"She must be hating me for what I've done." I muttered. Then, I continue completing my tasks and went to the bed after that. 


I took my pills, swallowed it with water as I feel dizzy after coming back home.

"Hurmm.. It's fine now." I said.

I rested myself on my queen bed, as I feel drowsy after taking my pills. I took my earphone, put it on my ears and play this song as I wanted to feel peace while doing my homeworks on my bed.

"Maybe it's just a bad day, not a bad life." I said to myself, eventually dozed off after completing my homeworks.

The next morning

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