3 - The Meeting

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It was our meeting between the Party of School Council (PSC) and teachers in our school auditorium to present our activities and programs that will be done in third semester. As all of the teachers and members filled their seats, Y/N started the meeting with his exceptional speech.

 As all of the teachers and members filled their seats, Y/N started the meeting with his exceptional speech

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(Our school auditorium looks like this)

"Thank you for your most appreciated attendance to our meeting, for thus making this meeting a possibility. It's a pleasure being here as your moderator for our first PSC Meeting of school year 2020/21. I'm Bae Y/N, with current position as President of PSC, would like to start our meeting with the agendas that will be presented by some of our members. To begin our PSC Meeting, I'd like to invite Julia Choi, Secretary of PSC to deliver our agendas today." Julia stepped onto the stage, replacing Y/N who just finished his part. 

As Julia has finished presenting her agendas, Y/N went to the stage again and called me by my name to present the next agendas of the meeting. I was feeling a little bit of anxious and my palms already sweating as hell before I even explaining the agendas.

"Next, I'd like to call Lucy Hwang, our PSC Vice-President to continue our agendas this morning." He averted his view to me, gave me a subtle smile before leaving the stage. "I feel much better now." I muttered while on my way to the stage.

I adjusted the microphone before I carry on with the agendas. "Thank you Y/N, for the warm welcome."

Everything went well at first. The teachers and members were really into my agendas, as I was talking about student exchange programs for the top students in our school. Until this one moment, I accidentally said:

"As I mentioned earlier, the 'trashers' can.." 

"Did you just called us teachers as TRASHER?" One of the teacher interrupted my speech from his seat. Everyone inside the auditorium could hear his resonant voice.

"She such a bad example to the school." Another teacher interfered.

"How can she become our vice-president?"

"No manners."

"How dare she describe us as a trash?"

I surrounded with hateful, vicious and some of the teachers teased me in offensive ways just because I slipped out of my mouth. I swiftly ran to the exit door, with my tears started to flowing on my face. I don't care about the meeting anymore. All I want to do is run away from them. 



"Hey, hey, hey. It's alright, let it out Lucy. Let it out." I hugged her, patted her back as I wanted to comfort her. No one was around so it's fine for me to do it.

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