9.1 - Pieces Being Put Together

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Y/N had just left the school mart, after buying his favourite bread and drink - sausage bread rolls with green tea milk. He was on his way back to class with a spring in his step, until he stumbled upon Ryujin at the corridor.

"Ssup Ryu!" Y/N greeted while playfully smacked her head with his fist.

"YAHHHH !! You scared the hell out of me." Ryujin flinched a bit as she was taken aback by Y/N's sudden presence.

"Heol... did I scare you with my handsome face?" He teased her while doing the flower pose.

"Handsome face my foot." Ryujin glared at Y/N.

"Where are you from?" She continued.

Y/N showed her the food and drink he bought from the mart, which he was holding it on his left hand.

"Ahh, mart?" Y/N nodded slowly.

"Tsk. You should have bring me instead."

"You always gone when I wanna bring you to somewhere."

"Don't you think you are acting like an itinerant?" Y/N said, as he was grinning.

"Yahh! Isn't that too harsh?" Ryujin crossed her arms, revealing her well-known poker face.

"You really look like a monkey right now." I patted her head. 

"This monkey is more handsome than you." She scoffed, and Y/N just can't help but giggle to Ryujin's reply.

"I'll get going first. My food is calling me so see you at class." He said.

"Not as easy as that..." Ryujin took one of Y/N's bread and ran away from Y/N, as fast as she could.

"THANKS FOR THE FREE FOOD Y/N-AHHHHHH !!" Ryujin yelled at him, as her figure slowly disappeared from Y/N's view.

It took a second for Y/N to realise that one of his sausage roll was snatch by Ryujin. He was about to chase her, but he was too lazy to haste his movement.

"Waaa... I swear to God this girl is giving me her bad luck." Y/N spoke to himself, while looking at his food.

"Hmm still got two rolls left. Just let her be." He shrugged his mind, while continuing his way to his class.


Y/N paid for his goods to the cashier, while looking around to find the person. He is still irritated about what just happened just now. 

"Your balance is ₩1,000, and here's your receipt." The cashier said formally to Y/N.

"Kamsahamnida." He bowed low to the cashier, then leaving the spot.


He keeps on scanning each and every part of the supermarket. People around him thinking that Y/N is a weirdo because he rambled almost entire of the supermarket. Five minutes has passed, but to no avail, he couldn't track her.

"Tchhh.. how can she escaped so fast from me?" He scoffed, then proceeding his steps to the exit door. As soon as he stepped out from the supermarket, he saw a slim figure with a short highlight dark blue hair and baggy green hoodie sitting on a bench which is few meters away from Y/N.


I was resting on a bench, since my legs cramped after all those running saga I did earlier. I wonder how would Y/N react with my childish action later. 

enemies make the best lovers // joanne shin x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now