12 - The Absorption of Energy

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A boy and a girl were hastily prowling side by side as the girl led the way, holding the boy's hand. The boy seemed to be bewildered by the girl's bold action, albeit he was enjoying the brief moment with his crush. His face glowed red but thankfully, the girl paid no attention to him as her eyes were still fixated on the path.

"Lucy, where are we going?" Chris finally broke the silence. Before Lucy could even utter a word, they had reached in front a wrought-iron gateway leading to an unexplored garth.

Lucy glanced at Chris' side profile to take a view of his reaction upon seeing full dense greenery, colourful blossoms beyond the gateway. He seemed perplexed, but yet she could see his eyes were full of astonishment, despite him saying nothing.

"This is just the beginning, Chris." She giggled before bringing him to pass through the gateway. Having no choice of not doing so, he just went along with it and wondered why she took him here and why he hasn't passed by this place.

The moment they passed the gateway together, the present time seemed frozen as if they just entered another realm.

"What's this place...?" Chris muttered under his breath, gazing in awe at the surreal yet fascinating vicinity. The purple colour of flowers bloomed abundantly in their surroundings. Endorphins were slowly sent to their body, making them feel nothing but pure serenity.

There was a brief silence between them before Lucy decided to break it.

"I had a hunch that I should bring you here, you know," she said while looking at his face. He was still awing at the queer nature inside the garden.

"This place looks so strange but beautiful at the same time."

"You're just like me when I first discovered this garden."

"So, this wasn't your first time being here?" She nodded as a response.

As both of them were strolling around the mystical garden, Chris sensed something was a little bit off after they set foot in this place for a while. He then decided to ask the girl beside him, who was busy observing the florae in the garden.

"Hey, Lucy."

"Hm?" She hummed before starting to focus on him.

"Do you have any idea where we are right now? This place doesn't seem to exist in our world." Chris asked with a tone of curiosity in his words.

"Exactly. This garden doesn't even exist in our world. Technically, only certain people have access to this place." Lucy said before averting her eyes to a purple flower she was admiring.

"So that means..."

"We are somehow linked to this place or to someone we know." She cut his trailing voice, trying to clear his upcoming assumptions on this place.

"Okay... I get your point, though I'm still not convinced on why you brought me here in the first place." He raised one of his eyebrows, wanting to know the reason for her impromptu action.

Lucy looked back on his face, sighing.

"You really wanna know?"

"If that explains why we're here, then I'm down."

"Fine... Don't call me a creep later or I'm gonna leave you here alone." Lucy jokingly intimidated Chris as he snickered afterwards.

"Yah, is it that serious? Fine, let's hear it," Chris said and found themselves a bench which was within eyeshot, so he motioned her to sit there.

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