7 - Detention Class

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Right now, I'm on my way to school. Like usual, I always being accompany with Chris even though I resisted him because it'll be a burden to him. I can feel that we are getting close to each other although we just met for a week, but he is a nice guy you know?

"Why does he always remind me of him?" I thought to myself.

It just that I miss you a lot.

Why do I still thinking about you?

"Oiii Jo! Hurry up!" Chris shouted at me, only me realising that he is already far in front of me. Heol.. I must be daydreaming again. I catch him up, because I don't like being left behind.


We both arrived at school, and as always most of the students would stare at us. But we don't ever bother about it because there is a saying,

"They keep talking, I keep walking..."

Basically it's my life motto, not caring about others opinions about me. I just need to be myself hehe.

"Jo, I'm gonna settle something first." Chris said, while looking on his phone. His voice told me that it's a serious thing.

"Oh okay. See you later then!" I replied, then he walked away.

I continue my way to the class, while gazing around the scenery of my school area. Until I saw a gateway which pretty near to my class. I took a quick glance at my watch.

 7.45 a.m. 

"I have around 15 minutes left, so why not?" I thought.

I decided to go to the gateway, because I curious what will it lead me to. I look closer to it, white in colour and no rust engulfed in it. 

Without hesitation, I opened the gate slowly making sure that the gate doesn't make any squeaky sound. As soon as it been opened, my hazel eyes couldn't believe what it just saw.

 As soon as it been opened, my hazel eyes couldn't believe what it just saw

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"IS THIS A SCHOOL GARDEN OR HEAVEN?!" I screamed internally. 

I feel like I'm in a castle as it's my first time seeing this kind of garden. It give me a sudden calm because of its picturesque view and it reminds me something from my past.


I was in sixth grade at that time, our last year in elementary school before graduating. We were busy preparing our final examination where the result from the examination will help us to continue our study in our chosen middle school.

I was in my classroom alone, studying all by myself because I prefer studying alone than in group with my earphone on to help me focus. Not until when someone softly poked my shoulder. 

"Ryujin-ssi..." He said.

"Couldn't you see I'm studying right now?" I replied in annoyed way.

enemies make the best lovers // joanne shin x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now