1 - The Encounter

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She wrapped her hands on his neck while Y/N was holding her waist. They locked eyes. Their lips are two inch to be touched. And eventually they...


Y/N's phone keeps on repeating the same verse of ITZY - Wannabe which made him awake from his wonderful dream. His alarm ringtone is too loud until his parents could get up from deep sleep.

" This fucking alarm spoiled my dream. " groaned Y/N

" Y/N SWEETIEE WAKE UP NOW OR YOU WILL BE LATE TO SCHOOL !!" his mum yelled from downstairs

Y/N unwillingly to get up from his bed as he wanted to continue his dream but it is his first day to school after a long summer break. He strip his clothes, wrap his naked body with towel and go to the bathroom to prepare himself.

*five minutes later*

He gets out from the bathroom with fresh face but still feels annoyed by the alarm. He shooks his head and goes to his huge black closet. He grabs his school uniform which already been ironed by himself and wears it.

 He grabs his school uniform which already been ironed by himself and wears it

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(basically what his school uniform looks like)

After that he grooms his hair gently using flat iron and comb, preparing everything what he could before leaving his bedroom.

"Damn Y/N. You look really cool this morning." he said in front of a mirror.

He grasped his bag and walked out from his room. He went downstairs and saw his breakfast is ready to eat, which make him feel contented. He took his seat and ate it silently. It was his favourite food ; omelette fried rice. 

"Thanks for the food mum !" said Y/N in laudatory way.

"Not a problem boy." his mum replied. "Now get up from your seat and prepare for school."

"I know mum. I'm already grown up." 

"Alright big boy, stay safe at school okay? Befriend with someone good and study well boy !"

"Yeah yeah I get it mum." he chuckled. "Goodbye mum ! See you tonight." Y/N waved his hand to his mum as he went straight to his school.


It was a calm morning filled with chirping voices by a flock of birds. The morning breeze made me feel even more relaxed as I am excited to meet my boys again after two months of holiday.

"I cannot wait to meet them!" 

10 minutes later

enemies make the best lovers // joanne shin x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now